PG1 - Asthma: from bench to bedside
Chair(s): M. Cazzola (Rome, Italy), N. Hanania (Houston, United States of America)
Postgraduate Course
PG14 - How to conduct an environmental/occupational survey in respiratory epidemiology
Chair(s): I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France), R. Pistelli (Rome, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG2 - Respiratory physiology: pulmonary gas transfer and arterial blood gases
Chair(s): S. Ward (Leeds, United Kingdom), J. Roca (Barcelona, Spain)
Postgraduate Course
Primary care: from the patient to the politics
Chair(s): M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom), F. De Jongh (Enschede, The Netherlands)
PG24 - GRACE full-day course. From cough to asthma: the role of infection
Chair(s): R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy), F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
PG22 - Writing and presenting scientific work at meetings: an interactive, hands-on course
Chair(s): P. Helms (Aberdeen, United Kingdom), F. Ducharme (Montreal, Canada)
Postgraduate Course
PG20 - Pulmonary rehabilitation: an update according to the new ATS/ERS guidelines
Chair(s): A. Schols (Maastricht, The Netherlands), L. Nici (Providence, United States of America)
Postgraduate Course
PG19 - Pulmonary vascular disorders: diagnosis and treatment
Chair(s): O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria), A. Torbicki (Warsaw, Poland)
Postgraduate Course
PG18 - New challenges in fighting tuberculosis in Europe
Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), J-P. Zellweger (Lausanne, Switzerland)
Postgraduate Course
PG21 - Diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of respiratory disorders during sleep
Chair(s): J. Verbraecken (Antwerp, Belgium), S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany)
Postgraduate Course
PG5 - Interstitial lung diseases: known causes and systemic disorders
Chair(s): P. Camus (Dijon, France), M. Drent (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Postgraduate Course
PG3 - Respiratory failure: ABC of noninvasive and invasive mechanical ventilation
Chair(s): B. Schönhofer (Hanover, Germany), J-F. Muir (Rouen, France)
Postgraduate Course
PG9 - Molecular pathology and genetics in lung diseases
Chair(s): T. Geiser (Bern, Switzerland), E. Brambilla (Grenoble, France)
Postgraduate Course
PG7 - Thoracic oncology: nonsmall cell lung cancer
Chair(s): J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium), E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain)
Postgraduate Course
PG6 - COPD: comprehensive clinical assessment and pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapy
Chair(s): N. Ambrosino (Pisa, Italy), R. Buhl (Mainz, Germany)
Postgraduate Course
Primary care: diagnosing and labelling respiratory patients
Chair(s): B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom), M. Levy (Wembley, United Kingdom)
Primary care: delivering the goods: "inhaled therapies"
Chair(s): I. Horvath (Budakeszi, Hungary), J. Haughney (East Kilbride, United Kingdom)
Primary care: palliative care challenges. Behavioural and emotional aspects
Chair(s): K. Lisspers (Gagnef, Sweden), P. White (London, United Kingdom)
Primary care: who? Where? How? Exercise testing and pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): N. Chavannes (Rotterdam, Netherlands), R. Jones (Milton Combe (Devon), United Kingdom)
Primary care: information technology: new ways of monitoring in primary care
Chair(s): C. Hernandez (Barcelona, Spain), H. Pinnock (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Primary care: managing special cases in lung disease
Chair(s): B. Stallberg (Uppsala, Sweden), S. Holmes (Somerset, United Kingdom)
PG12 - Cardiopulmonary exercise testing and interpretation
Chair(s): L. Puente Maestu (Madrid, Spain), S. Ward (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG4 - Paediatric respiratory medicine: cystic fibrosis – the basics
Chair(s): R. Hamutcu (Istanbul, Turkey), S. Elborn (Belfast, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG11 - Translation of animal models to human airway disease
Chair(s): C. Page (London, United Kingdom), F. Chung (London, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG23 - Managing chronic cough: guidelines and controversies (jointly organised with ACCP)
Chair(s): R. Irwin (Worcester, United States of America), A. Morice (Cottingham, United Kingdom)
Postgraduate Course
PG15 - Difficult-to-treat asthma: dealing with smoker patients
Chair(s): C. Gratziou (Athens, Greece), R. Polosa (S. Gregorio, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
WS1 - Educational Workshop: epithelial cell biology: culture methods and functional studies
Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Postgraduate Course
PG13 - Outcome measures of clinical trials for new drugs for respiratory disease
Chair(s): A. Rossi (Bergamo, Italy), L. Bjermer (Lund, Sweden)
Postgraduate Course
PG16 - Management of pleural problems in your practice today
Chair(s): E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain), C. Bolliger (Cape Town, South Africa)
Postgraduate Course
PG17 - Lung function measurement in the community
Chair(s): M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom), I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, The Netherlands)
Postgraduate Course
PG8 - From invasive to less-invasive management of the upper airways
Chair(s): T. Welte (Hanover, Germany), P. Pelosi (Milan, Italy)
Postgraduate Course
Primary care: delivering quality respiratory care in primary care: a multidisciplinary international perspective
Chair(s): N. Chavannes (Rotterdam, Netherlands), G. South (Chesterfield, United Kingdom)
Occupation and obstruction
Chair(s): D. Nowak (Munich, Germany), P. Cullinan (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Cystic fibrosis lung disease: what do we measure? What do we know?
Chair(s): H. Tiddens (Rotterdam, Netherlands), A. Lindblad (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Electronic Poster Discussion
New insights into clinical lung transplantation
Chair(s): D. Van Raemdonck (Leuven, Belgium), C. Ward (Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom)
Electronic Poster Discussion
New treatments for asthma and COPD - experimental evidence
Chair(s): N. Thomson (Glasgow, United Kingdom), M. Walker (Vancouver, Canada)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Mechanisms of exercise intolerance in cardiorespiratory disease
Chair(s): J. Neder (Sao Paulo, Brazil), P. Palange (Rome, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Traditional and novel approaches to assess and achieve asthma control
Chair(s): M. Thomas (Aberdeen, United Kingdom), J. Sont (Leiden, Netherlands)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Gamma-interferon-based tests to diagnose tuberculosis infection and disease
Chair(s): C. Lange (Borstel, Germany), D. Goletti (Roma, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Medical education and patient education including e-learning
Chair(s): M. Gaga (Athens, Greece), P. L. Haslam (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Pathogenesis and novel therapeutic targets in pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): R. Schermuly (Giessen, Germany), M. Humbert (Clamart, France)
Oral Presentation
Quality, sleep and physiology
Chair(s): B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom), I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Diagnosis and staging of lung cancer: existing and new techniques
Chair(s): S. Stroobants (Leuven, Belgium), J. Annema (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Stem cells and the lung: the road from basics to clinics
Chair(s): M. Spiteri (Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom), J. Hamacher (Bremgarten Bei Bern, Switzerland)
Paediatric Respiratory Research Award
Chair(s): E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey), A. Bush (London, United Kingdom)
Making consultations more effective
Chair(s): M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom), N. M. Clark (Ann Arbor, United States of America)
Gender-related aspects in sleep apnoea
Chair(s): J. Verbraecken (Antwerp, Belgium), S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany)
The impact of viral and bacterial infection on the respiratory epithelium
Chair(s): S. Matalon (Birmingham, United States of America), R. Lucas (Augusta, Ga, United States of America)
COPD – a disease of accelerated ageing?
Chair(s): I. M. Adcock (London, United Kingdom), P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom)
Hot topics
Clinical trial: new biological approaches to respiratory diseases
Chair(s): B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy), U. Specks (Rochester, United States of America)
Lung recruitment
Chair(s): G. Hedenstierna (Uppsala, Sweden), J. Haitsma (Toronto, Canada)
Oral Presentation
Thoracic Oncology Grand Round: an interactive session
Chair(s): J-P. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), K. Zarogoulidis (Thessaloniki, Greece)
Major Symposium
Biomarkers and assessment of COPD
Chair(s): M. Tamm (Basel, Switzerland), H. Ghedira (Ariana, Tunisia)
Oral Presentation
Miscellaneous interstitial lung diseases related to systemic and other diseases
Chair(s): A. Wells (London, United Kingdom), A. Prasse (Freiburg, Germany)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Noninvasive evaluation of airway diseases
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Cassano Murge, Italy), R. Pellegrino (Cuneo, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Molecular pathogenesis: focus on COPD and asthma
Chair(s): G. Anderson (Parkville, Australia), C. Kaehler (Innsbruck, Austria)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Cellular and molecular aspects of pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): R. Naeije (Brussels, Belgium), P. Hassoun (Baltimore, Md, United States of America)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Pulmonary infections and inflammation
Chair(s): R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy), M. Pletz (Hannover, Germany)
Electronic Poster Discussion
The versatile aspects of nicotine addiction
Chair(s): E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey), B. Dautzenberg (Paris, France)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Allergy and asthma - environmental and metabolic risk factors
Chair(s): F. Pistelli (Pisa, Italy), B. Lundbäck (Stockholm, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Severity scores and comorbidities in community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): R. Menendez (Valencia, Spain), M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Clinical applications of lung function testing in children
Chair(s): P. Aurora (London, United Kingdom), P. J. F. M. Merkus (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Novel therapeutic targets and disease markers in pulmonary pathology
Chair(s): B. Crestani (Paris, France), J. Chorostowska-Wynimko (Warsaw, Poland)
Oral Presentation
Recurrence of lung cancer following resection with curative intent
Chair(s): J-P. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), D. Subotic (Belgrade, Serbia)
Sleep apnoea in childhood
Chair(s): W. De Backer (Antwerp, Belgium), K. Franklin (Umea, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Paediatric year in review
Chair(s): B. Noyes (Missouri, United States of America), M. Gappa (Hanover, Germany)
Hot topics
Novel therapies for severe asthma
Chair(s): R. Djukanovic (Southampton, United Kingdom), M. Tunon De Lara (Bordeaux, France)
Tuberculosis control and HIV in Europe: good or bad news?
Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), C. Lange (Borstel, Germany)
Respiratory management in patients with neuromuscular disease
Chair(s): J. Bott (Chertsey, United Kingdom), J-F. Muir (Rouen, France)
Noninvasive positive pressure ventilation (NIV) in acute respiratory failure (ARF) - pro and con debate
Chair(s): B. Schönhofer (Hanover, Germany), T. Welte (Hanover, Germany)
Hot topics
Climate variability and changes and respiratory health
Chair(s): I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France), F. Forastiere (Rome, Italy)
Hot topics
Management of COPD: pushing forward the boundaries in primary care
Chair(s): N. Chavannes (Rotterdam, Netherlands), M. Roman Rodriguez (Palma De Mallorca, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Smoking and the lung
Chair(s): D. Gorecka (Warsaw, Poland), E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung injury and repair: from in vitro to in vivo
Chair(s): S. Matalon (Birmingham, United States of America), C. Kaehler (Innsbruck, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of asthma
Chair(s): P. Burney (London, United Kingdom), C. Suppli Ulrik (Virum, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of various lung diseases
Chair(s): E. Omenaas (Bergen, Norway), M. Kogevinas (Barcelona, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Occupational asthma
Chair(s): P. Henneberger (Morgantown, United States of America), M. S. Jaakkola (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Biomarkers in inflammatory lung disease
Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), R. A. Stockley (Birmingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Smoking or health; physician status
Chair(s): J. Zielinski (Warsaw, Poland), Y. Martinet (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Nursing interventions in the prevention and management of respiratory disease
Chair(s): V. Knowles (Surrey, United Kingdom), B. Hellquist (Aarhus, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
Pleural problems and selected case reports
Chair(s): D. Theegarten (Essen, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Complications and success in lung transplantation
Chair(s): G. Verleden (Leuven, Belgium), J. Lordan (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Assessing the airways: innovation, applications and pitfalls
Chair(s): M. Swanney (Christchurch, New Zealand), D. Schuermans (Brussel, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical physiology: blood gases, muscle function and ventilation
Chair(s): P. Munoz (Barcelona, Spain), M. Polkey (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory muscles and breathing techniques in obstructive and neuromuscular diseases
Chair(s): M. Goncalves (Porto, Portugal), M. Emtner (Uppsala, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Cost-effectiveness in diagnosis, therapy and care
Chair(s): M. Rutten-Van Molken (Rotterdam, Netherlands), B. Nybo Jensen (Copenhagen, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical tuberculosis
Chair(s): A. Sanduzzi Zamparelli (Naples, Italy), I. Husar (Bucharest , Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Research perspectives: diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis
Chair(s): G. Bothamley (London, United Kingdom), D. Goletti (Roma, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Unravelling molecular mysteries of COPD
Chair(s): P. A. Martorana (Siena, Italy), M. Kolb (Hamilton, Canada)
Thematic Poster Session
Inorganic dust "old timers and new kids on the block"
Chair(s): A. Cimrin (Alsancak-Izmir, Turkey), P. De Vuyst (Brussels, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Animal and ex vivo models of airway inflammation
Chair(s): L. Fregonese (Leiden, Netherlands), A. R. Koczulla (Marburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Assessment and outcomes in patients with chronic airway obstruction
Chair(s): J. Escarrabill (L'Hospitalet, Spain), M. Morgan (Leicester, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
The role of gene polymorphisms in pulmonary disease susceptibility
Chair(s): G. Zissel (Freiburg, Germany), P. Le Souef (Perth, Australia)
Thematic Poster Session
Novel issues in the treatment and control of asthma
Chair(s): N. Krug (Hannover, Germany), H. Reddel (Camperdown, Australia)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical aspects of COPD II
Chair(s): B. Housset (Creteil Cedex, France), A. Schols (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Venous thromboembolism
Chair(s): M. Kneussl (Vienna, Austria), A. Peacock (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Granulomatous lung diseases including sarcoidosis
Chair(s): J. Muller-Quernheim (Freiburg, Germany), W. Pohl (Grimmenstein, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Chair(s): D. Bouros (Alexandroupolis, Greece), A. Kheder (Ariana, Tunisia)
Thematic Poster Session
Programmes and management in pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), M. Puhan (Zurich, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Treatment of COPD
Chair(s): A. Spanevello (Cassano Murge, Italy), V. Brusasco (Genova, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
New developments in thoracic imaging modalities and illustrated thorax pathologies
Chair(s): R. Kubale (Pirmasens, Germany), J. M. Wild (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Pleural techniques and diagnosis of peripheral lung nodules
Chair(s): F. Rodriguez Panadero (Sevilla, Spain), N. Ali (Sutton-In-Ashfield, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Interventional bronchoscopy
Chair(s): H. Dutau (Marseille, France), P. Chhajed (Basel, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Considerations in the therapeutic approach of interstitial lung disease: oxidative stress and inflammation
Chair(s): C. Cordeiro (Coimbra, Portugal), J. Behr (Munich, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Sarcoidosis: various aspects
Chair(s): C. Agostini (Padova, Italy), J. Grutters (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Considerations in the management of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis and other interstitial lung diseases
Chair(s): G. Raghu (Seattle, United States of America), T. King, Jr (San Francisco, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
Primary care management of COPD
Chair(s): O. C. P. Van Schayck (Maastricht, The Netherlands), R. Jones (Milton Combe (Devon), United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory issues in primary care
Chair(s): H. Pinnock (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), B. Stallberg (Trosa, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Individual susceptibility to environmental risks
Meet the Professor
Field exercise testing: pros and cons
Meet the Professor
Bronchodilator delivery during mechanical ventilation
Meet the Professor
EUS-FNA and EBUS: the role of ultrasound in endoscopic diagnosis of mediastinal lymph nodes
Meet the Professor
Cell biology of asthma and COPD
Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), C. Bingle (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Clinical outcome studies and technical aspects of paediatric lung function testing
Chair(s): E. Lombardi (Florence, Italy), B. Fauroux (Paris, France)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Risk factors for prevalence and incidence of asthma
Chair(s): C. Janson (Uppsala, Sweden), J. Garcia Aymerich (Barcelona, Spain)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Diagnostic bronchoscopy and transthoracic aspiration
Chair(s): V. Kolek (Olomouc, Czech Republic), J. Annema (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Different aspects of COPD exacerbations
Chair(s): P. van der Valk (Enschede, Netherlands), V. Poletti (Forli, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Critical care and airways clearance
Chair(s): K. Wadell (Umea, Sweden), M. Goncalves (Porto, Portugal)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Epithelial networks in the airways
Chair(s): C. Schulz (Regensburg, Germany)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and the emerging threat of extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis
Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), G. Ferrara (Terni, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Pleural diseases
Chair(s): R. Loddenkemper (Berlin, Germany), M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Targeting smokers by reduction: the "snus" connection revisited
Chair(s): Y. Martinet (Vandoeuvre-les-Nancy, France), C. Lofdahl (Lund, Sweden)
Bronchiolitis - genetics and immunity
Chair(s): M. Korppi (Tempere, Finland), M. Canciani (Udine, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Bronchial and lung malformations: from diagnosis to treatment
Chair(s): A. Barbato (Padova, Italy), B. Yüksel (London, United Kingdom)
Clinical Grand Round: an interactive session
Chair(s): A. Agusti (Palma De Mallorca, Spain), N. Siafakas (Heraklion, Greece)
Major Symposium
New drugs for COPD
Chair(s): K. F. Rabe (Leiden, The Netherlands), M. Cazzola (Rome, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Quality control in respiratory medicine and research
Chair(s): R. Farré (Barcelona, Spain), P. J. Sterk (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Eicosanoids in inflammation: new findings
Chair(s): S-E. Dahlén (Stockholm, Sweden), C. Page (London, United Kingdom)
Granuloma and the genes
Chair(s): J. Muller-Quernheim (Freiburg, Germany), J. Grutters (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands)
Technological progress in noninvasive ventilation
Chair(s): J-F. Muir (Rouen, France), T. Kohnlein (Hannover, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Diagnosis and prognosis in thoracic oncology
Chair(s): R. Kubale (Pirmasens, Germany), J. Strausz (Budapest, Hungary)
Oral Presentation
Nurses' involvement in the follow-up of patients with COPD and lung cancer
Chair(s): B. Boot (Groningen, Netherlands), E. Austegard (Oslo, Norway)
Oral Presentation
Towards controlling severe asthma
Chair(s): E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), L. Allegra (Milano, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Staging, diagnostic procedures and complex situations in thoracic surgery
Chair(s): D. Subotic (Belgrade, Serbia), D. Lardinois (Zurich, Switzerland)
Electronic Poster Discussion
New methods to diagnose tuberculosis infection and disease and problems in tuberculosis care
Chair(s): M. Amicosante (Rome, Italy), G. Ferrara (Terni, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
New mechanisms in the pathogenesis of asthma and allergy
Chair(s): T. Popov (Sofia, Bulgaria), I. Vachier (Montpellier, France)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Acute respiratory failure and noninvasive mechanical ventilation
Chair(s): M. Ferrer (Barcelona, Spain), A. Cuvelier (Rouen, France)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Advances in respiratory mechanics
Chair(s): Z. Hantos (Szeged, Hungary), W. Zin (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Imaging of pulmonary vascularisation and illustrated overview of lung pathology
Chair(s): M. Delcroix (Leuven, Belgium), S. Ley (Heidelberg, Germany)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Predicting factors of patients undergoing rehabilitation
Chair(s): B. R. Celli (Boston, United States of America), E. Clini (Modena, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Clinical aspects of pulmonary arterial hypertension
Chair(s): M.M. Hoeper (Hanover, Germany), A. Peacock (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Sleep apnoea and adaptive servo–ventilation
Chair(s): S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany), J. Verbraecken (Antwerp, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Ethical and economic choices in respiratory care
Chair(s): S. Nava (Pavia, Italy), M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Pneumothorax treatment today: in-patient and outpatient?
Chair(s): J. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), S. Elia (Rome, Italy)
Interstitial lung disease: diagnostic and therapeutic novelties
Chair(s): U. Costabel (Essen, Germany), M. Drent (Maastricht, The Netherlands)
Oral Presentation
Is air in schools breathable?
Chair(s): I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France), J. Sundell (Lyngby, Denmark)
Pulmonary biomarkers in COPD
Chair(s): P. J. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), C. Page (London, United Kingdom)
Infections year in review
Chair(s): M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom), C. Saltini (Rome, Italy)
Hot topics
Role of the endothelium in pulmonary function and disease
Chair(s): J. Catravas (Augusta, United States of America), R. Lucas (Augusta, Ga, United States of America)
Hot topics
Therapy of lung cancer
Chair(s): C. Brambilla (Grenoble, France), J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium)
Oral Presentation
Investigation techniques in children with respiratory tract disorders
Chair(s): P. Pohunek (Prague, Czech Republic), I. Azevedo (Porto, Portugal)
Oral Presentation
Smoking and COPD
Chair(s): P. Tønnesen (Gentofte, Denmark), C. Gratziou (Athens, Greece)
Oral Presentation
Environmental and clinical aspects of COPD
Chair(s): J. Vestbo (Hvidovre, Denmark), E. Ronmark (Lulea, Sweden)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Current issues in airway physiology, pharmacology and monitoring
Chair(s): D. Cockcroft (Saskatoon Sask, Canada), G. Di Maria (Catania, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Antibiotic treatment in community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): A. Sayiner (Izmir, Turkey)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Epidemiology of paediatric asthma: genes, environment and prognosis
Chair(s): T. Frischer (Vienna, Austria), S. La Grutta (Palermo, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Recent advances in the understanding of lung injury and repair
Chair(s): R. Lutter (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), R. Jackson (Miami, Fl, United States of America)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Pulmonary hypertension: diagnosis and treatment
Chair(s): H. Olschewski (Graz, Austria), A. Torbicki (Warsaw, Poland)
Oral Presentation
Novel aspects in airway inflammation in human asthma and rhinitis
Chair(s): J. Erjefalt (Lund, Sweden), C. Vogelmeier (Marburg, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Delivering respiratory care: the challenges for primary care
Chair(s): P. Stephenson (Suffolk, United Kingdom), R. Tomlins (Cherrybrook, Australia)
Oral Presentation
Biology of thoracic malignancies
Chair(s): E. Brambilla (Grenoble, France), R. Wiewrodt (Mainz, Germany)
Electronic Poster Discussion
New perspectives and old problems in diagnosing tuberculosis infection and disease
Chair(s): C. Lange (Borstel, Germany), M. Amicosante (Rome, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Results of the international endobronchial valve for emphysema palliation trial (VENT)
Chair(s): M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium), F. Herth (Heidelberg, Germany)
Hot topics
Prognostic factors in lung cancer surgery
Chair(s): D. Lardinois (Zurich, Switzerland), D. Subotic (Belgrade, Serbia)
Oral Presentation
Paediatric interstitial lung disease: an orphan coming of age
Chair(s): S. Cunningham (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), A. Barbato (Padova, Italy)
Corticosteroids and respiratory failure
Chair(s): P. Pelosi (Milan, Italy), T. Welte (Hanover, Germany)
Scientific year in review
Chair(s): M. Spiteri (Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom), E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Hot topics
Clinical trial: antibiotic use in the community
Chair(s): F. Blasi (Milan, Italy), M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom)
Jean-Claude Yernault Lecture
Exercise: respiratory muscle fatigue and dynamic hyperinflation
Chair(s): P. Palange (Rome, Italy), L. Puente Maestu (Madrid, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Education, communication and quality of life in childhood asthma
Chair(s): A. Boehmer (Rotterdam, Netherlands), J. Wildhaber (Fribourg, Switzerland)
Oral Presentation
Pharmacological treatment of mild to moderate persistent asthma: new approaches
Chair(s): R. Polosa (S. Gregorio, Italy), R. Djukanovic (Southampton, United Kingdom)
Hot topics
Diagnostic markers and therapy in hospital-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): S. Bodi (Hyderabad, India), R. Pistelli (Rome, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Cystic fibrosis: better diagnosis, improved progress, but long-term complications
Chair(s): L. Dracea (Brasov, Romania), C. Benden (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Miscellaneous pulmonary disorders - diagnosis and treatment
Chair(s): R. Iles (Cambridge, United Kingdom), E. Piippo-Savolainen (Lapinlahti, Finland)
Thematic Poster Session
Neonatal respiratory disorders: pathogenesis, management and outcomes
Chair(s): S. Kotecha (Cardiff, United Kingdom), R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Paediatric respiratory epidemiology: rare diseases, infectious diseases and asthma
Chair(s): J. Henderson (Bristol, United Kingdom), E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey)
Thematic Poster Session
Congenital and acquired lung disorders: diagnostic and therapeutic indications in infants and children
Chair(s): E. Eber (Graz, Austria), P. Kostas (Athens, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Aetiology, mechanisms and treatment in lower respiratory tract infections
Chair(s): M. Miravitlles (Barcelona, Spain), E. Ibrahim (Alexandria, Egypt)
Thematic Poster Session
Biology, diagnosis and rare tumours in thoracic malignancies
Chair(s): N. Schoenfeld (Berlin, Germany), V. Ninane (Brussels, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of tuberculosis
Chair(s): I. Solovic (Vysne Hagy, Slovakia), E. Girardi (Roma, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Difficult tuberculosis cases I
Chair(s): F. Marchesani (Pavia, Italy), P. Kelly (Dublin, Ireland)
Thematic Poster Session
Medical and surgical treatment of susceptible and resistant tuberculosis
Chair(s): T. Mihaescu (Iasi, Romania), G. Besozzi (Sondalo, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Tuberculosis control in the penitentiary and civilian sector
Chair(s): D. Pesut (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro), I. Stoicescu (Bucharest, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Rare tumours, risk factors and epidemiology in thoracic oncology
Chair(s): K. Zarogoulidis (Thessaloniki, Greece), E. Jassem (Gdansk, Poland)
Thematic Poster Session
Therapy of thoracic malignancies
Chair(s): N. Dickgreber (Hannover, Germany), P. E. Postmus (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary infections in the immunocompetent and immunocompromised host
Chair(s): M. Confalonieri (Trieste, Italy), V. Kolek (Olomouc, Czech Republic)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiological and clinical aspects of tuberculosis control
Chair(s): G. Ferrara (Terni, Italy), I. Husar (Bucharest , Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Childhood asthma: treatment and follow-up
Chair(s): J. Dubus (Marseille, France), K-H. Carlsen (Oslo, Norway)
Thematic Poster Session
Risk factors for childhood asthma: cohort studies
Chair(s): K. Lodrup Carlsen (Oslo, Norway), S. Turner (Aberdeen, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Paediatric respiratory physiology in health and disease
Chair(s): A. Valiulis (Vilnius, Lithuania), E. Dompeling (Maastricht, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung function II
Chair(s): R. Pellegrino (Cuneo, Italy), E. Oostveen (Antwerp, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
COPD, sarcoidosis, idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, cystic fibrosis, gastro-oesophageal reflux and cough variant asthma - pathogenesis and differential diagnosis
Chair(s): M. Cazzola (Rome, Italy), R. Sakalauskas (Kaunas, Lithuania)
Thematic Poster Session
Long-term home mechanical ventilation with noninvasive ventilation
Chair(s): N. Ambrosino (Pisa, Italy), W. Windisch (Freiburg, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical applications of noninvasive ventilation
Chair(s): N. Hart (London, United Kingdom), J-F. Muir (Rouen, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Exercise: measurements, techniques and paradigms
Chair(s): R. Casaburi (Torrance, United States of America), R. Rabinovich (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Socioepidemiological and gender-related aspects of sleep apnoea
Chair(s): Y. Peker (Skovde, Sweden), A. Valipour (Vienna, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Cardiovascular and respiratory control in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): V. Donic (Kosice, Slovakia), S. Andreas (Immenhausen, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung function I
Chair(s): O. Pedersen (Aarhus, Denmark), R. Dellaca (Milan, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Mechanical ventilation and airways
Chair(s): K. Raymondos (Hannover, Germany), P. Rocco (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary hypertension
Chair(s): L. Nicod (Bern, Switzerland), S. Gaine (Dublin, Ireland)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary circulation
Chair(s): L. Howard (London, United Kingdom), M. Delcroix (Leuven, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
New treatments for asthma
Chair(s): S. Centanni (Milan, Italy), F. Chung (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Mechanisms and new treatments of COPD
Chair(s): M. Belvisi (London, United Kingdom), G. Brusselle (Ghent, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Recent advances in our understanding of the mechanisms of asthma treatment
Chair(s): H. Magnussen (Grosshansdorf, Germany), Z. Diamant (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Airway regulation, provocation and monitoring I
Chair(s): M. G. Matera (Naples, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Airway regulation, provocation and monitoring II
Chair(s): I. Horvath (Budakeszi, Hungary), B. Dahlen (Stockholm, Sweden)
Thematic Poster Session
Towards an understanding of asthma pathogenesis - novel in vitro assays and results from animal models
Chair(s): M. Idzko (Freiburg, Germany), H. Hoffmann (Aarhus, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
ACCP1 - Pulmonary hypertension in sickle cell disease
Meet the Professor
NSCC - Targeted therapy for nonsmall cells
Meet the Professor
Preventing nosocomial pneumonia in the intensive care unit. Something new?
Meet the Professor
Lunchtime programme: how to get the Nobel Prize?
Chair(s): S-E. Dahlén (Stockholm, Sweden), B. Nemery (Leuven, Belgium)
Impact of comorbidities in pulmonary rehabilitation
Chair(s): E. F. M. Wouters (Maastricht, The Netherlands), F. De Blasio (Naples, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Imaging modalities in asthma, COPD and emphysema
Chair(s): C. Beigelman-Aubry (Paris, France), J. M. Wild (Sheffield, United Kingdom)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Acute and chronic effects of air pollution
Chair(s): K. Radon (Munich, Germany), V. Schlünssen (Arhus, Denmark)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Treatment options in obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): W. Randerath (Solingen, Germany), J-L. Pepin (Grenoble, France)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Therapeutic approaches in thoracic oncology
Chair(s): W. Eberhardt (Essen, Germany), G. Scagliotti (Orbassano, Italy)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Infectious lung and pleural diseases
Chair(s): M. Tamm (Basel, Switzerland), A. W. J. Bossink (Utrecht, Netherlands)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Anti-inflammatory therapy for childhood asthma
Chair(s): S. Pedersen (Kolding, Denmark), K. Malmstrom (Helsinki, Finland)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Acute and chronic lung injury and its repair: novel molecular insight
Chair(s): W. Kuebler (Berlin, Germany), S. Matalon (Birmingham, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
Drug-resistant and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis
Chair(s): L. Casali (Terni, Italy), A. Sorete Arbore (Iasi, Romania)
Oral Presentation
T- and B-cells in COPD: a role for adaptive immunity in the pathogenesis of COPD?
Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands), M. Saetta (Padova, Italy)
Bronchoscopic staging modalities in lung cancer
Chair(s): C. Bolliger (Cape Town, South Africa), S. Gasparini (Ancona, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Cystic fibrosis lung disease: from diagnosis to end-stage
Chair(s): S. Stick (Perth, Australia), N. Regamey (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Genetic risk factors for obstructive lung disease and sarcoidosis
Chair(s): D. S. Postma (Groningen, The Netherlands), F. Kauffmann (Villejuif, France)
Oral Presentation
Respiratory pathophysiology
Chair(s): R. Farré (Barcelona, Spain), P. Palange (Rome, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Acute lung injury and inflammation
Chair(s): A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain), S. Uhlig (Aachen, Germany)
Oral Presentation
Mediastinal staging for NSCLC
Chair(s): D. Van Raemdonck (Leuven, Belgium), A.-P. Meert (Brussels, Belgium)
Hot topics
Severe asthma: what are the crucial targets?
Chair(s): E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), P. Chanez (Montpellier, France)
Impact of eHealth on professional practice and healthcare outcomes
Chair(s): C. Hernandez (Barcelona, Spain), M. Vitacca (Lumezzane, Italy)
Complex chronic comorbidities of COPD
Chair(s): L. Fabbri (Modena, Italy), K. F. Rabe (Leiden, The Netherlands)
An international perspective of the management of hospitalised patients with community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom), W. Boersma (Alkmaar, The Netherlands)
Changing practice with anti-IgE: patient, physician and payor perspectives
Chair(s): M. Humbert (Clamart, France)
Evening Symposium
New drugs for asthma
Chair(s): L. Nielsen (Aarhus, Denmark), D. Spina (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Effects of training in rehabilitation
Chair(s): R. Rabinovich (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), I. Vogiatzis (Athens, Greece)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Novel mediators of cellular pathology
Chair(s): D. Morel (Geneva, Switzerland), B. Crestani (Paris, France)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Sleep apnoea in cardiorespiratory disorders
Chair(s): P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom), J. A. Hedner (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Smoking cessation
Chair(s): B. Dautzenberg (Paris, France), A. Kheder (Ariana, Tunisia)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Bronchiolitis - viruses, treatment and outcome
Chair(s): J. E. Dankert-Roelse (Heerlen, Netherlands), A. Valiulis (Vilnius, Lithuania)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Mechanisms of inflammation in asthma and rhinitis - from cell cultures to patients
Chair(s): Z. Diamant (Leiden, The Netherlands), G. Joos (Ghent, Belgium)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Immunology and genetics of tuberculosis
Chair(s): C. Saltini (Rome, Italy), P. D. O. Davies (Liverpool, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Sleep apnoea
Chair(s): A. Valipour (Vienna, Austria), M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
The genomics of Ondine, Rett and Pickwick syndromes. Mutations of genes involved in respiratory control
Chair(s): G. Hedlin (Stockholm, Sweden), H. Lagercrantz (Stockholm , Sweden)
Hot topics
Role of genomics and biological tools in the work-up of interstitial lung disease
Chair(s): J. Grunewald (Stockholm, Sweden), R. M. du Bois (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Effect of long acting beta-agonists on severe asthma exacerbations and asthma-related deaths
Chair(s): E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), J. Lotvall (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Hot topics
Acute and chronic pulmonary embolism
Chair(s): A. Perrier (Geneva, Switzerland), G. Meyer (Paris, France)
Oral Presentation
Respiratory nanomedicine: application of multifunctional nanoparticles in diagnostics and therapy
Chair(s): W. Kreyling (Neuherberg, Germany), C. Lehr (Saarbrücken, Germany)
Treatment of metastatic nonsmall cell lung cancer in the era of targeted therapies
Chair(s): P. Zatloukal (Prague, Czech Republic), C. Brambilla (Grenoble, France)
Radiology Grand Round: an interactive session
Chair(s): R. Kubale (Pirmasens, Germany), H. Tiddens (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Major Symposium
Prognostic laboratory tests in community-acquired pneumonia
Chair(s): W. Boersma (Alkmaar, The Netherlands), M. Tamm (Basel, Switzerland)
Oral Presentation
Pathophysiology of childhood asthma: new insights
Chair(s): J. Price (London, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
What's new in air pollution from experiments to epidemiology
Chair(s): T. Sigsgaard (Aarhus, Denmark), B. Forsberg (Umea, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
The best of airway epithelial cells
Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands), C. Taggart (Belfast, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Pulmonary hypertension in the clinic
Chair(s): A. Vonk Noordegraaf (Aalsmeer, Netherlands), J. Barbera (Barcelona, Spain)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Miscellaneous pulmonary pharmacology
Chair(s): M. G. Matera (Naples, Italy), M. Belvisi (London, United Kingdom)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Airway problems: surgical and endoscopic solutions
Chair(s): I. Cordos (Bucharest, Romania), E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Therapeutic bronchoscopy
Chair(s): M. Marel (Prague, Czech Republic), M. Froudarakis (Alexandroupolis, Greece)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Novel genetic markers in pathology
Chair(s): A. Hamzaoui (Ariana, Tunisia)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Diagnosis and prognosis in thoracic oncology
Chair(s): G. Hillerdal (Stockholm, Sweden), A. Groeschel (Homburg Saar, Germany)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Asthma subphenotypes
Chair(s): R. Polosa (S. Gregorio, Italy), L. Bjermer (Lund, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Treatment and care of COPD
Chair(s): N. Roche (Paris, France), L. Chovan (Bratislava, Slovakia)
Oral Presentation
Diagnostic tests and treatment in non cystic fibrosis bronchiectasis
Chair(s): R. Wilson (London, United Kingdom), O. Culic (Zagreb, Croatia)
Oral Presentation
Pathophysiology of respiratory muscles
Chair(s): M. Polkey (London, United Kingdom), E. Barreiro (Barcelone, Spain)
Oral Presentation
Acute respiratory distress syndrome: from basic science to bedside
Chair(s): A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain), T. Welte (Hanover, Germany)
Towards a smoke-free Europe
Chair(s): A. Trofor (Iasi, Romania), K. Fagerstrom (Helsingborg, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Clinical year in review
Chair(s): B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy), C. Vogelmeier (Marburg, Germany)
Hot topics
Circulating progenitors as new actors in health and disease: angiogenesis and tissue repair
Chair(s): P. Palange (Rome, Italy), A. Bishop (London, United Kingdom)
Viruses and childhood asthma
Chair(s): N. G. Papadopoulos (Athens, Greece), M. Korppi (Tempere, Finland)
Why is complicated pneumonia and empyema increasing so rapidly in children?
Chair(s): T. Schaberg (Rotenburg, Germany), F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)
Hot topics
Imaging of inflammatory airway diseases
Chair(s): R. Djukanovic (Southampton, United Kingdom), M. Saetta (Padova, Italy)
Hot topics
Recent advances in clinical and experimental lung transplantation
Chair(s): A. Boehler (Zurich, Switzerland), J. Lordan (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom)
Oral Presentation
Clinical epidemiology of tuberculosis
Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), L. Casali (Terni, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Cystic fibrosis: the balance between treatment and side-effects
Chair(s): A. Lindblad (Gothenburg, Sweden), H. Tiddens (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of COPD
Chair(s): L. Carrozzi (Pisa, Italy), C. Redlich (New Haven, Ct, United States of America)
Thematic Poster Session
Miscellaneous epidemiological aspects of respiratory disease
Chair(s): C. Svanes (Bergen, Norway), F. Kauffmann (Villejuif, France)
Thematic Poster Session
From environmental tobacco smoke and wood smoke at home to herbal tea at work
Chair(s): D. Heederik (Utrecht, The Netherlands), O. Omland (Aalborg, Denmark)
Thematic Poster Session
The tobacco epidemic
Chair(s): S. Nardini (Vittorio Veneto, Italy), F. Forastiere (Rome, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Mechanisms of asthma and allergy in young children
Chair(s): N. G. Papadopoulos (Athens, Greece), P. A. Eng (Erlinsbach, Switzerland)
Thematic Poster Session
Improving asthma therapy - new findings in established and experimental treatment modalities
Chair(s): C. Corrigan (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Diagnosis of thoracic malignancies
Chair(s): K. Aigner (Linz, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Surgical management of thoracic infections and issues in respiratory physiology
Chair(s): J. Freixinet (Las Palmas, Spain), I. Cordos (Bucharest, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Rehabilitation: training and responses; measuring functional capacity and physical activity; COPD and non-COPD
Chair(s): T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), R. Garrod (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology of tuberculosis II
Chair(s): I. Solovic (Vysne Hagy, Slovakia), F. Fiorentini (Castrocaro Terme, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Difficult tuberculosis cases II
Chair(s): A. Sorete Arbore (Iasi, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
Diagnosis and treatment of drug susceptible and resistant tuberculosis
Chair(s): P. Magyar (Budapest, Hungary), D. Cirillo (Milano, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Prognosis and diagnosis of thoracic malignancies
Chair(s): M. Pesek (Pilsen, Czech Republic)
Thematic Poster Session
Miscellaneous lower respiratory tract infections
Chair(s): K. Dalhoff (Lubeck, Germany), J. Lorenz (Luedenscheid, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Community-acquired pneumonia: from aetiology to complication
Chair(s): R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy), D. Bouros (Alexandroupolis, Greece)
Thematic Poster Session
Epidemiology, genetics, risk assessment for asthma and morbidity - new associations and findings
Chair(s): M. Gaga (Athens, Greece), W. Pohl (Grimmenstein, Austria)
Thematic Poster Session
Mechanisms of injury and repair in fibrotic, idiopathic or infectious lung disease
Chair(s): O. Eickelberg (Giessen, Germany), A. Millar (Bristol, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Airway regulation, provocation and monitoring - III
Chair(s): A. R. A. Sovijarvi (Helsinki, Finland), L. Spicuzza (Catania, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical aspects of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Chair(s): C. Saltini (Rome, Italy), P. Sestini (Siena, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Recent advances in our understanding of the treatment of asthma
Chair(s): M. G. Matera (Naples, Italy), I. Hall (Nottingham, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
New insight into the pathophysiology of asthma
Chair(s): M. Tunon De Lara (Bordeaux, France), R. Brown (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
Exacerbations of COPD
Chair(s): J. Wedzicha (London, United Kingdom), H. Ghedira (Ariana, Tunisia)
Thematic Poster Session
Interventional pneumology and surgical procedures
Chair(s): S. Gasparini (Ancona, Italy), M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium)
Thematic Poster Session
Lung neoplasms
Chair(s): R. M. Huber (Munich, Germany), V. Petrovic (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro)
Thematic Poster Session
Orphan diseases
Chair(s): V. Cottin (Lyon, France), S. Harari (Milan, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary rehabilitation beyond training
Chair(s): J. Callaghan (Surrey, United Kingdom), J-F. Muir (Rouen, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Pathogenesis of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia including idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
Chair(s): M. Selman (Mexico City, Mexico), V. Poletti (Forli, Italy)
Thematic Poster Session
Problems in intensive care medicine
Chair(s): P. Suter (Presinge, Switzerland), A. Artigas (Sabadell, Spain)
Thematic Poster Session
Invasive and noninvasive methods to assess airway inflammation
Chair(s): V. De Rose (Orbassano- Torino, Italy), R. A. Jorres (Munich, Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Systemic effects of obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): N. Cobben (Maastricht, Netherlands), H. F. Becker (Hamburg , Germany)
Thematic Poster Session
Clinical aspects of obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): R. Van Steenwijk (Almere, Netherlands), C. Cuhadaroglu (Istanbul, Turkey)
Thematic Poster Session
Respiratory pathophysiology
Chair(s): M. Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy), P. Rocco (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil)
Thematic Poster Session
Venous thromboembolic disease
Chair(s): J. Pepke-Zaba (Cambridge, United Kingdom), F. Parent (Clamart, France)
Thematic Poster Session
Pulmonary vascular involvement in smoking and respiratory diseases
Chair(s): H. Olschewski (Graz, Austria), M. Bogdan (Bucharest, Romania)
Thematic Poster Session
New insights into the treatment of COPD
Chair(s): R. W. Dal Negro (Verona, Italy), B.J. O'Connor (London, United Kingdom)
Thematic Poster Session
ISAM - Expanding role of aerosols: systemic drug delivery, gene therapy and vaccination
Meet the Professor
Lunchtime programme: ERS Fellows Lunch
Chair(s): B. Nemery (Leuven, Belgium)
ACCP 2 - Pulmonary complications of HIV infection
Meet the Professor
Lunchtime programme: meet the Awardees and the Young Investigators of the Occupation and Epidemiology Assembly
Chair(s): K. Toren (Gothenburg, Sweden), A. Gulsvik (Bergen, Norway)
Practical workshop: continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)
Chair(s): P. Levy (Grenoble, France), F. De Jongh (Enschede, The Netherlands)
Practical Workshop
Lunchtime programme: of mice, man and cell cultures - discussing different approaches in experimental lung research
Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands)
Lunchtime programme: how to write scientific papers; an editor's advice
Chair(s): E. Berglund (Gothenburg, Sweden)
Pets, dust and colds: early life exposures and risk of asthma
Chair(s): S. Turner (Aberdeen, United Kingdom), C. Kuehni (Bern, Switzerland)
Oral Presentation
COPD and comorbidity
Chair(s): D. Gorecka (Warsaw, Poland), O. C. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Quality, sleep and exercise - the ingredients for a perfect life!
Chair(s): R. Carter (Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom), M. Flezar (Golnik, Slovenia)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Specific problems in caring for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis and tuberculosis/HIV cases
Chair(s): A. Matteelli (Brescia, Italy), P. Kelly (Dublin, Ireland)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Metabolic consequences of obstructive sleep apnoea
Chair(s): M. Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy), R. L. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Primary care respiratory problems
Chair(s): M. Levy (Wembley, United Kingdom), K. Lisspers (Gagnef, Sweden)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Rehabilitation: measuring, monitoring and maintenance
Chair(s): J. Bott (Chertsey, United Kingdom), E. Clini (Modena, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Sphingomyelin and ceramide: their role in cystic fibrosis, infection, emphysema and acute lung injury
Chair(s): S. Uhlig (Aachen, Germany), R. Tuder (Baltimore, United States of America)
Hot topics
ERS/ATS joint symposium: the report of the ERS/ATS Task Force on Exhaled Breath Condensate
Chair(s): B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy), R. Louis (Liege, Belgium)
Inflammatory cell biology
Chair(s): R. Wiewrodt (Mainz, Germany), J. Jacquot (Paris, France)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Longitudinal and cross sectional risk factors for COPD
Chair(s): P. Bakke (Bergen, Norway), B. Lundbäck (Stockholm, Sweden)
Oral Presentation
Update on venous thromboembolism
Chair(s): J. Barbera (Barcelona, Spain), M. Delcroix (Leuven, Belgium)
Regulation of allergic airway inflammation in animal models of asthma
Chair(s): J. Hohlfeld (Hanover, Germany), J. L. Curtis (Ann Arbor, United States of America)
Oral Presentation
Inflammatory phenotypes in airway disease
Chair(s): E. Bel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), C. Brightling (Leicester, United Kingdom)
Controversies in surgical oncology
Chair(s): G. Massard (Strasbourg, France), R. M. Huber (Munich, Germany)
Physiological year in review
Chair(s): P. Levy (Grenoble, France), I. Annesi-Maesano (Paris, France)
Hot topics
Nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM): a slow-growing challenge
Chair(s): T. Schaberg (Rotenburg, Germany), H. Tiddens (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
Bronchial inflammation in wheezing infants and pre-school children
Chair(s): J. Gerritsen (Groningen, The Netherlands), K-H. Carlsen (Oslo, Norway)
Controversies in the management of interstitial lung diseases
Chair(s): M. Drent (Maastricht, The Netherlands), G. Raghu (Seattle, United States of America)
Cystic fibrosis: will the new biology deliver?
Chair(s): J. Davies (London, United Kingdom), E. Kerem (Jerusalem, Israel)
Hot topics
Clinical aspects in COPD
Chair(s): J. Musil (Prague, Czech Republic), M. Luisetti (Pavia, Italy)
Oral Presentation
Lung function and therapy in obstructive lung diseases
Chair(s): L. Chovan (Bratislava, Slovakia), D. Bouros (Alexandroupolis, Greece)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Tuberculosis control
Chair(s): P. D. O. Davies (Liverpool, United Kingdom), I. Stoicescu (Bucharest, Romania)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Mouse models of allergic airway inflammation
Chair(s): X. Gao (Guangzhou, China), J. L. Curtis (Ann Arbor, United States of America)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Experimental and observational studies with environmental agents
Chair(s): P. S. Burge (Birmingham, United Kingdom), P. Thorne (Iowa City, United States of America)
Electronic Poster Discussion
Crossroads between paediatric respiratory physiology and epidemiology
Chair(s): P. Latzin (Bern, Switzerland), C. Beardsmore (Leicester, United Kingdom)
Electronic Poster Discussion