Educational Webinars

Panel discussion on bronchiectasis in children - 16 OCTOBER, 2023

Panel discussion on bronchiectasis in children - 16 OCTOBER, 2023

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ERS and ESPR Joint Webinar
16 October, 2023 | Online

18:00-19:00 CEST


Paediatric bronchiectasis is a hot topic due to increasing awareness in children and adolescents. It is a chronic pulmonary disorder associated with poor quality of life for the patients and their parents, recurrent exacerbations, and costs to the family and health systems.

Educational aims

During this session the definition, pathogenesis and underlying causes, radiological findings and treatment of paediatric bronchiectasis will be covered. Cases with paediatric bronchiectasis will be demonstrated with MCQs. Participants will have the opportunity to enrich their knowledge in this entity.

Learning objectives:

  • To understand causes and pathogenesis of paediatric bronchiectasis
  • To familiarise with clinical presentation of pediatric bronchiectasis
  • To recognise the radiological aspects of this entity