PG4 Core Curriculum Postgraduate Course: The illustrated respiratory physiology course
Chair(s): P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom), F. De Jongh (Enschede, Netherlands)
Postgraduate Course
PG6 Core Curriculum Postgraduate Course: How to reduce the burden of COPD
Chair(s): J. Zielinski (Warsaw, Poland), M. Decramer (Leuven, Belgium)
Postgraduate Course
PG2 Core Curriculum Postgraduate Course: Lung cancer imaging: case and problem based
Chair(s): J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium), S. Diederich (Dusseldorf, Germany)
Postgraduate Course
PG3 Core Curriculum Postgraduate Course: Timing of noninvasive ventilation in acute respiratory failure
Chair(s): S. Nava (Pavia, Italy), J. Winck (Porto, Portugal)
Postgraduate Course
PG10 Self management in chronic respiratory disease
Chair(s): M. Partridge (London, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG8 Asthma: monitoring airway disease
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Cassano Murge (Ba), Italy), I. Horvath (Budakeszi, Hungary)
Postgraduate Course
PG9 What we should know about sports and asthma
Chair(s): S. Bonini (Roma, Italy), J. Bousquet (Montpellier, France)
Postgraduate Course
PG11 Paediatric lung function testing - an interactive course
Chair(s): M. Gappa (Wesel, Germany), P. L. P. Brand (Zwolle, Netherlands)
Postgraduate Course
PG1 EU GRACE Network Full-day Course: vaccination and preventive measures for LRTIs in the community: what’s new?
Chair(s): T. Verheij (Utrecht, Netherlands), F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG7 Drug-induced pulmonary toxicity
Chair(s): V. Poletti (Forli, Italy), C. Robalo Cordeiro (Coimbra, Portugal)
Postgraduate Course
PG12 EU FP7 TB PAN-NET: Update in tuberculosis: advances in the management of drug resistant and multi-drug resistent tuberculosis cases
Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), P. D. O. Davies (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG5 Core Curriculum Postgraduate Course: Obstructive sleep apnoea – current pathophysiological, clinical and therapeutic concepts
Chair(s): J. Verbraecken (Antwerp, Belgium), S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany)
Postgraduate Course
PG18 Practical clinical lessons in pulmonary vascular medicine: a case-based approach
Chair(s): M. Humbert (Clamart, France), S. Gaine (Dublin, Ireland)
Postgraduate Course
WS1 - New imaging methods for the researcher: believe what you see!
Chair(s): B. Crestani (Paris, France), T. Geiser (Bern, Switzerland)
Postgraduate Course
PG19 Current issues on pleura and diaphragm
Chair(s): D. Subotic (Belgrade, Republic of Serbia), M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium)
Postgraduate Course
PG21 Morbidity and mortality of sleep-disordered breathing: jointly organised with ACCP
Chair(s): B. Phillips (Lexington, Ky, United States of America), J-L. Pepin (Grenoble, France)
Postgraduate Course
PG14 Interventional pulmonology - new toys or tools? An interactive course
Chair(s): F. Herth (Heidelberg, Germany), P. Chhajed (Basel, Switzerland)
Postgraduate Course
PG16 How to organise a respiratory high dependency unit?
Chair(s): B. Schoenhofer (Hanover, Germany), M. Chatwin (London, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG15 The complexity of COPD: assessment and advanced therapies
Chair(s): B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy), J. Roca (Barcelona, Spain)
Postgraduate Course
PG20 State of the art in pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): I. Vogiatzis (Athens, Greece), T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium)
Postgraduate Course
PG17 Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the evaluation of the respiratory patient
Chair(s): S. Ward (Crickhowell, United Kingdom), P. Palange (Rome, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG13 Asthma: pathology and treatment
Chair(s): G. Joos (Gent, Belgium), G. Canonica (Genoa, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
Tobacco smoke and inflammatory and immune effects
Chair(s): A. Trofor (Iasi, Romania), P. I. Van Spiegel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Interventional pneumology
Chair(s): D. Slebos (Groningen, Netherlands), C. Dooms (Leuven, Belgium)
E-Communication Session
Towards improving asthma control
Chair(s): G. Brusselle (Ghent, Belgium), P. Paggiaro (Pisa, Italy)
E-Communication Session
From cough to sound analysis of breathing
Chair(s): A. Morice (East Yorkshire, United Kingdom), M. Gaga (Athens, Greece)
E-Communication Session
Pathogenesis of pulmonary fibrosis
Chair(s): D. Bouros (Alexandroupolis, Greece)
E-Communication Session
Treatment of tuberculosis at times of emerging drug resistance
Chair(s): A. Zumla (London, United Kingdom), A. Skrahina (Minsk Region, Belarus)
E-Communication Session
Influence of interventions and comorbidity on exercise performance
Chair(s): P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom), L. Puente Maestu (Madrid, Spain)
Oral Presentation
E-learning in medical education
Chair(s): P. Palange (Rome, Italy), J. Wildhaber (Fribourg, Switzerland)
Oral Presentation
Bronchiolitis obliterans syndrome after lung transplantation: pathophysiology and treatment options
Chair(s): G. Verleden (Leuven, Belgium), A. Fisher (Newcastle, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Lung cancer biology
Chair(s): P. Schnabel (Heidelberg, Germany), A.-P. Meert (Brussels, Belgium)
E-Communication Session
Clinical management of pulmonary arterial hypertension
Chair(s): G. Simonneau (Clamart, France), A. Peacock (Clydebank, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Malignant pleural mesothelioma guidelines
Chair(s): A. Scherpereel (Lille, France), H. Dienenmann (Heidelberg, Germany)
Chest imaging in evolution: new techniques and new possibilities
Chair(s): W. De Wever (Leuven, Belgium), S. Ley (Heidelberg, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Paediatric Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): M. Zach (Graz, Austria), L. Hjalte (Stockholm, Sweden)
Grand round
Microbial colonisation or latency: a foot in the door to respiratory infections
Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Hot topics
Paediatric Respiratory Research Awards (supported by Merck & Co., Inc.)
Chair(s): G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden), E. Baraldi (Padova, Italy)
Mast cells reborn: beyond the allergic response
Chair(s): N. Frossard (Illkirch Cedex, France), C. Brightling (Leicester, United Kingdom)
Physiotherapy for the respiratory patient: evidence-based guidelines
Chair(s): S. Singh (Leicester, United Kingdom), T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium)
Crossing the line: alveolo-capillary barrier control in acute lung injury
Chair(s): R. Morty (Giessen, Germany), S. Matalon (Birmingham, Al, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
The night shift: sleep, noise, sedation and delirium out of hours in the intensive care unit and high-dependency unit
Chair(s): S. Nava (Pavia, Italy), P. Levy (Grenoble, France)
One size (does not) fit all: phenotyping and controlling asthma
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Cassano Murge (Ba), Italy), R. Taylor (Dunedin, New Zealand)
Oral Presentation
Prognosis and comorbidities in COPD
Chair(s): M. Luisetti (Pavia, Italy), W. MacNee (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
Tuberculosis contact screening
Chair(s): T. Vasankari (Preitila , Finland), A. Bossink (Bilthoven, Netherlands)
E-Communication Session
Cystic fibrosis: understanding a complex disease
Chair(s): F. Ratjen (Toronto, Canada), H. Spencer (London, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
Comorbidities and case management in primary respiratory care
Chair(s): H. Pinnock (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), A. Langhammer (Verdal, Norway)
E-Communication Session
Biomarkers and biology in COPD
Chair(s): C. Pison (Grenoble Cedex 9, France), M. Breyer (Vienna, Austria)
E-Communication Session
Environmental and genetic risk factors for asthma and COPD
Chair(s): B. Lundback (Göteborg, Sweden), H. M. Boezen (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Lung function in adults and children
Chair(s): H. Magnussen (Grosshansdorf, Germany), J. Riedler (Schwarzach, Austria)
Oral Presentation
Diagnosis and treatment of lung cancer
Chair(s): J-P. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), N. Schoenfeld (Berlin, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Highlighting the epithelial cell in lung disease: from COPD to cancer to acute lung injury
Chair(s): C. Kaehler (Innsbruck, Austria), G. Lungarella (Siena, Italy)
E-Communication Session
Riding the tiger: noninvasive ventilation and acute respiratory failure
Chair(s): G. Funk (Wien, Austria), P. Navalesi (Novara, Italy)
Oral Presentation
An update on bronchiectasis
Chair(s): F. Blasi (Milan, Italy), D. Bilton (London, United Kingdom)
Complex sleep apnoea and adaptive servo ventilation
Chair(s): J. Verbraecken (Antwerp, Belgium), S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Best of ERS
Chair(s): J. Gerritsen (Haren, Netherlands), O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria)
Fibrocytes: a key player in fibrotic airway and pulmonary diseases
Chair(s): C. Brightling (Leicester, United Kingdom), K. F. Chung (London, United Kingdom)
Hot topics
Cournand Lecture
Chair(s): J. Gerritsen (Haren, Netherlands), O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria)
Clinical lessons from cardiopulmonary interactions during exercise
Chair(s): J. Neder (Sao Paulo, Brazil), R. Gosselink (Leuven, Belgium)
Phenotype-driven asthma treatment in children
Chair(s): A. Bush (London, United Kingdom), M. Pynenburg (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Lung function testing: between spirometry and structured light plethysmography
Chair(s): I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, The Netherlands), B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Difficult-to-treat tracheal pathology: pulmonological and surgical problem
Chair(s): H. Ris (Lausanne, Switzerland), M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium)
Tobacco and health professionals
Chair(s): C. Gratziou (Athens, Greece), I. Nerin (Zaragoza, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Risk factors for COPD
Chair(s): G. Viegi (Pisa, Italy), J. Soriano (Bunyola, Mallorca Illes Balear, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Exacerbations and characteristics of COPD
Chair(s): F. Pistelli (Pisa, Italy), P. Bakke (Bergen, Norway)
Thematic Poster Session
Methodological aspects of asthma and COPD epidemiology
Chair(s): T. Eagan (Bergen, Norway), L. Carrozzi (Pisa, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
High molecular sensitisers and biological dusts
Chair(s): A. Olin (Gothenburg, Sweden), M. Jones (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Occupational exposures and disease I
Chair(s): P. Cullinan (London, United Kingdom), V. Moore (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Occupational exposures and disease II
Chair(s): V. Schluenssen (Arhus, Denmark), J. Zock (Barcelona, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Air pollution and other exposures
Chair(s): K. Radon (Munich, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Drug treatment of childhood asthma: the controversies and the issues
Chair(s): A. Boehmer (Rotterdam, Netherlands), F. De Benedictis (Ancona, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Smoking habits and prevention in young people
Chair(s): E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of smoking and smoking cessation
Chair(s): K. Nackaerts (Leuven, Belgium), B. Dautzenberg (Paris, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Paediatric lung function, imaging and methodology in health and disease
Chair(s): P. Latzin (Bern, Switzerland), N. Beydon (Paris, France)
Thematic Poster Session
FeNO and other biomarkers in childhood asthma
Chair(s): S. Carraro (Padova, Italy), E. Dompeling (Maastricht, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
New developments in preschool wheezing disorders and its genetic basis
Chair(s): A. Moeller (Zurich, Switzerland), S. Saglani (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Cystic fibrosis: advances in clinical research
Chair(s): A. Lindblad (Gothenburg, Sweden), M. Muhlebach (Chapel Hill, Nc, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
Genetics of lung diseases
Chair(s): O. Omland (Aalborg, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
Airway inflammation and host defence
Chair(s): C. Greene (Dublin, Ireland), C. Taggart (Belfast, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of atopy and asthma
Chair(s): E. Ronmark (Lulea, Sweden), C. Svanes (Bergen, Norway)
Thematic Poster Session
Tobacco: from smoke to disease
Chair(s): A. Trofor (Iasi, Romania), G. Invernizzi (Prata Camportaccio, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD: basic science and clinical studies
Chair(s): O. Holz (Grosshansdorf, Germany), J. H. J. Vernooy (Maastricht, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Sarcoidosis in review
Chair(s): J. Behr (Munich, Germany), D. Israel-Biet (Paris, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Novel mechanisms in the pathogenesis of asthma
Chair(s): E. Pace (Palermo, Italy), G. Brusselle (Ghent, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Exploring outcome measures in COPD and pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): M. A. Spruit (Horn, The Netherlands), L. Puente Maestu (Madrid, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Are outcome measures useful to predict success in rehabilitation and the care of patients with chronic respiratory disease
Chair(s): N. Hopkinson (London, United Kingdom), M. Emtner (Uppsala, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Oxygen, end-of-life and care for chronic respiratory patients
Chair(s): P. White (London, United Kingdom), F. Pitta (Londrina, Brazil)
Thematic Poster Session
Thoracoscopy and solitary pulmonary nodules
Chair(s): C. Marquette (Nice, France), M. Krasnik (Hellerup, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
Biopsy techniques
Chair(s): S. Gasparini (Ancona, Italy), A. Bugalho (Lisbon, Portugal)
Thematic Poster Session
Stents, needles and sedation
Chair(s): C. Von Garnier (Muri B. Bern, Switzerland), J. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary rehabilitation: extending the scope and benefit of rehabilitation for patients with chronic respiratory disease
Chair(s): J. Van Der Palen (Enschede, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
A wide spectrum of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Chair(s): R. P. Baughman (Cincinnati, Oh, United States of America), P. Rottoli (Siena, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Bronchoalveolar lavage and phenotyping in diffuse parenchymal lung disease
Chair(s): D. Bouros (Alexandroupolis, Greece), J. Muller-Quernheim (Freiburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical aspects of diffuse parenchymal lung disease
Chair(s): Ph. Camus (Dijon, France), A. Morais (Maia, Portugal)
Thematic Poster Session
Various backgrounds in diffuse parenchymal lung disease
Chair(s): C. Albera (Orbassano/Torino, Italy), K. Antoniou (Heraklion, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Acute lung injury and biomarkers
Chair(s): A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain), S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Intensive care unit management and outcome
Chair(s): M. Ferrer (Barcelona, Spain), R. Scala (Arezzo, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
New trends in noninvasive ventilation for acute respiratory failure
Chair(s): W. Windisch (Freiburg, Germany), T. Kohnlein (Hannover, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
New trends in noninvasive ventilation for chronic respiratory failure
Chair(s): A. Cuvelier (Rouen, France), J. Escarrabill (Barcelona, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
New results in molecular pathology and functional genomics of non-neoplastic lung diseases
Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands), H. Popper (Graz, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Epithelial cell biology
Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), M. Gjomarkaj (Palermo, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
MP6 - Do oxygen-dependent patients really benefit from the service we provide?
Meet the Professor
MP3 - How to optimise mechanical ventilation: interpretation of waveforms
Meet the Professor
MP1 - Extrathoracic disease in sarcoidosis
Meet the Professor
EU Research Programmes: 1.GABRIEL 2.EvA 3.COPACETIC
Chair(s): P. Helms (Aberdeen, United Kingdom), L. M. Fabbri (Modena, Italy)
Lunchtime Programme "How to get your paper published?"
Chair(s): P. J. Sterk (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), S. Ewig (Bochum, Germany)
Clinical Trial "PDEIV inhibitors in the treatment of COPD - the Roflumilast Trials"
Chair(s): T. Welte (Hanover, Germany), B. Lipworth (Dundee, United Kingdom)
Clinical Trials: "Aerosolized Lancovutide (Moli1901)" and "Oral Sildenafil"
Chair(s): T. Ferkol (St-Louis, United States of America), J. O. Warner (London, United Kingdom)
Practical Workshop: Noninvasive ventilation - Life support ventilation for chronic patients
Chair(s): N. Ambrosino (Pisa, Italy), J-P. Janssens (Geneva, Switzerland)
Practical Workshop
Chest physiotherapy in critically ill patients
Chair(s): R. Gosselink (Leuven, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Pulmonary arterial hypertension
Chair(s): M. Kneussl (Vienna, Austria), A. Vonk Noordegraaf (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
E-Communication Session
Epidemiology and risk factors of childhood asthma: what every clinician should know
Chair(s): A. Schuster (Duesseldorf, Germany), T. Frischer (Vienna, Austria)
E-Communication Session
Epidemiology of COPD
Chair(s): C. Suppli Ulrik (Virum, Denmark), R. Beasley (Wellington, New Zealand)
E-Communication Session
Genetics in the smokers corner: from inflammation in smokers via COPD to cancer
Chair(s): T. Malling (Aalborg, Denmark), J. Floros (Hershey, Pa, United States of America)
E-Communication Session
Lung transplantation: pre- and postoperative problems
Chair(s): F. Meloni (Pavia, Italy), M. Iversen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
E-Communication Session
Noninvasive ventilation: new and old aspects
Chair(s): M. Chatwin (London, United Kingdom), T. Kohnlein (Hannover, Germany)
E-Communication Session
Emerging treatment and assessment strategies in pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): W. Man (London, United Kingdom), T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Asthma treatment and control strategies in primary care
Chair(s): B. Stallberg (Trosa, Sweden), J. Haughney (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Respiratory infection caused by Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Chair(s): R. Wilson (London, United Kingdom), G. Dimopoulos (Athens, Greece)
Oral Presentation
miRNAs in inflammation and disease
Chair(s): C. Taggart (Belfast, United Kingdom), I. M. Adcock (London, United Kingdom)
Early life and childhood asthma - new results from old birth cohorts
Chair(s): C. Kuehni (Bern, Switzerland), S. Turner (Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Respiratory problems for patients: the travelling respiratory patient
Chair(s): E. Austegard (Oslo, Norway), M. Partridge (London, United Kingdom)
Update on eosinophilic lung diseases
Chair(s): S. Harari (Milan, Italy), J-F. Cordier (Lyon, France)
Thoracic Oncology Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): A.-P. Meert (Brussels, Belgium), M. Muers (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Grand round
Natural history of COPD
Chair(s): M. Miller (Birmingham, United Kingdom), I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France)
Airways remodelling
Chair(s): E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), I. Horvath (Budakeszi, Hungary)
Oral Presentation
Airway transplantation and thermoplasty
Chair(s): N. Thomson (Glasgow, United Kingdom), C. Marquette (Nice, France)
Hot topics
Respiratory muscle function and pattern of breathing
Chair(s): G. Miserocchi (Monza, Italy), M. Decramer (Leuven, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Indoor and outdoor air pollution
Chair(s): D. Norback (Uppsala, Sweden), T. Sigsgaard (Aarhus, Denmark)
E-Communication Session
Respiratory mechanics, tissue and cell dysfunction in pulmonary disease
Chair(s): N. Koulouris (Athens, Greece), A. Aliverti (Milan, Italy)
E-Communication Session
New treatment and outcome measures for pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): F. Pitta (Londrina, Brazil), M. A. Spruit (Horn, The Netherlands)
E-Communication Session
Cystic fibrosis: disease progression and novel therapies
Chair(s): N. Regamey (Bern, Switzerland), M. Muhlebach (Chapel Hill, Nc, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
From bench to bedside: diagnosis of tuberculosis
Chair(s): M. Ruhwald (Copenhagen, Denmark), M. Sester (Homburg, Germany)
E-Communication Session
Preoperative functional assessment and surgery for malignant diseases
Chair(s): J. Pac Ferrer (Bilbao, Spain), A. Akopov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
E-Communication Session
Clinical advances in childhood asthma
Chair(s): C. Pedroletti (Stockholm, Sweden), E. Duiverman (Groningen, The Netherlands)
E-Communication Session
Passive smoking
Chair(s): S. Nardini (Vittorio Veneto, Italy), C. Jimenez Ruiz (Madrid, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Treatment of COPD
Chair(s): N. Roche (Paris, France), A. Valipour (Vienna, Austria)
Oral Presentation
Fitness for radical therapy in lung cancer patients
Chair(s): R. M. Huber (Muenich, Germany), D. Van Raemdonck (Leuven, Belgium)
Exciting studies with old and new lung function tests
Chair(s): P. Aurora (London, United Kingdom), P. J. F. M. Merkus (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
What is the best screening method for obstructive sleep apnoea/hypopnoea syndrome?
Chair(s): R. L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), R. Van Steenwijk (Almere, Netherlands)
Infections, immunity and inflammation
Chair(s): N. G. Papadopoulos (Athens, Greece), P. Holt (West Perth, Australia)
Oral Presentation
Pulmonary alveolar proteinosis: clearing the Milky Way
Chair(s): J-F. Cordier (Lyon, France), C. Robalo Cordeiro (Coimbra, Portugal)
Respiratory Infections Grand Round – an interactive session
Chair(s): G. Rohde (Bochum, Germany), F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
Grand round
"Getting dark, too dark to see": end-of-life care in patients with chronic respiratory diseases
Chair(s): M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom), S. Hartl (Vienna, Austria)
Pathobiology of pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): R. Schermuly (Bad Nauheim, Germany), M. Humbert (Clamart, France)
Oral Presentation
Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma in children
Chair(s): G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden), S. Pedersen (Kolding, Denmark)
Pathology and immunology of COPD
Chair(s): M. Saetta (Padova, Italy), G. Brusselle (Ghent, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Diagnostic and interventional bronchoscopy in children
Chair(s): A. Barbato (Padova, Italy), P. Pohunek (Prague, Czech Republic)
Oral Presentation
Pulmonary embolism and cardiovascular diseases
Chair(s): M. Kneussl (Vienna, Austria), M. Bogdan (Bucharest, Romania)
E-Communication Session
Diagnosis of pleural effusions and rare tumours experience
Chair(s): P. Astoul (Marseille Cedex 09, France), G. Tassi (Gussago (Bs), Italy)
E-Communication Session
Epidemiology of asthma
Chair(s): E. Omenaas (Bergen, Norway), I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France)
E-Communication Session
Pulmonary circulation
Chair(s): M. M. Hoeper (Hanover, Germany), M. Delcroix (Leuven, Belgium)
E-Communication Session
Quality control in lung function and new developments
Chair(s): M. Agnew (Dublin 8, Ireland), N. Verhey (Amsterdam, Netherlands)
E-Communication Session
COPD case-finding and management in primary care
Chair(s): N. Chavannes (Leiden, Netherlands), M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Treatment beyond inhalers
Chair(s): A. Ernst (Brookline, Ma, United States of America), D. Gompelmann (Heidelberg, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Severe asthma and its treatment
Chair(s): M. Cazzola (Rome, Italy), I. Tillie-Leblond (Lille Cedex, France)
E-Communication Session
Acute lung injury: biological mechanisms
Chair(s): A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain), S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece)
Oral Presentation
Central sleep apnoea: new challenges, new opportunities
Chair(s): J-L. Pepin (Grenoble, France), W. De Backer (Antwerp, Belgium)
New drugs for airways disease
Chair(s): G. Joos (Gent, Belgium), C. Gratziou (Athens, Greece)
Oral Presentation
The influenza A (H1N1) pandemic
Hot topics
Pressure for plasticity: the pulmonary interstitium in the diseased lung
Chair(s): S. Uhlig (Aachen, Germany), P. Pelosi (Milano, Italy)
Occupational Grand Round: "Idiosyncratic interstitial lung diseases which are caused by work" - an interactive session
Chair(s): D. Nowak (Munich, Germany), P. De Vuyst (Brussels, Belgium)
Grand round
COPD, chronic respiratory failure and rehabilitation
Chair(s): S. Singh (Leicester, United Kingdom), A. Agusti (Barcelona, Spain)
Impact of biomarkers in the management of community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): D. Stolz (Arlesheim, Switzerland), M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Early life origins of asthma and atopy: is epigenetics the key?
Chair(s): I. M. Adcock (London, United Kingdom), J. O. Warner (London, United Kingdom)
Hot topics
New insights in biology and treatment of pleural tumours
Chair(s): A. Scherpereel (Lille, France), I. Kalomenidis (Marousi, Greece)
Oral Presentation
Socio-economic impact of tuberculosis
Chair(s): F. Marchesani (Pavia, Italy), J-P. Janssens (Geneva, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Assessment of severity in respiratory infections: severity scales and biomarkers
Chair(s): R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy), S. Ewig (Bochum, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Ventilator-associated pneumonia, severe community-acquired pneumonia and healthcare associated pneumonia
Chair(s): C. Luna (Buenos Aires, Argentina), R. Pela (Ascoli Piceno, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Aetiology and diagnosis of lower respiratory tract infections
Chair(s): V. Mueller (Budapest, Hungary), P. van der Valk (Enschede, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Nursing challenges at home and in hospital
Chair(s): E. Austegard (Oslo, Norway), S. Hrafnkelsdottir (Gardabae, Iceland)
Thematic Poster Session
Complications of respiratory infections: impact of comorbidities and infections caused by Aspergillus
Chair(s): A. Anzueto (San Antonio, Tx, United States of America), J. Cardoso (Lisboa, Portugal)
Thematic Poster Session
Extrapulmonary tuberculosis and non-tuberculous-mycobacteria (NTM) infections
Chair(s): S. Arend (Leiden, Netherlands), D. Wagner (Freiburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Tuberculosis at different age groups
Chair(s): R. Duarte (Vila Nova De Gaia, Portugal), M. Losi (Modena, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Management of thoracic malignancies
Chair(s): F. Gamarra (Munich, Germany), N. Triller (Golnik, Slovenia)
Thematic Poster Session
Diagnostic advances in tuberculosis
Chair(s): J. Homolka (Prague 2, Czech Republic), T. Mihaescu (Iasi, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Tuberculosis: metabolism and comorbidities
Chair(s): A. Sorete Arbore (Iasi, Romania), T. Aksamit (Rochester, Mn, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical immunology of tuberculosis
Chair(s): I. Solovic (Vysne Hagy, Slovakia), S. Winkler (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical tuberculosis
Chair(s): G. Bothamley (London, United Kingdom), A. Oner Eyuboglu (Bahcelievler/Ankara, Turkey)
Thematic Poster Session
Tuberculosis control
Chair(s): F. Van Leth (The Hague, Netherlands), C. Marica (Bucharest, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment of lung cancer
Chair(s): M. Muers (Leeds, United Kingdom), C. Brambilla (Grenoble, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Biological and clinical markers in lung cancer
Chair(s): N. Dickgreber (Sarstedt, Germany), E. Jassem (Gdansk, Poland)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical aspects and epidemiology in lung cancer
Chair(s): M. Metintas (Eskisehir, Turkey), T. Blum (Brandenburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Various diagnostic aspects in lung cancer and rare lung tumours
Chair(s): A. Kempa (Hemer, Germany), B. Grigoriu (Lasi, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Exacerbations of COPD and bronchiectasis: aetiology and treatment
Chair(s): T. Wilkinson (Southampton, United Kingdom), J. Roig (Escaldes, Andorra)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment and prevention of lower respiratory tract infections
Chair(s): M. Tamm (Basel, Switzerland), M. Van Der Eerden (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Physiotherapy aspects in cystic fibrosis and functional assessment
Chair(s): B. Oberwaldner (Graz, Austria), D. Saey (Quebec, Canada)
Thematic Poster Session
Animal models of airways inflammation
Chair(s): Z. Komlosi (Tarnok, Hungary)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment modalities in chest physiotherapy
Chair(s): D. Inal Ince (Ankara, Turkey), K. Wadell (Umea, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Aspects of clinical asthma
Chair(s): E. D. Bateman (Cape Town, South Africa), M. Spears (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Aspects of uncontrolled asthma
Chair(s): B. J. O'Connor (London, United Kingdom), A. Papi (Ferrara, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Drug effects in COPD
Chair(s): R. W. Dal Negro (Verona, Italy), B. Brashier (Pune, Maharashtra, India)
Thematic Poster Session
New bronchodilators
Chair(s): R. Buhl (Mainz, Germany), R. Sakalauskas (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Thematic Poster Session
New aspects of inhalation therapy
Chair(s): O. Usmani (London, United Kingdom), H. Chrystyn (Huddersfield, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Models of chronic airways disease and therapy
Chair(s): D. S. Postma (Groningen, The Netherlands), G. Anderson (Parkville, Australia)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment of airways disease
Chair(s): P. Ford (London, United Kingdom), G. Caramori (Ferrara, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Inflammation and airways
Chair(s): P. Montuschi (Rome, Italy), S. Loukides (Athens, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Inflammatory cells and cytokines
Chair(s): J. C. Virchow (Rostock, Germany), X. Gao (Guangzhou, China)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical aspects of inflammatory airways diseases
Chair(s): P. Paggiaro (Pisa, Italy), K. Kostikas (Karditsa, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Pleural problems, congenital lesions and novel technical devices
Chair(s): A. End (Vienna, Austria), S. Elia (Rome, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung infections; diagnostic and therapeutic problems
Chair(s): I. Cordos (Bucharest, Romania), P. Yablonskiy (S. Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Thematic Poster Session
Operative technique, postoperative complications; rare pathology
Chair(s): E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain), A. Akopov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)
Thematic Poster Session
Human and experimental lung transplantation: novel findings
Chair(s): A. Boehler (Zurich, Switzerland), J. Gottlieb (Hannover, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Accuracy in lung function testing
Chair(s): W. Tomalak (Rabka, Poland), E. Oostveen (Antwerp, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory physiotherapy assessment
Chair(s): R. Garrod (London, United Kingdom), F. Pitta (Londrina, Brazil)
Thematic Poster Session
MP8 - Noninvasive assessment in the evaluation of occupational lung diseases
Meet the Professor
MP11 - Healthcare-associated pneumonia: a new challenge
Meet the Professor
MP10 - Multidisciplinary mesothelioma treatment: practical aspects including palliative care
Meet the Professor
LANCET/ERS symposium: “Evolving dimensions of COPD”
Chair(s): P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), L. M. Fabbri (Modena, Italy)
MP7 - Targeting airway inflammation in asthma: current and future therapies
Meet the Professor
Lunchtime Programme "ERS Fellows' lunch"
Chair(s): S-E. Dahlén (Stockholm, Sweden), B. Nemery (Leuven, Belgium)
EU Research Programmes. IMI: 1. U-BIOPRED asthma 2. PROactive COPD
Chair(s): T. Higenbottam (Parma, Italy), L. Nicod (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Medicine in Vienna
Chair(s): O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria), W. Schuetz, Rector of the Medicine University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria)
Meet the Risk Communication Experts: "Fundamentals of risk communication: How to talk to patients and the public about pandemic H1N1"
Severe sepsis and multiple organ failure
Chair(s): S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece), A. Torres (Barcelona, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Translational research/biomarkers
Chair(s): R. Djukanovic (Southampton, United Kingdom), Z. Diamant (Heiloo, Netherlands)
E-Communication Session
Trends in bronchoscopy
Chair(s): A. Rosell (Barcelona, Spain), A. Szlubowski (Krakow, Poland)
E-Communication Session
Imaging of COPD, asthma and emphysema in evolution
Chair(s): G. Verleden (Leuven, Belgium)
E-Communication Session
Assessment of functional status
Chair(s): V. Parreira (Belo Horizonte, Brazil), R. Evans (Thornton, Leicestershire, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
Cell biology of lung disease
Chair(s): M. Gjomarkaj (Palermo, Italy), C. Greene (Dublin, Ireland)
E-Communication Session
Systemic consequences of sleep-disordered breathing
Chair(s): P. Levy (Grenoble, France), M. Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy)
E-Communication Session
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: concepts and mechanisms
Chair(s): G. Raghu (Seattle, Wa, United States of America), C. Robalo Cordeiro (Coimbra, Portugal)
Oral Presentation
Asthma genetics: from genome wide to single nucleotide polymorphisms
Chair(s): D. Jarvis (London, United Kingdom), T. Sigsgaard (Aarhus, Denmark)
Oral Presentation
Risk factors for asthma and pneumonia
Chair(s): C. Janson (Uppsala, Sweden), P. Bakke (Bergen, Norway)
Oral Presentation
Antibiotics and the lung
Chair(s): W. Boersma (Alkmaar, The Netherlands), R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy)
Hot topics in molecular pathology and functional genomics of COPD
Chair(s): B. Crestani (Paris, France), O. Eickelberg (Neuherberg / Muenchen, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Evidence-based tobacco control in Europe
Chair(s): S. Jones (Paris, France), Y. Martinet (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France)
Noninvasive monitoring of airway inflammation: beyond exhaled nitric oxide
Chair(s): S. Loukides (Athens, Greece), S. Kharitonov (London, United Kingdom)
Lifetime Achievement Award (supported by Merck & Co., Inc.)
Chair(s): G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden)
COPD Award (supported by Boehringer Ingelheim)
Chair(s): G. Sybrecht (Homburg/Saar, Germany)
The lung cancer-COPD nexus
Chair(s): G. Anderson (Parkville, Australia), A. Papi (Ferrara, Italy)
Acute and chronic venous thromboembolic disease
Chair(s): I. Lang (Vienna, Austria), A. Torbicki (Warsaw, Poland)
Oral Presentation
Home ventilation services: the patient on home ventilation
Chair(s): M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom), N. Ambrosino (Pisa, Italy)
Paediatric year in review
Chair(s): G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden), E. Eber (Graz, Austria)
Hot topics
Clinical Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): V. Cottin (Lyon, France), G. Sybrecht (Homburg/Saar, Germany)
Grand round
Sarcoidosis and profiles of other diffuse parenchymal lung disease
Chair(s): J. Grunewald (Stockholm, Sweden), A. Wells (London, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
Persistent asthma: still an uncontrolled disease requiring new treatments strategies in 2009
Chair(s): N. Thomson (Glasgow, United Kingdom), H. Reddel (Camperdown, Australia)
Oral Presentation
Novel insights in exercise physiology from cells to humans
Chair(s): M. Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy)
E-Communication Session
Pathological remodelling in chronic lung disease: from epithelial-mesenchymal transition to cellular activation
Chair(s): M. Koenigshoff (Neuherberg/MüNchen, Germany), A. Fisher (Newcastle, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
Emerging physiology behind pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): M. Steiner (Leicester, United Kingdom), A. Schols (Maastricht, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Basic science and lung cancer
Chair(s): R. G. Wiewrodt (Muenster, Germany), A. Scherpereel (Lille, France)
Oral Presentation
Frontiers in the diagnosis of tuberculosis
Chair(s): G. Ferrara (Terni, Italy), C. Daley (Denver, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
Neonatal respiratory disorders
Chair(s): S. Kotecha (Cardiff, United Kingdom), R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Research Award (supported by Actelion Pharmaceuticals)
Chair(s): P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Noninvasive ventilation in chronic respiratory failure
Chair(s): J-F. Muir (Rouen, France), F. Fanfulla (Pavia, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Emerging trends in the therapy of COPD
Chair(s): C. Page (London, United Kingdom), K. F. Rabe (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Pathogenesis of sleep-disordered breathing
Chair(s): R. L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), J. A. Hedner (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Asthma control: monitoring tool or goal? Validity in children and adults
Chair(s): J. Bousquet (Montpellier, France), K. Lodrup Carlsen (Oslo, Norway)
Air leaks in the intensive care patients: suggestions for pulmonologists and surgeons
Chair(s): E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain), J. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands)
Aetiology and treatment of community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): A. Torres (Barcelona, Spain), T. Bauer (Berlin, Germany)
E-Communication Session
Novel regulators of alveolar liquid clearance
Chair(s): B. Crestani (Paris, France), J. Hamacher (Bern, Switzerland)
Romain Pauwels Award (supported by GlaxoSmithKline)
Chair(s): U. Frey (Bern, Switzerland)
Old and new topics in environmental and occupational lung disease
Chair(s): X. Baur (Hamburg, Germany), D. Fishwick (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
COPD: from biomarker profiling to clinical assessment
Chair(s): G. Losonczy (Budapest, Hungary), S. Loukides (Athens, Greece)
E-Communication Session
Pulmonary hypertension – recent progress in research and practice
Chair(s): G. Simonneau (Clamart, France), S. Said (Stony Brook, Ny, United States of America)
Hot topics
Clinical year in review
Chair(s): B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy), T. Nukiwa (Sendai, Japan)
Hot topics
Viruses and respiratory infections: prevalence and mechanisms of infection
Chair(s): S. L. Johnston (London, United Kingdom), G. Rohde (Bochum, Germany)
E-Communication Session
Cellular-tissue modifications and functional evaluation in COPD patients
Chair(s): V. Brusasco (Genova, Italy), I. Rivolta (Monza, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Radiology Grand Round - an interactive session
Chair(s): S. Ley (Heidelberg, Germany), W. De Wever (Leuven, Belgium)
Grand round
Sleep apnoea across the ages
Chair(s): D. Pevernagie (Heeze, Netherlands), A. Valipour (Vienna, Austria)
E-Communication Session
Airway cell biology
Chair(s): C. Bingle (Sheffield, United Kingdom), R. Gosens (Groningen, Netherlands)
E-Communication Session
Epidemiology of COPD and infectious lung diseases
Chair(s): M. Kogevinas (Barcelona, Spain), A. Lindberg (Lulea, Sweden)
E-Communication Session
Tuberculosis and HIV co-infection
Chair(s): D. Goletti (Roma, Italy), R. Markova (Sofia, Bulgaria)
E-Communication Session
Difficult asthma in children: diagnostic and therapeutic challenges
Chair(s): J. Wildhaber (Fribourg, Switzerland), M. Pynenburg (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Novel approaches in asthma
Chair(s): T. Popov (Sofia, Bulgaria), G. Moller (Leiden, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Organisation of care for individuals with chronic respiratory disease
Chair(s): E. Clini (Gaiato - Modena, Italy), M. Steiner (Leicester, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
Hot topics in molecular pathology and functional genomics of lung cancer
Chair(s): E. Brambilla (Grenoble, France), A. Fisseler-Eckhoff (Wiesbaden, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Air pollution and the developing lung
Chair(s): P. Sly (Perth, Australia), I. Romieu (Cuernavaca, Morelos, Mexico)
Diagnostic tools in paediatric respiratory infection
Chair(s): M. Canciani (Udine, Italy), R. Iles (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Controversies in the diagnosis of asthma
Chair(s): T. Van Der Molen (Groningen, Netherlands), R. Taylor (Dunedin, New Zealand)
Oxygen in the acute setting – new look to the indications and toxicity
Chair(s): B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy), N. Hill (Providence, Ri, United States of America)
COPD comorbidities: translational approaches
Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), T. Geiser (Bern, Switzerland)
Diagnosis and management of pleural effusions and mesothelioma: improving old techniques and new tools
Chair(s): B. Grigoriu (Lasi, Romania), M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Curative bronchoscopy in lung cancer
Chair(s): S. Gasparini (Ancona, Italy), F. Herth (Heidelberg, Germany)
Preclinical models in drug development
Chair(s): M. Hylkema (Groningen, The Netherlands), P. Kirkham (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Pulmonary vascular diseases
Chair(s): H. A. Ghofrani (Giessen, Germany), O. Sitbon (Clamart, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary embolism
Chair(s): J. Pepke-Zaba (Cambridge, United Kingdom), O. Sanchez (Paris, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): J. Barbera (Barcelona, Spain), R. Naeije (Brussels, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary circulation I
Chair(s): R. Souza (Sao Paulo, Brazil), S. Ulrich (Zurich, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary circulation II
Chair(s): A. Reis (Cortegaca, Portugal), Y. Adir (Haifa, Israel)
Thematic Poster Session
What is new in the regulation and monitoring of airway function?
Chair(s): A. Olin (Gothenburg, Sweden), R. Louis (Liege, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Airway inflammation and asthma control
Chair(s): I. Horvath (Budakeszi, Hungary), P. Gibson (Newcastle, Australia)
Thematic Poster Session
Airway hyperresponsiveness: mechanism and assessment
Chair(s): R. Polosa (San Gregorio (Ct), Italy), G. Losonczy (Budapest, Hungary)
Thematic Poster Session
Functional insights into COPD
Chair(s): T. Wanke (Wien, Austria), W. Zin (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Thematic Poster Session
Diagnosis and treatment of viral respiratory infections in early childhood
Chair(s): D. Spencer (Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom), F. Versteegh (Waddinxveen, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Host factors in paediatric bacterial respiratory infection
Chair(s): M. H. Goetz (Vienna, Austria), A. Valiulis (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory disorders of the newborn
Chair(s): R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom), P. Papoff (Rome, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of childhood asthma: prevalence, risk factors and quality of life
Chair(s): L. Lochte (Birkerod, Denmark), M. Strippoli (Bern, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Paediatric respiratory epidemiology: respiratory infections and rare diseases
Chair(s): B. Karadag (Istanbul, Turkey), F. Orazzo (Naples, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Fiberoptic bronchoscopy in the diagnosis of respiratory diseases in children
Chair(s): N. Forenza (Perugia, Italy), K. Priftis (Kifisia, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Pleural and mediastinal diseases
Chair(s): M. Metintas (Eskisehir, Turkey), R. Mukherjee (Wolverhampton, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Medical education
Chair(s): G. Massard (Strasbourg, France), L. Bjermer (Lund, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
New data on respiratory function - from experimental approaches to man
Chair(s): R. Dellaca (Milan, Italy), S. Bayat (Amiens, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Diagnostic strategies in primary respiratory care
Chair(s): O. C. P. Van Schayck (Maastricht, The Netherlands), S. Walker (Warwick, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Impact on respiratory function of pulmonary and extrapulmonary diseases
Chair(s): G. Tatsis (Athens, Greece), A. Cogo (Ferrara, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Old and new: technique and pathology
Chair(s): R. Kubale (Pirmasens, Germany), A. Grgic (Homburg/Saar, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Control of breathing and respiratory disorders during sleep
Chair(s): V. Donic (Kosice, Slovakia), B. Hannhart (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Asthma and comorbid conditions
Chair(s): A. Bruno (Palermo/Italy, Italy), C. Taille (Paris Cedex 18, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Quality of life and symptoms in COPD
Chair(s): E. Clini (Gaiato - Modena, Italy), D. Stolz (Arlesheim, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Healthcare and treatment of COPD
Chair(s): R. Kohansal (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD: exacerbation and clinical problems
Chair(s): W. Wedzicha (London, United Kingdom), D. S. Postma (Groningen, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Interesting case reports and case series
Chair(s): V. Cottin (Lyon, France), F. Kummer (Wien, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory physiology
Chair(s): W. Heindl (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Pleural and parenchymal diseases
Chair(s): H. Koller (Wien, Austria), A. Wells (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Quality of treatment in primary respiratory care
Chair(s): A. Ostrem (Oslo, Norway), K. Lisspers (Gagnef, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Mechanisms of pulmonary inflammation and fibrosis
Chair(s): A. Prasse (Freiburg, Germany), B. Crestani (Paris, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Mechanisms of lung injury: COPD, asthma and acute lung injury
Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands), D. Hartl (Munich, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Gas exchange and exercise in respiratory diseases
Chair(s): J. Porszasz (Lakewood, Ca, United States of America), R. Rabinovich (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Socio-economic and epidemiological aspects of sleep apnoea
Chair(s): J. A. Hedner (Gothenburg, Sweden), I. Fietze (Berlin, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Cardiovascular complications in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): S. Javaheri (Cincinnati, Oh, United States of America), W. Randerath (Solingen, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical aspects of sleep apnoea
Chair(s): M. Eijsvogel (Enschede, Netherlands), A. Valipour (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Assessment and therapeutical interventions in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): B. Buyse (Leuven, Belgium), C. Van Der Grinten (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Diagnostic aspects in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): T. Penzel (Berlin, Germany), D. Pevernagie (Heeze, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
MP13 - Bronchoscopy in children with asthma: indications, procedures and risks
Meet the Professor
MP18 - Home management of chronic respiratory disease through the use of telemedicine
Meet the Professor
Lunchtime Programme “Pro/Con” Prevention of allergy by changing the infant’s diet: the emperor’s new clothes?
Chair(s): P. L. P. Brand (Zwolle, Netherlands), G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden)
Practical Workshop - Management of obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany), R. L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Practical Workshop
Practical Workshop - Noninvasive and invasive ventilation: looking for the right time
Chair(s): A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain), S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece)
Practical Workshop
Lunchtime Programme Roundtable "Conflicts of interest in publishing"
Chair(s): V. Brusasco (Genova, Italy), P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom)
Lunchtime Programme "How to review papers?"
Chair(s): A. T. Dinh-Xuan (Paris, France)
Lunchtime Programme "How can career development be achieved in European Respiratory Medicine"
Chair(s): S. Hartl (Vienna, Austria), G. Laurent (London, United Kingdom)
Occupational asthma in the clinic
Chair(s): S. Burge (Birmingham, United Kingdom), D. Nowak (Munich, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Next generation bronchodilators
Chair(s): G. Caramori (Ferrara, Italy), G. Anderson (Parkville, Australia)
E-Communication Session
Pathobiology of pulmonary vascular diseases
Chair(s): A. T. Dinh-Xuan (Paris, France), P. Hassoun (Baltimore, Md, United States of America)
E-Communication Session
Respiratory physiology in infants and preschool children, in health and disease
Chair(s): E. Lombardi (Florence, Italy), S. Kotecha (Cardiff, United Kingdom)
E-Communication Session
Inspiratory muscle training and assessment and breathing retraining
Chair(s): M. Emtner (Uppsala, Sweden), K. Grant (Lausanne, Switzerland)
E-Communication Session
Smoking cessation
Chair(s): E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey), P. Tonnesen (Gentofte, Denmark)
E-Communication Session
From birth to adulthood - lifecourse determinants of asthma
Chair(s): F. Rusconi (Florence, Italy), C. Almqvist Malmros (Stockholm, Sweden)
E-Communication Session
How to deal with tracheal stenosis
Chair(s): H. Dutau (Marseille, France), P. Chhajed (Basel, Switzerland)
Oral Presentation
Pleural diseases
Chair(s): J. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), M. Hochmair (Vienna, Austria)
Oral Presentation
Exacerbations of COPD: new findings
Chair(s): M. Miravitlles (Barcelona, Spain), S. Sethi (Buffalo, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
How viruses, allergic rhinitis and air pollution affect childhood asthma
Chair(s): N. G. Papadopoulos (Athens, Greece), E. De Groot (Wezep, Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Pathogenesis of lung cancer
Chair(s): C. Brambilla (Grenoble, France), A. Fisseler-Eckhoff (Wiesbaden, Germany)
Oral Presentation
The pulmonologist and the right ventricle
Chair(s): A. Peacock (Clydebank, United Kingdom), O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria)
Controversies of noninvasive ventilation in acute patients
Chair(s): R. Scala (Arezzo, Italy), S. Nava (Pavia, Italy)
Novel diagnostics in tuberculosis
Chair(s): P. D. O. Davies (Liverpool, United Kingdom), D. Goletti (Roma, Italy)
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis: evidence based guidelines and recommendations for clinical management - Results of the joint ATS/ERS/JRS taskforce
Chair(s): U. Costabel (Essen, Germany), H. Schunemann (Hamilton, On , Canada)
Scientific year in review
Chair(s): P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), E. Brambilla (Grenoble, France)
Hot topics
Airway management, mechanical ventilation and muscle weakness
Chair(s): P. Rocco (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil), T. Vassilakopoulos (Heraklion Athens, Greece)
E-Communication Session
Asthma assessment and original therapeutic approaches
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Cassano Murge (Ba), Italy), F. Wantke (Vienna, Austria)
E-Communication Session
Continuous positive airway pressure therapy in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): J-L. Pepin (Grenoble, France), W. Randerath (Solingen, Germany)
E-Communication Session
Bacterial infections of upper and lower respiratory tract in childhood