Webinar: Artificial intelligence in respiratory failure

Artificial intelligence in respiratory failure

Artificial intelligence in respiratory failure

Additional content


9 July, 2024 | Online

18:00-19:00 CEST

Chairs: Prof. Dr João Carlos Winck (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal), Dr Ana Cysneiros (Lisboa, Portugal)
Speakers: Dr Pedro David Wendel Garcia (Zurich, Switzerland), Prof. Dr Chin Kook Rhee (Seoul, Republic of Korea)


This webinar will explore the role of artificial intelligence in respiratory failure, a hot topic which aligns with this year's ERS Congress theme - 'Humans and machines: getting the balance right'.

Educational aims

During the session the speakers will review the latest evidence on AI and its impact on the management of respiratory failure.


  • AI in emergency medicine and ICU - Pedro David Wendel Garcia
  • Big Data and Deep learning in chronic respiratory failure - Chin Kook Rhee

Target audience

  • Clinicians
  • Trainees
  • Allied professionals

Learning outcomes

Following this webinar, participants will be able to understand the impact of AI in the management of respiratory failure.