International Congresses

The ERS International Congress 2023, Milan

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Omar S. Usmani, Frans H.C. De Jongh, Rachel Ong-Salvador

Session type: Online skills lab

Rachel Ong-Salvador

Session content

Frans H.c. De Jongh



Spirometry procedure

Rachel Ong-salvador

Oscillometry procedure

Rachel Ong-salvador

Case discussion (Spirometry paediatric, adult, oscillometry)

Rachel Ong-salvador


to demonstrate the measurement of lung function with simple (handheld) and/or professional spirometers, including how to prepare the equipment and perform an optimal test; to demonstrate forced oscillometry measurements and to highlight techniques that ensure accuracy; to discuss the interpretation of results, the clinical relevance of measurements and the advantages/disadvantages of the two techniques. All this will be achieved with live demonstrations, case studies of adults and children and interactive questions/discussion.