International Congresses Vienna 2024

The ERS Congress 2024, Vienna

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Sophie Cohen, Alexander M?ller, Nicole Beydon

Session type: Symposium

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Session content

To identify vulnerable paediatric cancers prone to lung complications and to list treatment-related risks during and after childhood cancer; to explain the fundamental concepts underlying stem cell transplantation and to outline the risk factors and various classifications of graft-versus-host disease affecting the lungs; to differentiate between interstitial and airway-related lung complications in childhood cancer based on clinical symptoms and diagnostics (including lung function and computed tomography imaging); to outline the extent of lung complications in childhood cancer survivors throughout their lifetime; to discuss a recently published international guideline concerning screening for lung complications in childhood cancer survivors; to emphasise the importance of concentrated care and global cooperation for advancing the field of paediatric pulmo-oncology, which continues to face substantial mortality and morbidity challenges.