
ILDs are a group of rare lung diseases with severe outcomes. Current preclinical models fail to accurately recapitulate the diverse genetic causes of ILD. Induced pluripotent stem cell (iPSC) generated alveolar cells and macrophages are an emerging model of disease. The Training School (TS) funded by the COST Innovator Grand and supported by the ERS Clinical Research Collaboration, chILD-EU, aimed to train researchers in skills required to generate a robust preclinical model of ILD using iPSCs. This study describes and evaluates the effectiveness of this TS. 

We employed a novel hybrid-teaching model of Hands-on and Observer groups to deliver the practical sessions. The Hands-On group (HOG, n=16) performed experiments under the supervision of expert trainers while the Observer group (OG, n=15) could follow the process via a live video and audio stream. After completion of the TS, all participants were asked to fill in an anonymous evaluation. 

Of the 31 total trainees, 77.4% were females. 75% of the HOG trainees described themselves as researchers, 25% as clinicians and all OG trainees self-described as clinicians. All of the HOG attendees rated their satisfaction at least "very satisfied" compared to 70% of the OG attendees. The knowledge assessment showed that the HOG trainees retained significantly more knowledge of iPSC characteristics and culturing techniques compared to the OG participants (*<0.05; p=0.0457).

Our findings demonstrate the feasibility of running a teaching event which is a hybrid of hands-on and observer groups and underlines the importance of this type of training which can appeal to both clinical and research based trainees.