Educational Webinars

MEP Lung Health Group Event - #KeepBreathing: A vision for EU action on lung health 2024-2029 - 21 FEBRUARY

MEP Lung Health Group Event - #KeepBreathing: A vision for EU action on lung health 2024-2029 - 21 FEBRUARY

To take part in this event, you must register in advance.

Hosted by MEP Tomislav Sokol, Co-Chair of MEP Lung Health Group, (Croatia, EPP)


21 February, 2024 | 13:00-14:00 CET




In support of the European Lung Health Group's #KeepBreathing campaign, the MEP Lung Health Group will host the presentation of the new publication, "#KeepBreathing: A vision for EU action on lung health 2024-2029". Panellists and participants will discuss avenues for a sustained, focused and achievable EU action to improve lung health and respiratory disease care in Europe.


The European Lung Health Group is a collective initiative driven by European level patient groups and healthcare professionals, including the European Respiratory Society (ERS) and the European Lung Foundation (ELF).


Representing ERS at the event will be Dr Eva Polverino, Director of Scientific Relations with the EU, a specialist in respiratory diseases and currently Head of the Research Unit in Respiratory Infections, Department of Respiratory Diseases, Hospital Vall d'Hebron, Barcelona.


In the EU, 1 in 8 deaths are caused by lung diseases, and numbers are rising. The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed the EU and Member States towards more coordinated action on health, primarily focused on crisis prevention and preparedness, while the EU's ambition of a European Health Union has brought to the forefront the many EU instruments to protect public health and advance health outcomes.


From environmental policies to research priorities, to a vibrant single health market for medicines and digitalisation, the EU's mandate on lung health is crucial and multifaceted. However, policy fragmentation is jeopardising the possibility to alleviate the respiratory disease strain on healthcare systems and improve millions of lives.


This event will be of interest to healthcare professionals, who will gain an insight into how respiratory health is considered at European policy level, and enable them to engage in a conversation about the importance of lung health at a national and international level.


Target audience


  • Healthcare policymakers
  • Respiratory health professionals
  • Lung researchers
  • Lung patients


13.00 Welcome & Keynote speech by MEP Tomislav Sokol

13.10 Discussion - #KeepBreathing: an opportunity for better lung health in the EU

13.20 Roundtable - The time is now for a lung health policy that helps Europe to #KeepBreathing

13.55 Closing remarks