International Congresses

The ERS International Congress 2023, Milan

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Maria Rosaria Bonsignore, Sergio Alfonso Harari, Christopher Carlsten

Session type: Symposium

Session content

to provide insight into the associations between air pollution/pollen exposures and respiratory health, and to enable clinicians and researchers to tackle the increase in environment-induced diseases emerging with climate change; to describe current knowledge about pollen and air pollution exposures and respiratory allergies and asthma; to explain methodological pitfalls when investigating the effects of pollens and other pollutants; to expand knowledge of air pollution and respiratory health in children; to summarise the role of sex and gender in respiratory immune responses to emerging environmental inhalant threats. Specifically, the session aims are: 1) To describe current knowledge about pollen and air pollution exposures and respiratory allergies and asthma; 2) To explain methodological pitfalls when investigating effects of pollens and other pollutants; 3) To expand knowledge on air pollution and respiratory health in children; 4) To summarize the role of sex and gender on respiratory immune response to emerging environmental inhalant threats. The proposed symposium connects important priority areas of Assembly 6 (1. Determinants (including airborne pollutants) of lung health in non-smoking adults; 2. Air pollution, emission sources, desert dust storms and climate change: impact on lung health; 3. Towards chronic respiratory disease prevention through occupational and environmental exposure management) to those of other assemblies, such as Assembly 1 (an aging lung: respiratory disease in elderly), Assembly 3 (mechanisms responsible for progression of pulmonary diseases) and Assembly 7 (childhood onset lung disease into adulthood). Appeal and relevance to the broad range of ERS constituents has been carefully built into this proposal.