International Congresses Milan 2023

The ERS International Congress 2023, Milan

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Dirk Schramm, Nicole Beydon, Marielle W.H. Pijnenburg

Session type: Hot topics

Niki Ubags

Session content

A mechanistic view into the early-life microenvironment and lung health

Niki Ubags



to provide a life-course approach to respiratory health and lung function from birth to adulthood; to explain the prenatal and perinatal mechanisms involved in increased susceptibility priming of the lung for disease later in life; to summarise the current evidence on early-life risk factors that are associated with respiratory symptoms and lower lung function trajectories later in childhood; to present data from large respiratory cohort studies on tracking of lung function trajectories from school age to adulthood and the factors that define these trajectories; to discuss how this knowledge is translated into clinical practice, examining the role that paediatric clinical history is playing in managing respiratory health in adults.