Research Seminars

2022 - Pharmacology of asthma and COPD: current and future developments

Pharmacological management of airway obstructive diseases is a fast evolving field. Several advances in unravelling disease mechanism as well as intracellular and molecular pathways of drug action have been accomplished. While the clinical translation and implementation of in vitro results at bedside remains challenging, advances in the comprehending of mechanisms of respiratory medication is expected to assist clinician-scientists in identifying meaningful read-outs and designing clinical studies. The crosstalk between basic, translational and clinical experts at all levels, including other stakeholders such as industry and patient representatives should align common needs and expectations. This research seminar focused on the current understanding of disease mechanisms and drug action and how the cooperation between basic, translational and clinical research can contribute to advance the field.

  • Understand the nature and mechanisms of actions of the curren

Speaker(s): Laura Fregonese (London, United Kingdom)

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