International Congresses

The ERS International Congress 2023, Milan

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Sara Cuevas Ocana, Niki L. Reynaert, Christopher E. Brightling

Session type: Symposium

Session content

to present leading avenues of investigation that will enhance the participants’ understanding of extracellular vesicle research in different lung diseases, their contribution to (patho)physiology and therapeutic strategies employing/targeting extracellular vesicles; to focus on current advances in our knowledge of extracellular vesicles; to discuss how the integration of cutting-edge technologies can help increase understanding of their contribution to lung diseases; to discuss preclinical development of therapeutic strategies harnessing extracellular vesicles as a therapeutic target or biomarker, together with scientific advancements that may direct current and future therapeutic development. to describe proper isolation techniques for extracellular vesicles and the need for associated quality control parameters; to discuss the potential for developing therapies and biomarkers based on extracellular vesicles and opportunities for future studies; to explain the roles of extracellular vesicles in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and COVID-19.