The EU-funded ECRAID-Base project works to strenthen Europe's defences agains emerging infectious diseases (EID) and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). At the core of this ambitious initiative is the unification of several networks into Ecraid - a self-sustainable, centralised pan-European 'warm-base' network that shares resources, data, and expertise to tackle the most urgent threats.

eLearning hub

Keeping all clinical and laboratory sites within the network well-trained is one of the goals of the project. A dedicated team within the consortium - a collaboration between ESCMID, ERS, and Ecraid - helps the sites stay at the top of their game by offering regular training and educational opportunities. This page serves as a hub for resources generated from such initiatives.

Visit to learn about upcoming training opportunities, as well as more information about the ECRAID-Base project.

The ECRAID-Base project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 965313.

About Ecraid

For further information, please visit:

Resources - Respiratory