EU Projects

Rapid diagnostics to inform the management of acute respiratory, ECCMID 2023

Rapid diagnostics to inform the management of acute respiratory, ECCMID 2023

Acute respiratory tract infections are among the most frequently encountered infectious diseases problems in both community and hospital settings. These infections are also the leading cause of unnecessary use of empirical antimicrobials and one of main drivers of the emergence of antibiotic resistance. Availability and rationale use of reliable point-of-care tests and various rapid diagnostic tools in this setting may improve antimicrobial usage for these infections. VALUE-Dx is an IMI project and partnered by ESCMID and European Respiratory Society (ERS) for studying this issue and a consensus report in underway by experts involved from both Societies and by those involved in different work packages in the project. This session will summarise the main outcomes of the report that will be issued in 2023 and discuss its implementations in daily practice.