The virus that changed medicine: innovation and collaboration in a global health crisis

In this first edition of ERS Vision Live, which was hosted on the ERS Respiratory Channel, discussions focused on the positive outcomes of the COVID-19 pandemic - highlighting the response of key stakeholders in terms of innovation and improved communications and collaborations, which all help to deliver better outcomes for patients and support healthcare systems worldwide.


  • Distribution and supply of essential medicines and medical devices
  • Novel vaccine development, regulatory approval and delivery
  • Rapid trials for evaluation of new therapies, vaccines, and respiratory devices in a pandemic
  • Better communications/digital health and support for healthcare professionals - and between all key stakeholders

The panel

ERS President Prof. Anita Simonds and ERS Science Council Chair Prof. Christopher E. Brightling led the discussion and were joined by:

  • Dr Hans Kluge - WHO Regional Director for Europe
  • Manuela Buxo - Head of Europe at Sanofi Genzyme
  • Sir Stephen Holgate - Clinical Professor of Immunopharmacology, University of Southampton/Co-founder of Synairgen
  • Sir Menelas Pangalos, EVP & President BioPharmaceuticals R&D, AstraZeneca
  • Katrin Pucknat - CEO and President, ResMed Germany

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