Panel discussion: Improving outcomes for patients with severe asthma

Panel discussion: Improving outcomes for patients with severe asthma

Additional content

Webinar - Severe asthma patient perspectives on outcomes

18 July, 2023 | Online

18:00-19:00 CEST

Chairs: Prof. Christopher E. Brightling (Leicester, United Kingdom)
Speakers: Susan Courtney Coleman (Sheffield, United Kingdom), Prof. Graham Roberts (Southampton, United Kingdom), Dr Graham Clarke (Gothenburg, Sweden), Prof. Dr Vera Mahler (Langen, Germany)

Educational aims

The aims of the seminar are to standardise the assesment of severe asthma therapies, increase awareness about the pan-European consensus patient-centred Core Outcome Measures Sets for paediatric and adult Severe Asthma (COMSA). It will also present views of patients, pharmasutical representatives, healthcare regulators and inspire collaborations between severe asthma registries, future real-life studies and clinical trials to enhance comparability of efficacy and effectiveness of biological therapies.


  • Living with severe asthma
  • Assessing severe asthma using COMSA
  • How to utilise COMSA in clinical practice and research