DARGON Conference DRAGON 2023

DRAGON conference: lessons learnt from COVID-19


As the culminating event of the three-year EU-funded DRAGON project focusing on SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19, the conference brought together experts to discuss clinical networks, the implementation of diagnosis/prediction models - including artificial intelligence - in acute and long COVID, as well as pandemic preparedness.

Session type: Interactive Panel

Guang Yang - Imperial College of London (London, United Kingdom), Ian Selby - University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom), Francois Blistein - Radiomics (Liège, Belgium), Polina Starchenko - European Lung Foundation (Brussels, Belgium)

Session content

DRAGON artificial intelligence - Other prediction models - Personalised monitoring in at-risk groups - Challenges and recommendations on AI integration in healthcare: outcome of multi-stakeholder consultation

Guang Yang - Imperial College of London (London, United Kingdom), Ian Selby - University of Cambridge (Cambridge, United Kingdom), Francois Blistein - Radiomics (Liège, Belgium), Polina Starchenko - European Lung Foundation (Brussels, Belgium)


Slides - Yang

Slides - Selby

Slides - Starchenko