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Lung Science Conference 2025
20-23 March 2025 | Estoril, Portugal | #LSC2025
Register today
Opening Session
Poster session 1
Keynote lecture
Session 1: Life-spanning lung environmental interactions in chronic lung diseases
Session 2: Aging pathways involved in chronic lung diseases (part 1)
Session 2: Aging pathways involved in chronic lung diseases (part 2)
Session 3: Developmental pathways and the microbiome in chronic lung diseases
Poster Session 2
Session 4: How can we achieve early detection of chronic lung disease? (part 1)
Session 4: How can we achieve early detection of chronic lung disease? (part 2)
Young Investigator Session – The William MacNee Award
Young Investigators
Poster Session 3
Early-Career delegates session: The power of collaboration
Evening Pre-dinner talk
Evening Session
Session 5: Preventive and regenerative strategies for chronic lung diseases?
Panel Discussion: Trajectories to early diagnosis and future therapies of chronic lung diseases
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