ERS Private Channels Vienna 2024

The ERS Congress 2024, Vienna

This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

Chair(s): Rachael A. Evans, Sam Bayat

Session type: Postgraduate course

Ingunn Skjorten

Session content

Discussion and Q&A

Discussion and Q&A

Discussion and Q&A

Multiple causes of breathlessness in long COVID patients: utilising CPET to help diagnosis

Ingunn Skjorten


Discussion and Q&A


J. Alberto Neder

Slides - Neder

Slides - Hull

To explain the role of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) as the optimal tool to evaluate exertional dyspnoea; to describe the physiological patterns that can be identified by CPET in the assessment of exertional breathlessness; to explain how to utilise CPET in order to differentiate between cardiac, respiratory, vascular, peripheral and other causes of unexplained breathlessness.