International Congresses Milan 2023

The ERS International Congress 2023, Milan

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Matteo Bradicich, Silke Ryan, Jana De Brandt

Session type: Symposium

Mathieu Marillier

Session content

Helping out the muscle-brain axis during exercise in fibrosing interstitial lung disease: we are on our way!

Mathieu Marillier



Jean-michel Fourrier


to explain the role of inter-organ crosstalk and cellular communication in relation to exercise; to describe the beneficial effects of exercise training on skeletal muscle; to explain how to identify persons with chronic respiratory disease (CRD) that need additional support during exercise training to have optimal organ-wide effects; to allow participants to engage in discussion on the controversial idea that exercise can regenerate the lung.