The respiratory system and sport: from bench to bedside, in an Olympic and Paralympic year - session one - 4 MARCH, 2024

The respiratory system and sport: from bench to bedside, in an Olympic and Paralympic year - session one - 4 MARCH, 2024

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4 March, 2024
18:00-19:00 CET

Chair: Prof. Ioannis Vogiatzis (Blyth, United Kingdom)
Speakers: Prof. Jerome Dempsey (Madison, United States), Dr Afroditi Boutou (Thessaloniki, Greece), Dr Oliver Price (Leeds, United Kingdom)

Learning objectives:

  • To understand the response of the pulmonary system to vigorous exercise and limiting factors
  • To become confident in the interpretation of pulmonary function tests in athletic individuals.
  • To understand how to use tests to detect exercise-induced bronchoconstriction.