International Congresses Milan 2023

The ERS International Congress 2023, Milan

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Giovanni Sotgiu, Onno Akkerman, Delia Goletti

Session type: Symposium

Cecile Magis-Escurra

Session content

Raffaela Scognamiglio


How we prevent transmission once the case has been identified

Cecile Magis-escurra



Effectiveness of tuberculosis preventive therapy by age and Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection status

Ibrahim Abubakar

to present the latest evidence on the use of immunodiagnostic methods (interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs) and tuberculin skin test) and preventive therapies for best clinical practice to prevent tuberculosis in adults.