Educational Webinars

HOW TO? Technologies used on clinical samples webinar series - Session 4: Extracellular vesicles in the lung fluids from isolation to analysis - 21 DECEMBER

HOW TO? Technologies used on clinical samples webinar series - Session 4: Extracellular vesicles in the lung fluids from isolation to analysis - 21 DECEMBER

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21 December, 2023
18:00-19:00 CET


Chair: Dr. Nahal Mansouri (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Speakers: Prof. Dr. Bernd Schmeck (Marburg, Germany)


Educational need:

The EV biology is a state-of-the art and progressing field with high impact on diagnostics, uses as biomarkers and even therapeutics. Absence of harmonized isolation strategies and downstream characterisation and analysis of these vesicles make this field more challenging.

Educational aim:

  • Importance of EVs in healthy and diseased lung
  • Learn isolation techniques for isolation of EVs from human and murine lung fluids
  • Get acquainted with downstream analysis and characterisation of lung EVs in both human and murine pulmonary secretions such as bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL)


  • Importance of EVs in health and lung disease
  • EV isolation and characterisation from BAL
  • EV analysis and functional assays


This will be in a workshop format, so speakers need to interact with audience through quizzes, educational cards, discuss the challenges in Q&A format, use audio-visual teaching material.

Learning outcomes:

  • Audience will learn different methods in EV isolation from both human and murine BAL
  • They will learn to characterise EVs and perform further downstream analysis based on the specific readout and the biological question