Primary Care Day I: Effective disease- and self-management in primary care
Chair(s): N. Chavannes (Leiden, Netherlands), G. Burge (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
PG3 Workshop: Genomics and proteomics of lung disease
Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, Netherlands), B. Crestani (Paris, France)
Postgraduate Course
PG5 Asthma versus COPD: similarities and differences
Chair(s): P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), R. Dahl (Aarhus, Denmark)
Postgraduate Course
PG9 Risk stratification and treatment of lower respiratory tract infections
Chair(s): G. Rohde (Maastricht, The Netherlands), A. Torres (Barcelona, Spain)
Postgraduate Course
PG4 Functional lung imaging to describe regional lung function disturbances
Chair(s): W. De Backer (Antwerp, Belgium), G. Miserocchi (Monza, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG7 An update on pleural problems
Chair(s): D. Lardinois (Basel, Switzerland), L. Casali (Terni, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG2 Noninvasive ventilation (NIV) for stable hypercapnic COPD: recent advances and practical considerations
Chair(s): E. Clini (Modena, Italy), P. Navalesi (Vercelli, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG1 Interventional pulmonology
Chair(s): T. Sutedja (Amsterdam, Netherlands), C. Dooms (Leuven, Belgium)
Postgraduate Course
PG8 Assessing respiratory muscle strength: an interactive course
Chair(s): I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, The Netherlands), A. Rossi (Verona, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG10 Management of thoracic tumours in practice: a HERMES basic course
Chair(s): J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium), N. Schoenfeld (Berlin, Germany)
Postgraduate Course
PG6 Paediatric asthma: state of the art
Chair(s): M. Pijnenburg (Rotterdam, Netherlands), K. Lodrup Carlsen (Oslo, Norway)
Postgraduate Course
Fellows' Get-Together
Chair(s): L. Nicod (Lausanne, Switzerland), R. Bals (Homburg, Germany), O. Eickelberg (Munich, Germany), B. Nemery (Leuven, Belgium)
PG16 Thoracic ultrasound for physicians
Chair(s): N. Maskell (Bristol, United Kingdom), F. Gleeson (Oxford, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG19 How to set up and deliver a smoking cessation service in a pulmonology department
Chair(s): A. Trofor (Iasi, Romania), C. Jimenez Ruiz (Madrid, Spain)
Postgraduate Course
PG17 Emerging infections: educational perspectives
Chair(s): G. Rohde (Maastricht, The Netherlands), E. Eber (Graz, Austria)
Postgraduate Course
PG20 Biomarkers in respiratory medicine
Chair(s): M. Cazzola (Rome, Italy), K. Nackaerts (Leuven, Belgium)
Postgraduate Course
PG18 Early detection of COPD: benefits and problems
Chair(s): J. Garcia Aymerich (Barcelona, Spain), B. Stallberg (Uppsala, Sweden)
Postgraduate Course
PG13 ERS/ACCP jointly organised: evidence-based approach to advanced respiratory care
Chair(s): N. Siafakas (Heraklion, Greece), A. Sharafkhaneh (Houston, United States of America)
Postgraduate Course
PG15 Treatment of obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): W. De Backer (Antwerp, Belgium), S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany)
Postgraduate Course
PG12 TB-PAN-NET Multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis: update on clinical management
Chair(s): C. Lange (Borstel, Germany), G. Bothamley (London, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG11 Update of phenotypes of asthma and COPD
Chair(s): E. Ronmark (Lulea, Sweden), R. Polosa (Catania, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG14 Improving skills in cardiopulmonary exercise testing
Chair(s): R. Gosselink (Leuven, Belgium), L. Puente Maestú (Madrid, Spain)
Postgraduate Course
Primary Care Day II: Quality of assessment and diagnosis
Chair(s): G. Burge (Birmingham, United Kingdom), N. Chavannes (Leiden, Netherlands)
Mechanisms and outcomes of infective exacerbations of COPD
Chair(s): M. Miravitlles (Barcelona, Spain), A. Anzueto (San Antonio, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
Genetic and environmental risk factors for respiratory diseases
Chair(s): J. Anto (Barcelona, Spain), I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France)
Poster Discussion
Physical activity, methodology and impact
Chair(s): H. Watz (Grosshansdorf, Germany), I. Vogiatzis (Athens, Greece)
Poster Discussion
Allergen immunotherapy and anti-immunoglobulin E
Chair(s): N. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), G. Canonica (Genoa, Italy)
Poster Discussion
COPD management
Chair(s): J. Roca (Barcelona, Spain), E. F. M. Wouters (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Poster Discussion
Are needles really enough?
Chair(s): C. Dooms (Leuven, Belgium), J. Annema (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Poster Discussion
Immunobiology in the transplanted lung: experimental and clinical evaluations
Chair(s): C. Ward (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom), E. Verschuuren (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Macrophages and neutrophils in chronic lung disease
Chair(s): L. Donnelly (London, United Kingdom), Y. Sibille (Yvoir, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Skeletal muscle weakness in COPD: physical (in)activity and biological markers
Chair(s): M. Steiner (Leicester, United Kingdom), A. Schols (Maastricht, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Tuberculin skin tests, interferon-gamma release assays and beyond
Chair(s): M. Ruhwald (Copenhagen, Denmark), D. Goletti (Rome, Italy)
Poster Discussion
Smoking cessation science
Chair(s): S. Nardini (Vittorio Veneto, Italy), K. Fagerstrom (Kågeröd, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Prognostic and predictive factors in lung cancer
Chair(s): A.-P. Meert (Brussels, Belgium), N. Schoenfeld (Berlin, Germany)
Early diagnosis in primary care
Chair(s): T. Schermer (Nijmegen , Netherlands), S. Walker (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
ERS Paediatric Respiratory Research Awards in Europe Ceremony (supported by Merck) followed by Paediatric Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): A. Lindblad (Savedalen, Sweden), R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Grand round
Small airways: important in COPD and severe asthma
Chair(s): P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), P. J. Sterk (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Live and let dive: diving and lung health
Chair(s): B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom), R. Van Hulst (Den Helder, Netherlands)
The burden of pulmonary hypertension in respiratory disease
Chair(s): A. Peacock (Glasgow, United Kingdom), J. Barbera Mir (Barcelona, Spain)
Fixed ratio or other ways to define COPD: what can we learn from others?
Chair(s): J. Soriano (Bunyola, Spain), M. Miller (Birmingham, United Kingdom), M. Nishimura (Sapporo, Japan)
Hot topics
The COPD patient experience: care and management
Chair(s): D. Field (London, United Kingdom), E. Austegard (Oslo, Norway)
Oral Presentation
New insights in the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Chair(s): G. Raghu (Seattle, United States of America), R. M. du Bois (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Treatment of lung cancer
Chair(s): Y. Nakanishi (Fukuoka, Japan), E. Quoix (Strasbourg, France)
Oral Presentation
Innate and exogenous factors in childhood respiratory infection
Chair(s): E. Haarman (Amsterdam, Netherlands), M. Everard (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Poster Discussion
The new clinical spectrum of lung diseases: from bronchi to pleura
Chair(s): C. Tantucci (Brescia, Italy), N. Tzanakis (Heraklion, Greece)
Poster Discussion
Biomarkers of allergic inflammation
Chair(s): J. Lotvall (Gothenburg, Sweden), S. Bonini (Roma, Italy)
Poster Discussion
Pleural diseases and pneumothorax
Chair(s): S. Elia (Rome, Italy), I. Cordos (Bucharest, Romania)
Poster Discussion
Recent developments in COPD
Chair(s): J. H. J. Vernooy (Maastricht, Netherlands), P. Rocco (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Poster Discussion
Treatments for pulmonary hypertension in human and experimental models
Chair(s): P. Hassoun (Baltimore, United States of America), M. Humbert (Clamart, France)
Oral Presentation
Diagnosis and predictors of COPD exacerbation
Chair(s): C. Vogelmeier (Marburg, Germany), O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria)
Oral Presentation
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Chair(s): W. Yew (Hong Kong, China), R. Duarte (Vila Nova De Gaia, Portugal)
Oral Presentation
Genetics of airway diseases and treatment
Chair(s): I. Wouters (Utrecht, Netherlands), V. Schluenssen (Arhus, Denmark)
Poster Discussion
Altered mechanisms during exercise in disease
Chair(s): P. Laveneziana (Paris, France), L. Puente Maestú (Madrid, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Mechanical ventilation: the American versus the European approach
Chair(s): S. Nava (Bologna, Italy), S. Giordano (Irving, United States of America)
Endoscopic lung volume reduction: hype or hope?
Chair(s): M. Phillips (Perth, Australia), A. Mehta (Cleveland, Oh, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
Macrophage heterogeneity in respiratory diseases
Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, Netherlands), J. Van Ginderachter (Brussels, Belgium)
Sadoul Lecture followed by a session of Assembly 9: How to get the best signal?
Chair(s): B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom), T. Sigsgaard (Aarhus, Denmark)
Sadoul Lecture
Novelties in lung transplantation
Chair(s): F. Meloni (Pavia, Italy), A. Boehler (Zurich, Switzerland)
New advances in smoking cessation
Chair(s): A. Trofor (Iasi, Romania), C. Jimenez Ruiz (Madrid, Spain)
Mechanism and monitoring of airway diseases
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Tradate, Italy), I. Pavord (Leicester, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Cystic fibrosis: New aspects of diagnosis, inflammation and detecting exacerbation
Chair(s): F. Ratjen (Toronto, Canada), S. Cunningham (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Risk and detection of childhood asthma and allergy
Chair(s): D. Caudri (Rotterdam, Netherlands), L. Fleming (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Asthma: risk factors and comorbidities
Chair(s): T. Popov (Sofia, Bulgaria), G. Moller (Capelle A/D Ijssel, Netherlands), F. Braido (Genova, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory epidemiology: genetics and modifiable risk factors
Chair(s): H. M. Boezen (Groningen, The Netherlands), J. Garcia Aymerich (Barcelona, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory epidemiology: comorbidity
Chair(s): L. Carrozzi (Pisa, Italy), P. Bakke (Bergen, Norway)
Thematic Poster Session
Air pollution
Chair(s): G. Hoek (Utrecht, Netherlands), J. Bonlokke (Hjortshoj, Denmark), P. Thorne (Iowa City, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
Mineral dusts
Chair(s): V. Schluenssen (Arhus, Denmark), S. Burge (Solihull, United Kingdom), X. Baur (Hamburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Smoking cessation science and smoking-related disorders
Chair(s): C. Bolliger (Cape Town, South Africa), E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey), E. Puscinska (Warsaw, Poland)
Thematic Poster Session
Smoking rate: smoking cessation interventions
Chair(s): M. Garcia (Malaga, Spain), S. Belo Ravara (Covilha, Portugal)
Thematic Poster Session
New insights in paediatric respiratory physiology
Chair(s): R. Kraemer (Bern, Switzerland), S. Lum (London, United Kingdom), G. Hall (Perth, Australia)
Thematic Poster Session
Exercise tests and emerging outcomes: defining the impact of pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): F. Franssen (Horn, Netherlands), R. Evans (Toronto, Canada), C. Bolton (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Paediatric respiratory infection: signs, symptoms and sequelae
Chair(s): J. E. Dankert-Roelse (Heerlen, Netherlands), M. Vasilopoulou (Athens, Greece), F. Versteegh (Waddinxveen, Netherlands), R. Nenna (Rome, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Paediatric epidemiology: bronchiolitis, pneumonia, asthma and spirometry in non-respiratory conditions
Chair(s): J. Lucas (Southampton, United Kingdom), C. Almqvist Malmros (Stockholm, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung function today and tomorrow I
Chair(s): F. De Jongh (Enschede, Netherlands), K. De Soomer (Antwerp, Belgium), E. Dijkers (Amsterdam, Netherlands), M. Dunne (Dublin, Ireland)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung function today and tomorrow II
Chair(s): S. Blonshine (Mason, United States of America), A. Houtkooper (Den Helder, Netherlands), E. Oostveen (Antwerp, Belgium), M. Horstman (Pijnacker, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Rehabilitation, outcome measures and effects
Chair(s): C. Burtin (Leuven, Belgium), S. Bernard (Quebec, Canada), R. Garrod (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory physiotherapy in the intensive care unit and on the ward: breathing exercises and respiratory muscles
Chair(s): V. Parreira (Belo Horizonte, Brazil), P. Joud (Lyon, France), E. Hulzebos (Utrecht, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Asthma: issues in rehabilitation and physical therapy
Chair(s): V. Probst (Londrina-Pr, Brazil), V. Carrieri-Kohlman (San Francisco, United States of America), B. Oberwaldner (Graz, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
The eclectic world of respiratory nursing
Chair(s): D. Field (London, United Kingdom), S. Hrafnkelsdottir (Hafnarfjordur, Iceland)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical parameters in airway diseases
Chair(s): S. Loukides (Athens, Greece), A. Morice (Cottingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Animal models of airway inflammation
Chair(s): S-E. Dahlén (Stockholm, Sweden), M. Idzko (Freiburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Exacerbations and severe chronic respiratory disease: oxygen, rehabilitation, admission to hospital and palliative care
Chair(s): M. Steiner (Leicester, United Kingdom), W. Man (Harefield, United Kingdom), A. Holland (Melbourne, Australia)
Thematic Poster Session
Monitoring with lung function tests in airway diseases
Chair(s): J. Sont (Leiden, Netherlands), A. Zanini (Gavirate Va, Italy), P. Montuschi (Rome, Italy), A. Bikov (Miskolc, Hungary)
Thematic Poster Session
Quality of life and respiratory symptom management in primary care
Chair(s): D. Price (Cawston, United Kingdom), D. Ryan (Loughborough, United Kingdom), A. Langhammer (Levanger, Norway), S. Walker (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD management
Chair(s): M. Kneussl (Vienna, Austria), M. Bogdan (Bucharest, Romania), R. Bals (Homburg, Germany), M. Breyer (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD exacerbation
Chair(s): G. Funk (Vienna, Austria), F. Mihaltan (Bucharest, Romania), W. Pohl (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Vascular and parenchymal imaging
Chair(s): R. Kubale (Pirmasens, Germany), A. Grgic (Homburg, Germany), S. Ley (Heidelberg, Germany), C. Schaefer-Prokop (Amsterdam Zuid-Oost, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
From outside to inside: access to the pleura
Chair(s): M. Froudarakis (Alexandroupolis, Greece), S. Gasparini (Ancona, Italy), J. Tschopp (Crans-Montana, Switzerland), C. Marquette (Nice, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Asthma: a heterogeneous disease
Chair(s): A. Bourdin (Montpellier, France), M. Romagnoli (Forli, Italy), C. Tummino (Marseille, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Rare diffuse lung diseases
Chair(s): J-F. Cordier (Lyon, France), P. Camus (Dijon, France), J. Jones (Viseu, Portugal), S. Tomassetti (Forli, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
What is new in the approach to pulmonary fibrosis?
Chair(s): L. Richeldi (Modena, Italy), J. J. G. Egan (Dublin, Ireland), K. Antoniou (Heraklion, Greece), D. Israel-Biet (Paris, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Experimental models and research in diffuse parenchymal lung diseases
Chair(s): C. Vancheri (Catania, Italy), J. Behr (Bochum, Germany), J. Grutters (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands), J. Muller-Quernheim (Freiburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
To stent or not to stent: interventional bronchoscopy
Chair(s): J. Flandes (Madrid , Spain), A. Bugalho (Lisbon, Portugal), F. Stanzel (Hemer, Germany), P. Chhajed (Basel, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
New mechanisms in airway disease
Chair(s): S. Matalon (Birmingham, United States of America), J. Chorostowska-Wynimko (Warsaw, Poland)
Thematic Poster Session
Drug delivery and pharmacokinetics I
Chair(s): N. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), E. Derom (Gent, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD: human studies
Chair(s): M. Saetta (Padova, Italy), N. Ten Hacken (Groningen, Netherlands), T. Lapperre (Leiden, Netherlands), A. Wood (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Asthma: control and treatment
Chair(s): I. Pavord (Leicester, United Kingdom), I. Vachier (Montpellier, France), C. Corrigan (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Bronchodilators in asthma and COPD
Chair(s): M. Cazzola (Rome, Italy), R. Dahl (Aarhus, Denmark), C. Page (London, United Kingdom), R. Polosa (Catania, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Translational models of disease
Chair(s): P. Kirkham (London, United Kingdom), K. Tomita (Osakasayama, Japan), Z. Diamant (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Monitoring exacerbations of airway diseases
Chair(s): C. Scoditti (Mesagne, Italy), A. Olin (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Anti-inflammatory strategies in acute lung injury
Chair(s): M. Takata (London, United Kingdom), M. Witzenrath (Berlin, Germany), G. Matute-Bello (Seattle, United States of America), S. Uhlig (Aachen, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
The ageing pulmonary interstitium
Chair(s): O. Eickelberg (Munich, Germany), P. Bonniaud (Dijon, France), M. Keane (Dublin, Ireland), G. Cox (Hamilton, Canada)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung cell biology
Chair(s): T. Tetley (London, United Kingdom), C. Taggart (Belfast, United Kingdom), I. Heijink (Groningen, Netherlands), C. Ward (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Airway smooth muscle cells and fibroblasts: cell biology
Chair(s): P. Borger (Basel, Switzerland), M. Koenigshoff (Munich, Germany), H. Meurs (Groningen, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
The European Respiratory Review 2010 updates: whats hot in pulmonary medicine?
Chair(s): M. Humbert (Clamart, France), V. Cottin (Lyon, France)
Optimising healthcare for COPD across Europe
Chair(s): G. Joos (Ghent, Belgium), F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
BMJ/ERJ Symposium – Peer reviewing
Chair(s): J. Soriano (Bunyola, Spain), J. Wedzicha (London, United Kingdom)
Lancet / ERS symposium - New frontiers in COPD
Chair(s): C. Jenkins (Sydney, Australia), M. Decramer (Leuven, Belgium)
Progress in pathology of lung cancer
Chair(s): P. Schnabel (Heidelberg, Germany), S. Janes (Harpenden, United Kingdom)
Poster Discussion
Advances in long-term noninvasive positive pressure ventilation
Chair(s): W. Windisch (Cologne, Germany), P. Wijkstra (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Smoking-related disorders and smoking prevention
Chair(s): G. Zabert (Neuquen, Argentina), M. Garcia (Malaga, Spain)
Poster Discussion
Exercise assessment in different diseases
Chair(s): D. O'Donnell (Kingston, Canada), C. Spengler (Zurich, Switzerland)
Poster Discussion
Clinical characteristics of patients with pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): G. Simonneau (Clamart, France), P. Corris (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom)
Poster Discussion
Paediatric epidemiology: predicting outcomes of wheeze, antenatal growth, early life exposures and outcome of premature birth
Chair(s): C. Kuehni (Bern, Switzerland), B. Karadag (Umraniye Istanbul, Turkey)
Poster Discussion
Biomarkers and outcomes of community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): A. Liapikou (Athens, Greece), R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy)
Poster Discussion
Exercise training: new populations, new techniques
Chair(s): T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), R. Casaburi (Rancho Palos Verdes, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
Functional lung and pulmonary arterial imaging
Chair(s): W. De Wever (Leuven, Belgium), A. Grgic (Homburg, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Epithelial cells: role in health and disease
Chair(s): R. Lutter (Amsterdam, Netherlands), A. Fisher (Newcastle, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Physiology and cardiometabolic comorbidities in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): P. Levy (Grenoble, France), M. Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Flexible bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of paediatric lung diseases
Chair(s): F. De Benedictis (Ancona, Italy), K. Priftis (Kifisia, Greece)
Oral Presentation
Dilemmas and progress in understanding childhood asthma
Chair(s): J. C. De Jongste (Rotterdam, The Netherlands), S. Pedersen (Kolding, Denmark)
Oral Presentation
Mechanisms of allergic inflammation of the airways
Chair(s): U. Raap (Hannover, Germany), S. Bonini (Roma, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Accelerated lung ageing in COPD
Chair(s): A. Agusti (Barcelona, Spain), M. Ichinose (Wakayama, Japan)
Knowing COPD by heart: a relationship beyond comorbidity
Chair(s): O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria), L. M. Fabbri (Modena, Italy)
TBNET: tuberculosis research in Europe
Chair(s): D. Goletti (Rome, Italy), G. Bothamley (London, United Kingdom)
Acute breathlessness: the state of the science
Chair(s): G. Burge (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
New promising ways to treat cystic fibrosis
Chair(s): D. Bilton (London, United Kingdom), H. Tiddens (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Interventional Pneumology Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): A. Sundset (Oslo, Norway), J. Flandes (Madrid , Spain)
Grand round
The 2011 PAH debate: what is the biggest challenge we face to optimise patient outcome?
Chair(s): A. Boonstra (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Evening Symposium
Comorbidities and impact on society of asthma and COPD
Chair(s): D. Jarvis (London, United Kingdom), E. Lindberg (Uppsala, Sweden)
Poster Discussion
Genes, environment and obstruction
Chair(s): H. M. Boezen (Groningen, The Netherlands), F. Kauffmann (Villejuif, France)
Oral Presentation
Obstructive sleep apnoea: the heart and the brain
Chair(s): S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany), J. A. Hedner (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Poster Discussion
Viral respiratory infections in children: causes and consequences
Chair(s): C. O Callaghan (Leicester, United Kingdom), Z. Zivkovic (Belgrade, Republic of Serbia)
Oral Presentation
Models of disease and drug actions
Chair(s): I. M. Adcock (London, United Kingdom)
Poster Discussion
Smoking-related diseases and smoking cessation
Chair(s): C. Jimenez Ruiz (Madrid, Spain), S. Luhning (Cordoba, Argentina)
Poster Discussion
Tuberculosis: from bench to bedside
Chair(s): C. Herzmann (Borstel / Sulfeld, Germany)
Poster Discussion
T-cell subsets
Chair(s): P. Chanez (Marseille, France), C. Corrigan (London, United Kingdom)
Poster Discussion
Indoor hazards and respiratory disease: irritants and allergens
Chair(s): J. Zock (Barcelona, Spain), D. Heederik (Utrecht, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
ERS Award for Rare Pulmonary Disease Ceremony (supported by GlaxoSmithKline) followed by Clinical Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): V. Cottin (Lyon, France), V. Poletti (Forli, Italy)
Grand round
Cardio-pulmonary interactions
Chair(s): J. Neder (Sao Paulo, Brazil), G. Hedenstierna (Uppsala, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
End-stage lung disease in children
Chair(s): A. Fisher (Newcastle, United Kingdom), R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Molecular pathology and functional genomics of lung disease
Chair(s): M. Skrzypski (Sopot, Poland), H. Popper (Graz, Austria)
Oral Presentation
ERS/ESCMID Guidelines: Management of lower respiratory tract infections: scores, biomarkers and beyond
Chair(s): G. Rohde (Maastricht, The Netherlands), M. Miravitlles (Barcelona, Spain)
The non-parmacological management of COPD exacerbations
Chair(s): T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), M. A. Spruit (Horn, The Netherlands)
The unfolding story of endoplasmic reticulum stress signalling in lung disease
Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, Netherlands), C. Greene (Dublin, Ireland)
Understanding the burden of chronic respiratory diseases: what decision makers need to know
Chair(s): R. Breyer-Kohansal (Vienna, Austria), J. Lopez-Campos (Seville, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Mechanisms of acute lung injury and mesenchymal cell treatment
Chair(s): A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain), S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece)
Oral Presentation
Clinical application of exhaled biomarkers
Chair(s): I. Horvath (Budapest, Hungary), P. J. Sterk (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
The burden of work-related respiratory disease: known and new end-points
Chair(s): F. De Blay (Strasbourg, France)
Oral Presentation
Advances in lung function testing from infancy to adulthood
Chair(s): P. Aurora (London, United Kingdom), E. Lombardi (Florence, Italy)
Poster Discussion
Genetic and molecular background in pulmonary fibrosis
Chair(s): B. Crestani (Paris, France), J. Behr (Bochum, Germany)
Poster Discussion
Mechanical ventilation and lung injury: new advances
Chair(s): A. Torres (Barcelona, Spain), P. Rocco (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Poster Discussion
Progress in endoscopy for the diagnosis of lung cancer
Chair(s): S. Ott (Berlin, Germany), M. Koslow (Tel Aviv, Israel)
Poster Discussion
Tuberculosis in immunocompromised hosts
Chair(s): D. Bumbacea (Bucharest, Romania), M. Sester (Homburg, Germany)
Poster Discussion
Advances in antibiotic therapy of non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
Chair(s): D. Bilton (London, United Kingdom), E. Polverino (Barcelona, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Resuscitation and ventilation in the baby and infant
Chair(s): R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom), A. te Pas (Leiden, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Surgery for lung cancer: pre-operative evaluation and results
Chair(s): P. Van Schil (Antwerp, Belgium), J. Pac Ferrer (Bilbao, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Lung cancer: molecular pathology and functional genomics
Chair(s): P. Schnabel (Heidelberg, Germany), S. Diederichs (Heidelberg, Germany)
Poster Discussion
What is new in tuberculosis immunodiagnosis?
Chair(s): J. Dominguez (Badalona, Spain), G. Ferrara (Solna, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
The value of patients as partners in research
Chair(s): M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom), L. Buzermaniene (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Hot topics
The best abstracts in rehabilitation and chronic care 2011 (sponsored by Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition)
Chair(s): S. Singh (Leicester, United Kingdom), M. A. Spruit (Horn, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
The prognostic value of cardiopulmonary exercise testing
Chair(s): L. Puente Maestú (Madrid, Spain), P. Palange (Rome, Italy)
The digital highway: innovative monitoring of asthma
Chair(s): H. Lee (Seoul, Republic Of Korea), G. Piacentini (Verona, Italy)
Maurizio Vignola Award for Innovation in Pneumology Ceremony (supported by Chiesi Foundation) followed by Science Year in Review
Chair(s): T. Geiser (Bern, Switzerland), P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom)
Epidemiology of COPD exacerbations
Chair(s): B. Lundback (Gothenburg, Sweden), R. Rodríguez-Roisin (Barcelona, Spain)
Vasculitis and the lung
Chair(s): J-F. Cordier (Lyon, France), C. Robalo Cordeiro (Coimbra, Portugal), Y. Inoue (Osaka, Japan)
Phenotyping asthma: a clue for treatments?
Chair(s): S-E. Dahlén (Stockholm, Sweden), C. Taille (Paris, France)
Oral Presentation
Imaging in COPD
Chair(s): S. Ley (Heidelberg, Germany), C. Schaefer-Prokop (Amsterdam Zuid-Oost, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Risk assessment for tuberculosis
Chair(s): I. Latorre (Badalona, Spain), M. Eisenhut (Luton, United Kingdom), M. Aabye (Hvidovre, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
New aspects in prevention and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia and lower respiratory tract infections
Chair(s): C. Luna (Buenos Aires, Argentina), A. Hill (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Aetiology, diagnosis and outcomes in community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): W. Boersma (Alkmaar, The Netherlands), A. De Roux (Berlin, Germany), O. Rajas Naranjo (Madrid, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection and non-cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
Chair(s): M. Tamm (Basel, Switzerland), M. Vendrell Relat (Girona, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Antimicrobial treatment and resistance in lower respiratory tract infections
Chair(s): A. Sayiner (Izmir, Turkey), N. Stanton (Cardiff, United Kingdom), P. Mallia (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical tuberculosis
Chair(s): I. Katjitaey (Bachbrecht Windhoek, Namibia), W. De Lange (Groningen, Netherlands), I. Solovic (Vysne Hagy, Slovakia), F. Marchesani (Pavia, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Management of tuberculosis
Chair(s): J-P. Zellweger (Fribourg, Switzerland), A. Antunes (Vila Nova Gaia, Portugal), P. D. O. Davies (Liverpool, United Kingdom), L. Codecasa (Milan, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of multidrug-resistant and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
Chair(s): I. Abubakar (London, United Kingdom), J. Cayla (Barcelona, Spain), V. Crudu (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova)
Thematic Poster Session
Tuberculosis epidemiology and public health
Chair(s): T. Vasankari (Turku, Finland), C. Mulder (The Hague, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Imaging, functional evaluation and staging for lung cancer patients
Chair(s): A. Rozman (Golnik, Slovenia), T. Strand (Oslo, Norway), N. Dickgreber (Sarstedt, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis and surgical interventions
Chair(s): F. Eyunboglu (Ankara, Turkey), A. Skrahina (Minsk Region, Belarus), T. Mihaescu (Iasi, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary and extrapulmonary tuberculosis
Chair(s): M. Koslow (Tel Aviv, Israel), J. Nemeth (Zurich, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical challenges in tuberculosis
Chair(s): J-P. Janssens (Geneva, Switzerland), S. Winkler (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of lung cancer and screening
Chair(s): S. Spiro (Middlesex, United Kingdom), R. M. Huber (Munich, Germany), B. Grigoriu (Iasi, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Palliation and morbidity in lung cancer patients
Chair(s): M. Paesmans (Brussels, Belgium), F. Gamarra (Munich, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Biomarkers and other new methods for lung cancer
Chair(s): R. Mroz (Bialystok, Poland), B. Schmidt (Halle, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Instructive clinical aspects of lung cancer
Chair(s): G. Hardavella (Athens, Greece), A. Kempa (Hemer, Germany), N. Triller (Golnik, Slovenia), K. Zarogoulidis (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Pleural and mediastinal malignancies: management and rare clinical cases
Chair(s): N. Maskell (Bristol, United Kingdom), P. Zarogoulidis (Thessaloniki, Greece), P. Astoul (Marseille, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Medical education
Chair(s): A. Simonds (London, United Kingdom), K. E. Bloch (Zurich, Switzerland), P. L. Haslam (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Assessment of severity and predictors of outcomes in community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): T. Bauer (Berlin, Germany), S. Ott (Berlin, Germany), M. Sucena (Leca Da Palmeira, Portugal)
Thematic Poster Session
Infection in the immunocompromised host: infrequent aetiologies
Chair(s): M. Van Der Eerden (Rotterdam, Netherlands), M. Kolditz (Dresden, Germany), S. Nesterovich (Tomsk, Russian Federation)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung transplantation
Chair(s): G. Verleden (Leuven, Belgium), F. Meloni (Pavia, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Physiology and diagnostic technology in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): T. Penzel (Berlin, Germany), M. Kohler (Zurich, Switzerland), S. Asadi (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
General thoracic surgery I
Chair(s): P. Yablonskiy (Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation), A. End (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Acute respiratory failure
Chair(s): P. Pelosi (Genoa, Italy), T. Vassilakopoulos (Athens, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Intensive care outcome
Chair(s): S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece), T. Welte (Hannover, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Noninvasive ventilation in the acute setting: education, organisation, H1N1, paediatrics, weaning, diagnostic procedures and special considerations
Chair(s): R. Scala (Arezzo, Italy), D. Dellweg (Schmallenberg , Germany), M. Vukcevic (Belgrade, Republic of Serbia), N. Hart (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
New evidence in home mechanical ventilation
Chair(s): J. Nasilowski (Warsaw, Poland), E. Ekkernkamp (Freiburg, Germany), M. Chatwin (London, United Kingdom), A. Cuvelier (Rouen, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory and skeletal muscle assessment in health and disease
Chair(s): A. Aliverti (Milan, Italy), C. Spengler (Zurich, Switzerland), J. Gea (Barcelona, Spain), S. Verges (Echirolles, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical physiology for clinical problems
Chair(s): P. Laveneziana (Paris, France), L. Puente Maestú (Madrid, Spain), M. Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy), N. Hopkinson (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Innovative methods in exercise testing
Chair(s): I. Vogiatzis (Athens, Greece), R. Rabinovich (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), J. Neder (Sao Paulo, Brazil), P. Onorati (Roma, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): S. Verhulst (Wilrijk, Belgium), B. Sanner (Wuppertal, Germany), D. Pevernagie (Heeze, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung and airway function
Chair(s): N. Koulouris (Athens, Greece), G. Miserocchi (Monza, Italy), R. Dellaca (Milan, Italy), Z. Hantos (Szeged, Hungary)
Thematic Poster Session
Cardiometabolic and neurocognitive changes in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): M. Arzt (Regensburg, Germany), R. Tkacova (Kosice, Slovakia), S.Ryan (Dublin, Ireland)
Thematic Poster Session
Obstructive sleep apnoea: clinical aspects I
Chair(s): S. West (Newcastle, United Kingdom), P. Jennum (Glostrup, Denmark), A. Kaditis (Piraeus, Greece), W. De Backer (Antwerp, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment of human pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): K. Sheares (Cambridge, United Kingdom), C.A Elliot (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Chest wall trauma and airway management
Chair(s): K. Athanassiadi (Athens, Greece), A. Olland (Strasbourg, France), J. Torres Lanzas (Murcia, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Physiology of human pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): R. Naeije (Brussels, Belgium), A. Peacock (Glasgow, United Kingdom), A. Vonk Noordegraaf (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), O. Sitbon (Clamart, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical features of pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): M. M. Hoeper (Hannover, Germany), J. Lordan (Northumberland, United Kingdom), M. Delcroix (Leuven, Belgium), M. Humbert (Clamart, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical features of pulmonary thromboembolism
Chair(s): M. Johnson (Clydebank, United Kingdom), P. Hassoun (Baltimore, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary hypertension in hypoxic lung disease
Chair(s): A. Chaouat (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France), X. Jais (Clamart, France), P. Corris (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom), S. Gaine (Dublin, Ireland)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment of pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): A. Boonstra (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), L. Nicod (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Comorbid obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) and OSA comorbidities
Chair(s): I. Smith (Cambridge, United Kingdom), R. L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
ERS/NEJM Late breaking research session
Chair(s): L. M. Fabbri (Modena, Italy), E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
How to integrate care: crossing European borders
Chair(s): F. Smeenk (Eindhoven, Netherlands), D. Price (Cawston, United Kingdom)
ECDC and WHO tuberculosis guidelines: update 2011 (organised within the FP7 funded TB-PAN-NET project)
Chair(s): D. Cirillo (Milan, Italy), A. Sandgren (Stockholm, Sweden)
Measuring physical activity and exercise performance in chronic lung disease: implications for rehabilitation
Chair(s): M. Morgan (Leicester, United Kingdom), M. Sillen (Horn, Netherlands)
Poster Discussion
Comorbidities and management in primary care
Chair(s): N. Chavannes (Leiden, Netherlands), B. Stallberg (Uppsala, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Epithelial cell biology
Chair(s): D. Davies (Southampton, United Kingdom), C. Greene (Dublin, Ireland)
Poster Discussion
Improving outcomes after lung transplantation
Chair(s): M. Iversen (Copenhagen, Denmark), F. Meloni (Pavia, Italy)
Poster Discussion
Obstructive sleep apnoea: inflammation and metabolism
Chair(s): W. McNicholas (Dublin, Ireland), J. Montserrat (Barcelona, Spain)
Poster Discussion
Quality control in lung function and exercise-related issues
Chair(s): I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, The Netherlands), W. Tomalak (Rabka, Poland)
Poster Discussion
Role of infection in exacerbations of COPD
Chair(s): T. Wilkinson (Southampton, United Kingdom), S. Sethi (Buffalo, United States of America)
Poster Discussion
Novel clinical features of acute and chronic lung diseases
Chair(s): D. Olivieri (Parma, Italy), P. Camus (Dijon, France)
Oral Presentation
Chest physiotherapy and breathing retraining
Chair(s): D. Langer (Leuven , Belgium), M. Thomas (Gloucester, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Noninvasive ventilation on the intensive care unit: from novel application to end of life issues
Chair(s): R. Scala (Arezzo, Italy), A. Cuvelier (Rouen, France)
Oral Presentation
COPD: burden of disease, imaging and management
Chair(s): C. Janson (Uppsala, Sweden), G. Viegi (Pisa, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Treatment options and tumour biology of malignant pleural mesothelioma
Chair(s): B. Robinson (Perth, Australia), A. Scherpereel (Lille, France)
Oral Presentation
Barrier functions in sepsis and acute lung injury
Chair(s): J. Hamacher (Bern, Switzerland), T. Martin (Seattle, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
COPD: mechanisms and biomarker
Chair(s): A. Agusti (Barcelona, Spain), M. Breyer (Vienna, Austria)
Oral Presentation
Bone marrow-derived stem cells in respiratory diseases: a future therapy?
Chair(s): P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom), A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain)
Hot topics
Innate immune responses in COPD and severe asthma: new targets for therapy?
Chair(s): B. Levy (Boston, United States of America), G. Anderson (Parkville, Australia)
Cancer tissue is the issue
Chair(s): J-P. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), B. Crestani (Paris, France)
Highlights in the treatment of pleural empyema
Chair(s): E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain), M. Confalonieri (Trieste, Italy)
Paediatric Year in Review
Chair(s): E. Eber (Graz, Austria), C. Kuehni (Bern, Switzerland)
Romain Pauwels Research Award Ceremony (supported by GlaxoSmithKline) followed by Imaging of the lung parenchyma: an interactive session on interpretation strategies
Chair(s): R. Kubale (Pirmasens, Germany), L. Nicod (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Grand round
Inflammation and genes in childhood asthma
Chair(s): P. Le Souef (Perth, Australia), C. Soderhall (Huddinge, Sweden)
Poster Discussion
Physical activity monitors: from toy to valid tool?
Chair(s): M. Emtner (Uppsala, Sweden), F. Pitta (Londrina, Brazil)
Oral Presentation
Asthma: basic science and clinical studies
Chair(s): C. Taube (Mainz, Germany), M. Gjomarkaj (Palermo, Italy)
Poster Discussion
Obstructive sleep apnoea in children and adults
Chair(s): A. Kaditis (Piraeus, Greece), R. L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Risk factors and treatment outcomes in multidrug- and extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
Chair(s): G. Guenther (Borstel, Germany), V. Botnaru (Chisinau, Republic of Moldova)
Poster Discussion
Environmental exposure and disease mechanisms
Chair(s): P. Thorne (Iowa City, United States of America), T. Malling (Aalborg, Denmark)
Poster Discussion
Experimental pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): A. Ghofrani (Giessen, Germany), S. Gaine (Dublin, Ireland)
Poster Discussion
Biomarkers and exacerbations of asthma and COPD
Chair(s): S. L. Johnston (London, United Kingdom), G. Brusselle (Ghent, Belgium)
Poster Discussion
Sleep and weight: heavy under pressure
Chair(s): B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom), J. Lloyd (Staffordshire , United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
New dimensions in respiratory clinics - Peter Macklem memorial symposium
Chair(s): E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), P. J. Sterk (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Hot topics
Growth factors and fibrogenesis: are they good, bad or both?
Chair(s): M. Kolb (Hamilton, Canada), B. Crestani (Paris, France)
Oral Presentation
Adenosine and purigenic signalling in inflammatory lung disease
Chair(s): J. C. Virchow (Rostock, Germany), C. Page (London, United Kingdom)
New insights in the incidence, variation and risk factors of asthma
Chair(s): P. Burney (London, United Kingdom), I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France)
Oral Presentation
Chronic bronchial infection: more than a syndrome
Chair(s): T. Welte (Hannover, Germany), A. Anzueto (San Antonio, United States of America)
The times they are a-changing: how noninvasive ventilation changed our practice
Chair(s): N. Hill (Providence, United States of America), A. Carlucci (Milan, Italy)
Clinical Year in Review I
Chair(s): D. Bouros (Alexandroupolis, Greece), C. Strange (Charleston, United States of America)
Slow-growing lung cancer
Chair(s): E. Quoix (Strasbourg, France), R. M. Huber (Munich, Germany)
Pulmonary infections and sepsis
Chair(s): J.-D. Chiche (Paris, France), J. Pugin (Geneva, Switzerland)
Oral Presentation
Chair(s): P. L. Haslam (London, United Kingdom), J. Wildhaber (Fribourg, Switzerland)
Oral Presentation
Important new developments in paediatric respiratory physiology
Chair(s): P. Aurora (London, United Kingdom), E. Lombardi (Florence, Italy)
Oral Presentation
New treatments for airway disease
Chair(s): F. Chung (London, United Kingdom), K. Ohta (Tokyo, Japan)
Oral Presentation
Molecular markers: diagnosis and management of malignant pleural effusions
Chair(s): B. Grigoriu (Iasi, Romania), I. Kalomenidis (Haidiari, Greece)
Poster Discussion
Treatment beyond inhalers: endoscopic lung volume reduction
Chair(s): P. Shah (London, United Kingdom), D. Slebos (Groningen, Netherlands)
Poster Discussion
Phenotyping and monitoring of airway diseases
Chair(s): A. Ten Brinke (Molenend, Netherlands), B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy)
Poster Discussion
Challenges in chronic disease management: helping individuals with chronic lung disease remain stable
Chair(s): D. Janssen (Horn, Netherlands), R. S. Goldstein (Toronto, On, Canada)
Poster Discussion
Obstructive sleep apnoea as a comorbidity
Chair(s): S.Ryan (Dublin, Ireland), L. Grote (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Poster Discussion
Understanding disease and drug mechanisms
Chair(s): L. Donnelly (London, United Kingdom), G. Caramori (Ferrara, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Outdoor air pollution studies
Chair(s): G. Hoek (Utrecht, Netherlands), J. Pekkanen (Kuopio, Finland)
Oral Presentation
Pathobiology of experimental pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): A. Peacock (Glasgow, United Kingdom), A. Chaouat (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France)
Oral Presentation
Insight into mechanisms of respiratory infections
Chair(s): A. Papi (Ferrara, Italy), G. Dimopoulos (Athens, Greece)
Poster Discussion
Highlights in lung function 2011
Chair(s): J. Lloyd (Staffordshire , United Kingdom), J. Makonga-Braaksma (Woudenberg, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Early wheezing conditions in childhood
Chair(s): S. Turner (Aberdeen, United Kingdom), F. Rusconi (Florence, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Non-tuberculous mycobacteria pulmonary infections
Chair(s): J. Van Ingen (Nijmegen, Netherlands), D. Wagner (Freiburg Im Breisgau, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Recent therapeutic advances with tyrosine-kinase inhibitors in nonsmall-cell lung cancer
Chair(s): J-P. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), R. M. Huber (Munich, Germany)
Hot topics
Why is epigenetics important for lung disease?
Chair(s): C. Taggart (Belfast, United Kingdom), C. Bingle (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Interventional bronchoscopy in children
Chair(s): F. Midulla (Rome, Italy), E. Eber (Graz, Austria)
Respiratory complications after chest trauma: current management
Chair(s): E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain), G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden)
New imaging tools for diagnosis of alterations in lung structure and function in COPD
Chair(s): G. Miserocchi (Monza, Italy), R. Rodríguez-Roisin (Barcelona, Spain)
COPD Research Award Ceremony (supported by Boehringer Ingelheim) followed by Clinical Year in Review II
Chair(s): T. Sigsgaard (Aarhus, Denmark), E. Clini (Modena, Italy)
Late-Breaking Abstracts Session: New mechanisms in airway disease
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Tradate, Italy), C. Corrigan (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Respiratory epidemiology: methods, definitions and phenotypes
Chair(s): D. Mannino (Lexington, United States of America), C. Svanes (Bergen, Norway)
Thematic Poster Session
Work, the environment and respiratory disease
Chair(s): O. Omland (Aalborg, Denmark), D. Nowak (Munich, Germany), I. Wouters (Utrecht, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Work-related respiratory diseases and specific exposures
Chair(s): D. Fishwick (Sheffield, United Kingdom), P. Bakke (Bergen, Norway)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment strategies, systemic manifestations and biomarkers in airway diseases
Chair(s): Z. Lazar (Budapest, Hungary), K. Kostikas (Karditsa, Greece), T. Popov (Sofia, Bulgaria), G. Carpagnano (Bari, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory epidemiology: prevalence, incidence and remission
Chair(s): M. S. Jaakkola (Oulu, Finland), E. Ronmark (Lulea, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory epidemiology: quality of life, therapy and socioeconomics
Chair(s): C. Suppli Ulrik (Virum, Denmark), J. Soriano (Bunyola, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Experimental modulation of airway inflammation
Chair(s): H.J. Hoffmann (Aarhus, Denmark), M. Dentener (Maastricht, Netherlands), E. Mortaz (Utrecht, Netherlands), D. Jungck (Bochum, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory respiratory diseases
Chair(s): R. Jonkers (Amsterdam, Netherlands), B. J. O'Connor (London, United Kingdom), D. Bumbacea (Bucharest, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of smoking and smoking cessation interventions
Chair(s): R. Sansores (Mexico City, Mexico), S. Belo Ravara (Covilha, Portugal)
Thematic Poster Session
Anti-smoking interventions: prevention and treatment
Chair(s): F. Mihaltan (Bucharest, Romania), P. I. Van Spiegel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Issues in paediatric and neonatal intensive care
Chair(s): C. Roehr (Berlin, Germany), K. Bohlin (Alvsjö, Sweden), M. Chakraborty (Cardiff, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Coping and lifestyle in childhood asthma
Chair(s): M. Pijnenburg (Rotterdam, Netherlands), A. Moeller (Zurich, Switzerland), L. Fleming (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Biological correlates and comorbidities of childhood asthma/allergy
Chair(s): K-H. Carlsen (Oslo, Norway), S. Saglani (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Cystic fibrosis: clinical and laboratory studies
Chair(s): A. Lindblad (Savedalen, Sweden), S. Brown (London, United Kingdom), E. Kerem (Jerusalem, Israel), P. Latzin (Bern, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Update on monitoring airway diseases
Chair(s): M. Foschino (Bari, Italy), M. Corradi (Parma, Italy), B. Brashier (Pune, India), A. Papaioannou (Vrilissia Athens, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
General thoracic surgery II
Chair(s): A. End (Vienna, Austria), C. Paleru (Bucharest, Romania), J. Pac Ferrer (Bilbao, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Influenza A (H1N1): lessons after the epidemic
Chair(s): Y. Ivanov (Pleven, Bulgaria), F. Ringshausen (Hanover, Germany), S. L. Johnston (London, United Kingdom), R. Menendez (Valencia, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Challenges in tuberculosis control
Chair(s): L. Anderson (London, United Kingdom), W. Ricketts (London, United Kingdom), P. Ravn (Frederiksberg, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
Novel strategies for the diagnosis of tuberculosis
Chair(s): J. Keane (Dublin, Ireland), S. Winkler (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment of tuberculosis and adverse drug reactions
Chair(s): A. Skrahina (Minsk Region, Belarus), M. De Souza Galvao (Barcelona, Spain), A. Bossink (Den Dolder, Netherlands), A. Andersen (Odense, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
Quality management for lung cancer patients
Chair(s): R. Milroy (Glasgow, United Kingdom), E. Jakobsen (Odense, Denmark), D. Jovanovic (Beograd, Republic of Serbia)
Thematic Poster Session
Bronchial hyperresponsiveness and exhaled and sputum biomarkers
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Tradate, Italy), P. Pignatti (Pavia, Italy), R. Louis (Liege, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
A little bit of everything: interventional pneumology
Chair(s): J. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), M. Doris (Athens, Greece), M. Munavvar (Preston, Lancashire, United Kingdom), S. Altin (Istanbul, Turkey)
Thematic Poster Session
Airways disease comorbidities and general aspects
Chair(s): R. Buhl (Mainz, Germany), A. Morice (Cottingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Quality of diagnosis and assessment in primary care
Chair(s): T. Van Der Molen (Groningen, Netherlands), A. Kruis (Leiden, Netherlands), P. White (London, United Kingdom), K. Lisspers (Gagnef, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Drug delivery and pharmacokinetics II
Chair(s): O. Usmani (London, United Kingdom), M. Molimard (Bordeaux, France), H. Chrystyn (Huddersfield, United Kingdom), J. C. Virchow (Rostock, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD diagnosis
Chair(s): T. Welte (Hannover, Germany), R. Breyer-Kohansal (Vienna, Austria), H. Olschewski (Graz, Austria), T. Bauer (Berlin, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
New insights in management of interstitial and vascular lung diseases
Chair(s): M. Marvisi (Salsomaggiore Terme, Italy), U. Costabel (Essen, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
What do individuals know about their disease? Educational needs, the psychological impact of chronic respiratory disease and health-related quality of life
Chair(s): J. Van Der Palen (Enschede, Netherlands), J. Vercoulen (Venlo, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Challenges in rehabilitation: some old dilemmas revisited with some solutions?
Chair(s): R. Gosselink (Leuven, Belgium), J. Williams (Leicester, United Kingdom), J. Alison (Killara, Australia)
Thematic Poster Session
Imaging in oncology and infectious diseases
Chair(s): H. Roberts (Toronto, Canada), J. Coolen (Leuven, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
The basic and the future: pure diagnostic or dedicated wavelengths play
Chair(s): L. Freitag (Essen, Germany), B. Escarguel (Toulon, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Different profiles of sarcoidosis and other granulomatous disorders
Chair(s): E. Bargagli (Siena, Italy), S. Freitas (Coimbra, Portugal), R. P. Baughman (Cincinnati, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical perspectives in several interstitial diseases
Chair(s): D. Valeyre (Paris, France), A. Morais (Maia, Portugal), P. Rottoli (Siena, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD mechanisms
Chair(s): H. Koller (Vienna, Austria), W. Pohl (Vienna, Austria), E. Russi (Zurich, Switzerland), H. Watz (Grosshansdorf, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Recent advances in noninvasive ventilation used for treating acute respiratory failure
Chair(s): M. Ferrer (Barcelona, Spain), R. Angus (Liverpool, United Kingdom), P. Navalesi (Vercelli, Italy), B. Schoenhofer (Hanover, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung development and neoplasia
Chair(s): H. Popper (Graz, Austria), J. Chorostowska-Wynimko (Warsaw, Poland), R. Lucas (Augusta, United States of America), S. Matalon (Birmingham, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD: clinical studies and animal cell models
Chair(s): J. Erjefalt (Lund, Sweden), M. Gjomarkaj (Palermo, Italy), J. H. J. Vernooy (Maastricht, Netherlands), T. Mauad (Sao Paulo, Brazil)
Thematic Poster Session
Immunology and cell biology of asthma and COPD
Chair(s): S. Baraldo (Padova, Italy), L. Dupont (Leuven, Belgium), K. Van Der Sluijs (Amsterdam , Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Phagocytes and dendritic cells
Chair(s): R. Lutter (Amsterdam, Netherlands), P. Borger (Basel, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Cell biology of lung disease
Chair(s): O. Holz (Hannover, Germany), C. Bingle (Sheffield, United Kingdom), M. Brodlie (Northumberland, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Novel mechanisms in lung injury
Chair(s): C. Kaehler (Innsbruck, Austria), R. Morty (Giessen, Germany), D. Thickett (Birmingham, United Kingdom), M. Ochs (Hannover, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Obstructive sleep apnoea: clinical aspects II
Chair(s): J. Montserrat (Barcelona, Spain), J. De Backer (Edegem, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Asthma management and response
Chair(s): P. Paggiaro (Pisa, Italy), N. Thomson (Glasgow, United Kingdom), G. D'Amato (Naples, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Prediction of pulmonary thromboembolism
Chair(s): A. Ghofrani (Giessen, Germany), G. Simonneau (Clamart, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Pro/Con debate: Maintenance chemotherapy after induction chemotherapy for advanced nonsmall cell lung cancer
Chair(s): N. Schoenfeld (Berlin, Germany), K. Zarogoulidis (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Pulmonologists and intensivists: two hearts are better than one?
Chair(s): A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain), M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Disease management in specific primary care populations
Chair(s): J. Snoeck-Stroband (Leiden, Netherlands), M. L. Levy (London, United Kingdom)
Poster Discussion
Morphological and functional imaging in obstructive airway disease
Chair(s): M. Eichinger (Heidelberg, Germany), P. Zanen (Utrecht , Netherlands)
Poster Discussion
Lung cell injury and repair
Chair(s): T. Martin (Seattle, United States of America), G. Jenkins (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Poster Discussion
Rare lung diseases in children
Chair(s): P. Pohunek (Prague, Czech Republic), I. Azevedo (Porto, Portugal)
Poster Discussion
Cystic fibrosis: new basic, clinical and bacteriological knowledge
Chair(s): B. Fauroux (Paris, France), N. Regamey (Bern, Switzerland)
Poster Discussion
COPD mechanisms
Chair(s): W. MacNee (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), M. Kneussl (Vienna, Austria)
Poster Discussion
Biomarkers in sarcoidosis
Chair(s): D. Bouros (Alexandroupolis, Greece), C. Albera (Turin, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Access to the periphery: solitary periphery nodule
Chair(s): A. Valipour (Vienna, Austria), M. Schuhmann (Winchester, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Pro/Con Debate ""Allergen avoidance in asthma: useful after all or a waste of time and effort?
Chair(s): G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden), A. Woodcock (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Appropriate use of antibiotics in respiratory infections in Europe (the GRACE project)
Chair(s): M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom), G. Rohde (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Exercise strategies for chronic respiratory disease
Chair(s): T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), M. Morgan (Leicester, United Kingdom)
Innovative diagnostic methods for lung cancer
Chair(s): A. Fisseler-Eckhoff (Wiesbaden, Germany), A. Scherpereel (Lille, France)
Oral Presentation
New ERS Guidelines: Management of Work-Related Asthma
Chair(s): X. Baur (Hamburg, Germany), T. Aasen (Bergen, Norway)
Non-tuberculous mycobacterial infections
Chair(s): T. Aksamit (Rochester, United States of America), H. Milburn (London, United Kingdom)
Ceremony for Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Award (supported by Actelion) followed by Pulmonary Hypertension in the Clinic Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): A. Peacock (Glasgow, United Kingdom), G. Simonneau (Clamart, France)
Grand round
Molecular biomarkers at the bedside of critically ill patients
Chair(s): T. Welte (Hannover, Germany), S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece)