EU Projects

Panel discussion: the importance of getting the dose right in anti-tuberculosis treatment - 23 NOVEMBER, 2023

Panel discussion: the importance of getting the dose right in anti-tuberculosis treatment - 23 NOVEMBER, 2023

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ERS/UNITE4TB webinar

23 November, 2023 | Online

13:00-14:00 CET

Chairs: Prof. Dr Christoph Lange (Borstel, Germany); Prof. Dr Raquel Duarte (Porto, Portugal)
Speakers: Dr. Elin Svensson (Uppsala, Sweden)
Discussants: Dr. Andrii Dudnyk (Vinnytsia, Ukraine), Dr. Wandini Lutchmun (Munich, Germany)


To successfully treat tuberculosis it is an absolute necessity that the antimicrobial agents used reaches the site of infection in sufficient amounts. This is ensured by carefully selected doses, accounting for patient factors and potential interactions with co-administered compounds.

Educational aims

To understand the link between drug doses and treatment outcome, and the principal processes governing the relation.


  • Why the dose matters - link to outcome
  • The main pharmacokinetic processes (absorption, distribution, metabolism, elimination)
  • Site-of-disease pharmacokinetics in pulmonary TB
  • Combination treatment and drug-drug interactions
  • The population approach - use of mathematical models

Target audience

  • Healthcare Professionals
  • Decision Makers
  • Policy Makers
  • Researchers
  • TB Community


The webinar will be divided into 2 parts:

  • For the first 20 minutes, the speaker Elin Svensson will discuss the role of pharmacology in modern clinical studies of novel anti-tuberculosis trials.
  • The second half of the webinar will be filled with an open discussion, moderated by Raquel Duarte and Christoph Lange, giving the opportunity to the participants of sharing perspectives on the topics presented and/or posing questions to the speaker.

Learning objectives

  • Basic understanding for the processes that determines drug exposures
  • The link between drug exposure and treatment outcome
  • Specific challenges in combination therapy in anti-tuberculosis treatment




UNITE4TB is a public-private partnership with representation from academic institutions, small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), public organisations, and pharmaceutical companies. The 7-year, €185 million project aims to accelerate and improve the clinical evaluation of combinations of existing and novel drugs, with the goal of developing new and highly active Tuberculosis (TB) treatment regimens for drug-resistant and -sensitive TB. For more information, visit the consortium website:




The UNITE4TB project has received funding from the Innovative Medicines Initiative 2 Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 101007873. The JU receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and EFPIA, Deutsches Zentrum für Infektionsforschung e. V. (DZIF), and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU). EFPIA/AP contribute to 50% of funding, whereas the contribution of DZIF and the LMU University Hospital Munich has been granted by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. For further information:




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