
Background:142patients were examined in post covid clinic in Pulmonary Department of General Hospital G.Papanikolaou, Thessaloniki, Greece. 62patients were examined 1 month after disease, 32patients after 3months, 30patients after 6months and 18patients 1year after disease.

Aims:the main purpose of the study is to examine if hospitalized patients had defferent long covid symptoms than non-hospitalized patients. Secondary aim is the existance of correlation of long covid symptoms with gender and age

Methods: a questionnaire of 25 long covid symptoms was given to each patient, according to the international literature. The results were processed with SPSS statistical programme. 110patients responded to the questionnaires 

Results:84 patients(76.4%) of 110 had been hospitalized during covid19 disease, while 26(23.6%) had not

Most frequent long covid symptoms of 84 hospitalized patients were: fatigue (65.5%-55patients), generalized weakness (58.3%-49patients), shortness of breath (31%-26patients), tachycardia (25%-21patients) 

Most frequent long covid symptoms of 26 non-hospitalized patients were:fatigue (53.8%-14patients), cough and weakness (42.3%-11patients), tachycardia (23,1%-6patients), myalgia (30.8%-8patients), shortness of breath, difficulty concentraning and depression (26.9%-7patients)

Secondary outcomes: no correlation was found between gender or age and long covid symptoms

Conclusion: non-hospitalized patients appears the same symptoms as hospitalized patients even 1year after disease. An important limitation of the study is the small number of the sample of non-hospitalized patients. A larger population is needed to prove that long covid syndrome is here and is not be confused with post intensive care syndrome