EU Projects

Panel discussion on Digital Adherence Technologies in TB care: new avenues for patient support

Panel discussion on Digital Adherence Technologies in TB care: new avenues for patient support

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ERS Webinar DATs Unite4TB

28 September, 2023 | Online

13:00-14:00 CEST

Chairs: Prof. Dr. Christoph Lange (Borstel, Germany); Prof. Dr. Raquel Duarte (Porto, Portugal)
Speakers: Mr. Job Van Rest (The Hague, The Netherlands); Ms. Rabbiya Ahmad (Penang, Malaysia); Dr. Yvan Jean Patrick Agbassi (Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire)


In addition to the development of new treatments, the use of innovative patient support technologies such as digital adherence technologies (DATs) offer hope in the fight against tuberculosis. During this webinar we will share (1) experiences from countries that introduced these technologies, (2) provide a synthesis of the evidence on the impact of these technologies in both clinical trials and programs and (3) describe how Unite4TB will employ these innovate patient support technologies as part of the planned trials.

Educational aims

The aim is to provide participants with valuable insights, experiences, and evidence related to DATs, enabling them to expand their knowledge base, make informed decisions, and potentially apply these technologies effectively in clinical practice or research settings.


  • Share DAT implementation lessons learned from countries and trials
  • Share latest evidence on impact of DATs on adherence, health outcomes and other indicators
  • Present DAT related activities planned as part of the Unite4TB trials

Target audience:

  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Decision Makers
  • Policy Makers
  • Researchers
  • TB Community


Webinar will be divided into 2 parts (of approximately 30 mins. each):
? For the first 30 minutes, the speaker Kristian Van Kalmthout will discuss the use of innovative patient support technologies such as digital adherence technologies (DATs) in the fight against tuberculosis.
? The second half of the webinar will be filled with an open discussion, moderated by Raquel Duarte and Christoph Lange, giving the opportunity to the participants of sharing perspectives on the topics presented and/or posing questions to the speaker.

Learning outcomes

At the end of this talk, participants will be able to:

  • Understand the implementation and outcomes of digital adherence technologies (DATs)
  • Evaluate the evidence on the impact of DATs in both clinical trials and programs.
  • Explore the application of innovative patient support technologies in planned trials conducted by Unite4TB