International Congresses Milan 2023

The ERS International Congress 2023, Milan

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Nicole Beydon, Sinthia Bosnic-Anticevich

Session type: Mini symposium

Lawrence Mark Nogee

Session content

Robinne De Backker


Marie Legendre



Surfactant disorders: from neonatal respiratory distress to cancer predisposition

Lawrence Mark Nogee



to present the main process and challenges of genetic data interpretation; to list the main genetic diagnostic tools and their limitations; to provide the audience with key tips to read a genetic report. to discuss importance of genotyping for three model monogenic diseases that can affect newborns or occur later in life (cystic fibrosis, surfactant disorders and primary ciliary dyskinesia): to illustrate the phenotype-genotype correlation diversity and gene/mutation(s) distinct consequences at the cell level; to explain the consequences of molecular diagnosis on vital prognosis at birth, follow-up, lung cancer risk later in life and genetic counselling; to explain how genotypes connect with current personalised treatments and their development.