This course will provide an overview of the field of Interstitial Lung Diseases (ILDs). Participants will learn which diagnostic procedures should be applied based on given clinical circumstances and will receive updates on specific diseases and treatment. This interactive course includes round table discussions from the faculty panel in Mainz, Germany. Course attendees will have the opportunity to present their cases and discuss them with leading experts.
The programme is divided into two days onsite in Mainz, Germany, and a half-day virtual session.
The format will include:
Please note that all timings are in Central European Summer Time (CEST).
This event has been accredited with the Mark of Excellence by EBAP (European Board for Accreditation in Pneumology) with 26 CME credits.
The number of credits that you will receive corresponds to your attendance during the conference. Please note that you need to sign the register of attendance each day to ensure that you receive the correct amount of CME credits. Participants of the live stream can claim CME credits for the hours spent viewing the sessions live.