The ERS International Congress 2006, Munich


This annual event brings together the world's respiratory experts to showcase all the latest advances in respiratory medicine and science.

PG1 - Respiratory infections: pneumonia/antibiotic resistance and clinical outcome of lower respiratory tract infections

Chair(s): F. Blasi (Milan, Italy), R. Finch (Nottingham, United Kingdom)

Postgraduate Course

PG3 - Update on occupational and environmental lung disease, including "bring your own cases" for interactive discussion

Chair(s): D. Hendrick (Newcastle-Upon-Tyne, United Kingdom), P. S. Burge (Birmingham, United Kingdom)

Postgraduate Course

PG4 - Asthma: pathology and treatment

Chair(s): M. Cazzola (Naples, Italy), G. Joos (Ghent, Belgium)

Postgraduate Course

PG5 - Respiratory physiology: interpreting lung function in health and disease

Chair(s): P. Palange (Rome, Italy), V. Brusasco (Genova, Italy)

Postgraduate Course

PG6 - Respiratory failure: noninvasive ventilation and techniques of diagnosis for hypoxic respiratory failure

Chair(s): B. Schonhofer (Hannover, Germany), M. Vitacca (Gussago, Italy)

Postgraduate Course

PG7 - Paediatric respiratory medicine: allergy for paediatric pulmonologists

Chair(s): M. Gappa (Hannover, Germany), P. L. P. Brand (Zwolle, Netherlands)

Postgraduate Course

PG8 - Interstitial lung diseases: idiopathic interstitial pneumonias

Chair(s): J-F. Cordier (Lyon, France), R. M. Du Bois (London, United Kingdom)

Postgraduate Course

PG9 - Obstructive sleep apnoea: current pathophysiological, clinical and therapeutic concepts

Chair(s): W. De Backer (Edegem, Belgium), P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Postgraduate Course

PG10 - Preparation and palliation for end-of-life in chronic respiratory disease

Chair(s): M. Connor (Co. Dublin, Ireland), A. Simonds (London, United Kingdom)

Postgraduate Course

PG11 - Clinical highlights on tuberculosis

Chair(s): L. Casali (Terni, Italy), P. D. O. Davies (Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Postgraduate Course

PG12 - Small cell lung cancer management

Chair(s): J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium), E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain)

Postgraduate Course

PG2 - Interventional pulmonology: theory and practice

Chair(s): C. Marquette (Lille, France), M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium)

Postgraduate Course

PG18 - Basic principles of pulmonary rehabilitation

Chair(s): S. Ward (Leeds, United Kingdom), N. Ambrosino (Pisa, Italy)

Postgraduate Course

PG20 - Smoking cessation in a respiratory medicine setting

Chair(s): S. Nardini (Vittorio Veneto, Italy), C. Gratziou (Athens, Greece)

Postgraduate Course

PG19 - Thoracic oncology: diagnostic assessment of lung cancer

Chair(s): E. Quoix (Strasbourg, France), J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium)

Postgraduate Course

PG13 - COPD: from aetiology to management

Chair(s): B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy), D. S. Postma (Groningen, The Netherlands)

Postgraduate Course

PG17 - Exercise testing in children

Chair(s): A. Colin (Miami, United States of America), K-H. Carlsen (Oslo, Norway)

Postgraduate Course

PG16 - The use of evidence-based medicine and practice for the clinician (jointly organised with the ACCP)

Chair(s): A. Agusti (Palma De Mallorca, Spain), M. Rosen (New York, United States of America)

Postgraduate Course

PG15 - Remodelling and repair in lung disease

Chair(s): T. Geiser (Bern, Switzerland), B. Crestani (Paris, France)

Postgraduate Course

PG14 - Noninvasive monitoring of asthma inflammation and treatment

Chair(s): J. C. Virchow (Rostock, Germany), M. Tunon De Lara (Bordeaux, France)

Postgraduate Course

Miscellaneous respiratory infections II

Chair(s): U. Lalloo (Durban, South Africa), K. Dalhoff (Lubeck, Germany)

E-Posters in free access

Outcomes of anti-tuberculosis treatment

Chair(s): S. Kajba (Celje, Slovenia), A. Sorete Arbore (Iasi, Romania)

E-Posters in free access

Epidemiology of drug resistant tuberculosis

Chair(s): F. Marchesani (Pavia, Italy), I. Husar (Bucharest , Romania)

E-Posters in free access

Epidemiology of tuberculosis

Chair(s): F. Fiorentini (Castrocaro Terme, Italy), G. Ferrara (Modena, Italy)

E-Posters in free access

Screening and diagnosis of tuberculosis

Chair(s): T. Mihaescu (Iasi, Romania), I. Solovic (Vysne Hagy, Slovakia)

E-Posters in free access

Difficult tuberculosis cases

Chair(s): P. Kelly (Dublin, Ireland)

E-Posters in free access

COPD – therapy/exacerbations

Chair(s): R. Stockley (Birmingham, United Kingdom), E. Russi (Zurich, Switzerland)

E-Posters in free access

COPD – inflammation/miscellaneous

Chair(s): M. Miravitlles (Barcelona, Spain), J. Homolka (Prague, Czech Republic)

E-Posters in free access

Lung cancer, haemoptoe, smoking and COPD

Chair(s): R. Huber (Munich, Germany)

E-Posters in free access

Pulmonary embolism and hypertension

Chair(s): O. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria), T. King, Jr (San Francisco, United States of America)

E-Posters in free access

Pneumothorax and pleural effusions

Chair(s): H. Hamm (Westerland/Sylt, Germany), W. Seeger (Giessen, Germany)

E-Posters in free access

Clinical problems: miscellaneous

Chair(s): G. Huchon (Paris, France), M. Miravitlles (Barcelona, Spain)

E-Posters in free access

Clinical problems: miscellaneous II

Chair(s): C. Bolliger (Basel, Switzerland), A. Perruchoud (Basel, Switzerland)

E-Posters in free access

Assessment in COPD patients

Chair(s): D. Gorecka (Warsaw, Poland)

E-Posters in free access

Assessment in the chronic patient

Chair(s): J-F. Muir (Rouen, France)

E-Posters in free access

Clinical features, rare metastases and rare tumors

Chair(s): M. Pesek (Pilsen, Czech Republic), N. Schoenfeld (Berlin, Germany)

E-Posters in free access

Screening, diagnosis, staging, prognosis, biological features

Chair(s): E. Danila (Vilnius, Lithuania)

E-Posters in free access

Epidemiology, rare tumors (2), miscellaneous

E-Posters in free access

Clinical management of interstitial lung disease

Chair(s): J. Domagala-Kulawik (Warsaw, Poland), D. Bouros (Athens, Greece)

E-Posters in free access

Airway cell biology II

Chair(s): P. Chanez (Montpellier, France)

E-Posters in free access

Therapies and management in chronic airway diseases

Chair(s): J-F. Muir (Rouen, France)

E-Posters in free access

Dealing with chronic allograft dysfunction: mission impossible?

Chair(s): G. Verleden (Leuven, Belgium), A. Boehler (Zurich, Switzerland)

Oral Presentation

Novel research results in genetics and epidemiology of airway diseases

Chair(s): F. Kauffmann (Villejuif, France), J. Anto (Barcelona, Spain)

Poster Discussion

Immunological diagnosis of tuberculosis infection and disease

Chair(s): A. Sorete Arbore (Iasi, Romania), G. Ferrara (Modena, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Innovative concepts in thoracic surgery

Chair(s): C. Paleru (Bucharest, Romania)

Poster Discussion

Focus of care for tomorrow's allied health professionals

Chair(s): G. South (Chesterfield, United Kingdom), C. Lodewijckx (Leuven, Belgium)

Poster Discussion

Clinical aspects of tuberculosis

Chair(s): G. Besozzi (Sondalo, Italy), D. Pesut (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Early detection, diagnosis, staging and clinical features of lung cancer

Chair(s): D. Jovanovic (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro), V. Ninane (Brussels, Belgium)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Markers of paediatric airway disease

Chair(s): A. Bush (London, United Kingdom), M. Pijnenburg (Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

Oral Presentation

New developments in the treatment and management of asthma

Chair(s): G. Menz (Davos, Switzerland), R. Buhl (Mainz, Germany)

Oral Presentation

Monitoring airway inflammation – exhaled markers vs induced sputum

Chair(s): J. Hunt (Charlottesville, United States of America), M. Cazzola (Naples, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Advances in diagnosis and treatment of pulmonary diseases in children

Chair(s): A. Barbato (Padova, Italy), I. Azevedo (Porto, Portugal)

Oral Presentation

Neurogenic inflammation – the link between nervous system and lung dysfunction

Chair(s): C. Kahler (Innsbruck, Austria), D. Groneberg (Berlin, Germany)


COPD and systemic inflammation

Chair(s): A. Agusti (Palma De Mallorca, Spain), L. Fabbri (Modena, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Web-based patient education

Chair(s): G. L. Narsavage (Augusta, United States of America), S. Walker (Warwick, United Kingdom)


Management of dynamic hyperinflation during exercise in COPD

Chair(s): C. Tantucci (Brescia, Italy), R. Casaburi (Rancho Palos Verdes, United States of America)


Methicillin resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA): a real hospital-based pathogen?

Chair(s): T. Bauer (Berlin, Germany), R. Cosentini (Milan, Italy)


Clinical features and disease markers of sarcoidosis

Chair(s): U. Costabel (Essen, Germany), M. Judson (Charleston, United States of America)

Oral Presentation

Clinical year in review

Chair(s): E. Russi (Zurich, Switzerland), P. Camus (Dijon, France)

Hot topics

Novel treatments for asthma

Chair(s): C. Page (London, United Kingdom), J. Lotvall (Gothenburg, Sweden)

Oral Presentation

Hot technologies in bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy

Chair(s): J. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), M. Noppen (Brussels, Belgium)

Oral Presentation

COPD exacerbations

Chair(s): J. Wedzicha (London, United Kingdom), R. Rodriguez-Roisin (Barcelona, Spain)

Poster Discussion

Paediatric Respiratory Research Award

Chair(s): A. Bush (London, United Kingdom), E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey)


Exercise: respiratory mechanics and dynamic hyperinflation

Chair(s): P. Palange (Rome, Italy), L. Puente Maestu (Madrid, Spain)

Poster Discussion

Diagnosis and treatment of tuberculosis

Chair(s): A. Sorete Arbore (Iasi, Romania), E. Kunter (Istanbul, Turkey)

Poster Discussion

Tuberculosis and other pulmonary infections

Chair(s): H. Lode (Berlin, Germany)

Electronic Poster Discussion

COPD comorbidity

Chair(s): A. Schols (Maastricht, The Netherlands)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Landmark developments in lung function testing: 2006

Chair(s): B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom), G. Nolan (Dublin, Ireland)

Oral Presentation

Signalisation in the pulmonary vasculature: new pathways and wrong signals

Chair(s): A. Dinh-Xuan (Paris, France), P. Hassoun (Baltimore, United States of America)

Oral Presentation

Virus-induced respiratory tract infection

Chair(s): A. Papi (Ferrara, Italy), S. L. Johnston (London, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Tobacco control in Europe: what are the priorities?

Chair(s): J. Britton (Nottingham, United Kingdom), I. Annesi Maesano (Paris, France)


Molecular airway biology

Chair(s): E. Puchelle (Reims, France), H. Inoue (Kyushu, Japan)

Oral Presentation

Radiology Grand Round: an interactive session

Chair(s): G. Ferretti (Grenoble, France), S. Wills (Midwolde, Netherlands)

Major Symposium

Difficult weaning from ventilator

Chair(s): M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom), B. Schonhofer (Hannover, Germany)


Molecular pathology: an approach to lung diseases

Chair(s): R. M. Du Bois (London, United Kingdom), B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy)


Mast cells and basophils as key effector cells in airway inflammation and remodelling

Chair(s): R. Polosa (S. Gregorio (Ct), Italy), M. Tunon De Lara (Bordeaux, France)


Lung vascular and parenchymal remodeling

Chair(s): T. Geiser (Bern, Switzerland), C. Kaehler (Innsbruck, Austria)

Oral Presentation

New features of paediatric asthma

Chair(s): P. L. P. Brand (Zwolle, Netherlands), J. Wildhaber (Zurich, Switzerland)

Oral Presentation

Prognostic factors in lung cancer

Chair(s): M. Paesmans (Brussels, Belgium), H. Popper (Graz, Austria)

Oral Presentation

Educational seminar: the challenges of adapting education and training to the needs of tomorrow's doctors

Chair(s): K-H. Carlsen (Oslo, Norway), P. Haslam (London, United Kingdom)

Hot topics

Miscellaneous bronchial and other respiratory disorders in children

Chair(s): M. Everard (Sheffield, United Kingdom), A. Valiulis (Vilnius, Lithuania)

Thematic Poster Session

Smoking cessation: why and how

Chair(s): K. Fagerstrom (Helsingborg, Sweden), B. Dautzenberg (Paris, France)

Thematic Poster Session

Epidemiology of paediatric asthma and allergy

Chair(s): F. De Baets (Gent, Belgium), M. Garcia-Garcia (LeganÉS Madrid, Spain)

Thematic Poster Session

Paediatric asthma and quality of life

Chair(s): W. Lenney (Wybunbury, Cheshire, United Kingdom), M. Canciani (Udine, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

Markers of inflammation in paediatric asthma

Chair(s): A. Sprikkelman (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), F. Riedel (Hamburg, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Cystic fibrosis: aerosol treatment and non–pulmonary complications

Chair(s): L. Dracea (Brasov, Romania), R. Hamutcu (Istanbul, Turkey)

Thematic Poster Session

Breathing patterns, respiratory muscles and training

Chair(s): A. Bruton (Hampshire, United Kingdom), M. Spruit (Horn, Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Paediatric epidemiology I: asthma phenotypes, risk factors and genetics

Chair(s): J. Riedler (Schwarzach, Austria), P. Helms (Aberdeen, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Surgical management for infectious and congenital disorder

Chair(s): G. Friedel (Gerlingen, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Infection, trauma and emphysema

Chair(s): D. Subotic (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro), D. Petrov (Sofia, Bulgaria)

Thematic Poster Session

The evolving role of spirometry

Chair(s): F. De Jongh (Enschede, The Netherlands), M. Swanney (Christchurch, New Zealand)

Thematic Poster Session

Breath of life: assessing inflammation and obstruction in airways disease

Chair(s): G. Hall (Perth, Australia), A. Kendrick (Bristol, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Asthma and allergy: prevalence, incidence and risk factors

Chair(s): E. Ronmark (Lulea, Sweden), I. Annesi Maesano (Paris, France)

Thematic Poster Session

Occupational asthma – causes, diagnosis & surveillance

Chair(s): D. Heederik (Utrecht, The Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Bronchial asthma and atopy – epidemiology, risk factors and risk assessment

Chair(s): E. von Mutius (Munich, Germany), D. Nowak (Munich, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

New aspects in the pathogenesis of asthma

Chair(s): R. Buhl (Mainz, Germany), M. Hylkema (Groningen, The Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Spirometric assessment of lung pathophysiology

Chair(s): O. Pedersen (Aarhus, Denmark)

Thematic Poster Session

Acute respiratory failure: diagnostic procedures and clinical management

Chair(s): C. Gregoretti (Turin, Italy), G. Domenighetti (Locarno, Switzerland)

Thematic Poster Session

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in chronic respiratory failure – technical issues and outcome

Chair(s): J-F. Muir (Rouen, France), W. Windisch (Freiburg, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in acute and chronic respiratory failure – a broad field

Chair(s): A. Cuvelier (Rouen, France), P. Navalesi (Pavia, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

Pathogenic aspects of lung injury, destruction and repair

Chair(s): A. Millar (Bristol, United Kingdom), C. Kaehler (Innsbruck, Austria)

Thematic Poster Session

Diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA)

Chair(s): P. Levy (Grenoble, France)

Thematic Poster Session

Clinical aspects of obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA) I

Chair(s): J-L. Pepin (Grenoble, France), M. Eijsvogel (Boekelo, Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Recent update on asthma treatment

Chair(s): R. Goldie (Adelaide, Australia), B. O'Connor (London, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Evaluation of drugs for lung disease

Chair(s): T. Hansel (London, United Kingdom), G. Brusselle (Ghent, Belgium)

Thematic Poster Session

Recent advances in treatment of COPD

Chair(s): I. Pavord (Leicester, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Airway regulation, provocation and monitoring – I

Chair(s): S. Anderson (Camperdown, Australia), L. Spicuzza (Catania, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

Airway regulation, provocation and monitoring – II

Chair(s): N. Scichilone (Capaci, Palermo, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

Asthma models – mechanisms of airway inflammation and experimental therapies

Chair(s): J. C. Virchow (Rostock, Germany), X. Gao (Guangzhou, China)

Thematic Poster Session

Cellular mechanisms in the pathogenesis of asthma and rhinitis

Chair(s): T. A. Out (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

MP5 – How to use new immunosuppressive drugs in lung transplantation

Meet the Professor

MP6 – Pulmonary disorders and critical care of patients with HIV infection in the era of anti-retrovirals

Meet the Professor

MP1 – New strategies to improve exercise capacity in COPD

Meet the Professor

MP2 – How to organise a noninvasive ventilation unit

Meet the Professor

How to treat tobacco smokers

Chair(s): C. Gratziou (Athens, Greece), S. Nardini (Vittorio Veneto, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Epidemiology, risk factors, co-morbidity and systemic side effects of asthma therapy

Chair(s): J. Lotvall (Gothenburg, Sweden), E. Nizankowska (Krakow, Poland)

Poster Discussion

Respiratory disease in primary care

Chair(s): B. Yawn (Rochester, United States of America)

Poster Discussion

Recent advances in asthma treatment

Chair(s): Z. Diamant (Leiden, Netherlands), D. Spina (London, United Kingdom)

Poster Discussion

Pneumonia and other invasive pulmonary infections in children

Chair(s): M. H. Goetz (Vienna, Austria), J. E. Dankert-Roelse (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Poster Discussion

Clinical features of interstitial lung disease

Chair(s): C. Albera (Orbassano, Italy), A. Bast (Maastricht, Netherlands)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Epidemiology and treatment of tuberculosis

Chair(s): F. Marchesani (Pavia, Italy)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Immunological mechanisms in cell recruitment to the lungs

Chair(s): R. Louis (Liege, Belgium), H. Renz (Marburg, Germany)

Oral Presentation

Organisation and programmes in pulmonary rehabilitation

Chair(s): E. Clini (Pavullo, Italy), T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium)

Oral Presentation

Implementation of the new standards on clinical pulmonary function testing

Chair(s): M. Demedts (Leuven, Belgium), B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom)


Highlights of epidemiology of COPD and lung function

Chair(s): J. Vestbo (Manchester, United Kingdom), P. Bakke (Bergen, Norway)

Oral Presentation

Therapeutic effects in obstructive sleep apnoea

Chair(s): J. Verbraecken (Edegem, Belgium), P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS): from pathophysiology to clinical management

Chair(s): W. Zin (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil), S. Orfanos (Haidari, Greece)

Oral Presentation

Epidemiology and management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), G. Ferrara (Modena, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Immunology of the airways

Chair(s): A. Hamzaoui (Ariana, Tunisia), I. Horvath (Budakeszi, Hungary)

Oral Presentation

The burden of pulmonary hypertension

Chair(s): A. Rossi (Bergamo, Italy), E. Bel (Leiden, The Netherlands)

Cournand Lecture

Medical and surgical management of malignant pleuritis

Chair(s): R. Huber (Munich, Germany), D. Subotic (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro)


Man at altitude: benefits and risks of pre-existing respiratory impairment due to various diseases

Chair(s): H. Matthys (Freiburg, Germany), K. Bloch (Zurich, Switzerland)


Outcomes for COPD pharmacological trials: from lung function to biomarkers

Chair(s): W. MacNee (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), F. Martinez (Ann Arbor, United States of America)


COPD and inflammation

Chair(s): R. Rodriguez-Roisin (Barcelona, Spain), B. R. Celli (Wellesley, United States of America)

Oral Presentation


Chair(s): P. Rottoli (Siena, Italy), J. Grutters (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands)

Poster Discussion

Community-acquired pneumonia: risk factors and treatment

Chair(s): F. Paganin (St Pierre, France)

Poster Discussion

Acute respiratory failure: diagnostic procedures and clinical management

Chair(s): T. Vassilakopoulos (Heraklion Athens, Greece), D. Morel (Geneve 4, Switzerland)

Poster Discussion

Blood gas workshop

Chair(s): B. G. Cooper (Birmingham, United Kingdom), I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, Netherlands)


Diagnosis of tuberculosis infection and immunology of tuberculosis

Chair(s): C. Lange (Borstel, Germany), J-P. Zellweger (Lausanne, Switzerland)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Airway biology and pathology

Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), C. Taggart (Dublin, Ireland)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Lung cancer biology and chemosensitivity

Chair(s): J. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), C. Brambilla (Grenoble, France)

Oral Presentation

COPD: imaging and computer applications

Chair(s): J. de Mey (Brussels, Belgium), L. Dupont (Tildonk, Belgium)

Oral Presentation

New insights into the worldwide burden of COPD

Chair(s): P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom), T. Welte (Hannover, Germany)

Hot topics

Muscles, training and rehabilitation

Chair(s): T. Troosters (Leuven, Belgium), J. Bott (Chertsey, Surrey, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Obstructive sleep apnoea and cardiovascular diseases

Chair(s): S. Javaheri (Mason, United States of America), W. De Backer (Edegem, Belgium)


New developments in the management of asthma

Chair(s): S. Sorichter (Freiburg, Germany), E. Bel (Leiden, The Netherlands)

Oral Presentation

Targeting innate immunity in respiratory diseases

Chair(s): J. Lotvall (Gothenburg, Sweden), P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands)


Smoking and COPD: will it ever vanish into smoke?

Chair(s): M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom), P. I. Van Spiegel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)


Interventional Pulmonology Grand Round: an interactive session

Chair(s): K. Haeussinger (Gauting, Germany), C. Bolliger (Basel, Switzerland)

Major Symposium

Molecular pathology and genetics of lung cancer

Chair(s): E. Brambilla (Grenoble, France), J. Pache (Geneva, Switzerland)

Oral Presentation

Cystic fibrosis lung disease: molecules images and drugs

Chair(s): F. De Baets (Gent, Belgium)

Oral Presentation

Pulmonary embolism

Chair(s): W. Seeger (Giessen, Germany), O. Burghuber (Vienna, Austria)

Oral Presentation

Smoking cessation

Chair(s): P. I. Van Spiegel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), L. Carrozzi (Pisa, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Biology and prognostic factors

Chair(s): A. Meert (Brussels, Belgium), M. Paesmans (Brussels, Belgium)

Poster Discussion

Various parenchymal lung diseases and pulmonary hypertension

Chair(s): T. King, Jr (San Francisco, United States of America), H. Wilkens (Homburg/Saar, Germany)

Poster Discussion

Epidemiology of susceptible, resistant and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

Chair(s): T. Mihaescu (Iasi, Romania), E. Kunter (Istanbul, Turkey)

Poster Discussion

Diagnosis and treatment in community-acquired pneumonia

Chair(s): M. Tupilsky (Tel Aviv, Israel), F. Blasi (Milan, Italy)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Rehabilitation in non-COPD patients

Chair(s): J. Escarrabill (L'Hospitalet, Spain), P. Wijkstra (Groningen, The Netherlands)

Electronic Poster Discussion

COPD – the challenges for primary care

Chair(s): O. C. P. Van Schayck (Maastricht, The Netherlands), R. Jones (Plymouth, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Smoking asthmatics – a neglected population?

Chair(s): E. Russi (Zurich, Switzerland), J. C. Virchow (Rostock, Germany)

Oral Presentation

New methods to diagnose tuberculosis infection

Chair(s): J-P. Zellweger (Lausanne, Switzerland), L. Richeldi (Modena, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Asthma at the workplace – the prognosis and the costs

Chair(s): T. Sigsgaard (Aarhus, Denmark), K. Toren (Goteborg, Sweden)

Oral Presentation

Cellular immunology in asthma pathogenesis

Chair(s): R. Polosa (S. Gregorio (Ct), Italy)

Oral Presentation

Respiratory muscles

Chair(s): A. Schols (Maastricht, The Netherlands), J. Gea (Barcelona, Spain)

Oral Presentation

Safety issues during interventional pulmonology

Chair(s): J. Janssen (Nijmegen, The Netherlands), F. Herth (Heidelberg, Germany)


"Inflammometry": an alternative strategy in the management of airways disease

Chair(s): I. Pavord (Leicester, United Kingdom), E. Eber (Graz, Austria)


The critically ill patient: chronic obstructive lung disease

Chair(s): J. Wedzicha (London, United Kingdom), T. Welte (Hannover, Germany)


Contemporary management of patients with end-stage emphysema

Chair(s): G. Massard (Strasbourg, France), P. Palange (Rome, Italy)


Scientific year in review

Chair(s): M. Spiteri (Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom), E. Bel (Leiden, The Netherlands)

Hot topics

Premature infants, bronchopulmonary dysplasia, prediction, aetiology and treatment

Chair(s): B. Yuksel (London, United Kingdom), A. Greenough (London, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Smoking and young people

Chair(s): Y. Martinet (Vandoeuvre-Les Nancy, France), E. Dagli (Istanbul, Turkey)

Thematic Poster Session

Air pollution and the lung

Chair(s): J. Ayres (Aberdeen, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Burden of COPD

Chair(s): R. Ruffin (Woodville, South Aus., Australia), J. Garcia Aymerich (Barcelona, Spain)

Thematic Poster Session

Occupational risks from artificial flavour to fire eating

Chair(s): P. Henneberger (Morgantown, United States of America), B. Nemery (Leuven, Belgium)

Thematic Poster Session

The different flavours of tobacco control

Chair(s): F. Mihaltan (Bucharest, Romania), P. I. Van Spiegel (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Passive smoking and passive doctors

Chair(s): G. Invernizzi (Prata Camportaccio, Italy), S. Nardini (Vittorio Veneto, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

Ventilatory support in neonatal intensive care unit and paediatric intensive care unit and bronchopulmonary dysplasia management

Chair(s): S. Kotecha (Cardiff, United Kingdom), R. Ross-Russell (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Lung function and physical activity in paediatric asthma

Chair(s): L. Garcia Marcos (El Palmar (Murcia), Spain), E. Horak (Innsbruck, Austria)

Thematic Poster Session

Aspects of childhood asthma

Chair(s): M. Everard (Sheffield, United Kingdom), H. Hendriks (Maastricht, Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Cystic fibrosis lung disease: infection, inflammation or both?

Chair(s): S. Stick (Perth, Australia), C. Benden (Zurich, Switzerland)

Thematic Poster Session

Miscellaneous pulmonary and lower airway disorders in children

Chair(s): R. Iles (Cambridge, United Kingdom), E. Piippo-Savolainen (Lapinlahti, Finland)

Thematic Poster Session

Paediatric epidemiology II: pneumonia and other diseases

Chair(s): M. Simoni (Pisa, Italy), K. C. Carlsen (Oslo, Norway)

Thematic Poster Session

Role of fiberoptic bronchoscopy (FOB) in chronic or recurrent pulmonary disorders in children

Chair(s): F. Midulla (Rome, Italy), E. Eber (Graz, Austria)

Thematic Poster Session

Epidemiological aspects of lung tumors and infections including tuberculosis

Chair(s): E. Omenaas (Bergen, Norway), F. Pistelli (Pisa, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

Recent advances in the basic mechanisms of allergic asthma

Chair(s): M. Matera (Naples, Italy), K. Racke (Bonn, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

COPD world-wide

Chair(s): B. Lundback (Umea, Sweden)

Thematic Poster Session

Pulmonary gas exchange

Chair(s): J. Roca (Barcelona, Spain), J. Neder (Sao Paulo, Brazil)

Thematic Poster Session

Bronchial asthma – issues in inflammation, prevention and management

Chair(s): H. Worth (Cadolzburg, Germany), J. Van Der Zee (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Chronic respiratory failure, airway management and weaning

Chair(s): C. Carvalho (LeçA Palmeira Matosinhos, Portugal), T. Celikel (Istanbul, Turkey)

Thematic Poster Session

Mechanisms of acute lung injury and of fibrosis

Chair(s): A. Prasse (Freiburg, Germany), J. H. J. Vernooy (Maastricht, The Netherlands)

Thematic Poster Session

Pulmonary hypertension: thromo-embolic processes

Chair(s): S. Kostianev (Plovdiv, Bulgaria), L. Puente Maestu (Madrid, Spain)

Thematic Poster Session

Cardiovascular pathophysiology

Chair(s): R. Rabinovich (Barcelona, Spain), M. Humbert (Clamart, France)

Thematic Poster Session

Continuous positive airflow pressure (CPAP) therapy

Chair(s): W. Randerath (Solingen, Germany), M. Hack (Newport Gwent, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Systemic effects of obstructive sleep apnoea

Chair(s): R. Schulz (Giessen, Germany), R. Riha (Edinburgh, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Control of breathing

Chair(s): W. De Backer (Edegem, Belgium), V. Donic (Kosice, Slovakia)

Thematic Poster Session

Assessment of respiratory pathophysiology

Chair(s): A. Aliverti (Milan, Italy), F. Marchal (Vandoeuvre-Les-Nancy, France)

Thematic Poster Session

Pulmonary hypertension: diagnostic tools and therapeutic approaches

Chair(s): R. Naeije (Brussels, Belgium)

Thematic Poster Session

Update on treatment of COPD II

Chair(s): M. Tunon De Lara (Bordeaux, France)

Thematic Poster Session

Evaluation of drugs for the treatment of lung diseases

Chair(s): H. Magnussen (Grosshansdorf, Germany), T. Hansel (London, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Established and experimental therapies for allergic asthma

Chair(s): D. Ukena (Bremen, Germany), L. Bjermer (Lund, Sweden)

Thematic Poster Session

MP12 - Pleural effusion: TB and not TB

Meet the Professor

Imaging modalities in different lung diseases

Chair(s): R. Kubale (Pirmasens, Germany), W. De Wever (Leuven, Belgium)

Electronic Poster Session

Clinical aspects of tuberculosis

Chair(s): A. Sanduzzi Zamparelli (Naples, Italy), I. Husar (Bucharest , Romania)

Electronic Poster Session

Asthma - miscellaneous issues

Chair(s): M. Sofia (Naples, Italy), M. Gaga (Athens, Greece)

Electronic Poster Session

MP10 - Acute and chronic pain management

Meet the Professor

MP11 - An abnormal CT, now what: issues in the diagnosis and management of a patient with a potential lung cancer

Meet the Professor

MP9 - Sleep-disordered breathing in children

Meet the Professor

Clinical pearls in bronchoscopic and thransthoracic procedures

Chair(s): J-M. Vergnon (Saint Etienne, France), S. Gasparini (Ancona, Italy)

Electronic Poster Session

Oxygen therapy

Chair(s): M. Morgan (Leicester, United Kingdom), D. Gorecka (Warsaw, Poland)

Electronic Poster Session

Molecular pathology and genetics in lung disease

Chair(s): A. Gazdhar (Bern, Switzerland), H. Fehrenbach (Marburg, Germany)

Electronic Poster Session

Sleep apnoea in children

Chair(s): S. Verhulst (Wilrijk, Belgium)

Oral Presentation

Infections in immunocompromised patients

Chair(s): G. Hoeffken (Dresden, Germany)

Poster Discussion

Training strategies and education in rehabilitation

Chair(s): A. van't Hul (Breda, Netherlands), C. F. Donner (Borgomanero, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Cellular biology of asthma and COPD

Chair(s): C. Bingle (Sheffield, United Kingdom), G. Rohde (Bochum, Germany)

Poster Discussion

Pulmonary arterial hypertension: from bench back to bedside

Chair(s): M. Humbert (Clamart, France), J. Pepke-Zaba (Cambridge, United Kingdom)

Poster Discussion


Chair(s): A. Azuma (Tokyo, Japan), D. Bouros (Athens, Greece)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Clinical features of sarcoidosis and other granolomatous disorders

Chair(s): R. P. Baughman (Cincinnati, United States of America), B. Balbi (Veruno, Italy)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Epidemiology and control of tuberculosis

Chair(s): L. Casali (Terni, Italy), P. Kelly (Dublin, Ireland)

Oral Presentation

New developments in diagnostic and therapeutic bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy

Chair(s): J. Annema (Leiden, The Netherlands), M. Froudarakis (Alexandroupolis, Greece)

Oral Presentation

Usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) and nonspecific interstitial pneumonia (NSIP), idiopathic or not: new concepts in diagnosis and treatment

Chair(s): J. Muller-Quernheim (Freiburg, Germany), J-F. Cordier (Lyon, France)


COPD comorbidity

Chair(s): E. F. M. Wouters (Maastricht, The Netherlands), J. Zielinski (Warsaw, Poland)

Oral Presentation

Evaluation of risk factors in community-acquired pneumonia

Chair(s): M. Woodhead (Manchester, United Kingdom), S. Ewig (Bochum, Germany)

Oral Presentation

A new look at dendritic cell interactions in the lung

Chair(s): T. Tetley (London, United Kingdom), B. Lambrecht (Laarne, Netherlands)

Hot topics

Highlights of asthma epidemiology

Chair(s): P. Burney (London, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Recent advances in the treatment of COPD

Chair(s): M. Cazzola (Naples, Italy), K. F. Rabe (Leiden, The Netherlands)

Oral Presentation

Resolution of airway and tissue inflammation “ emerging concepts

Chair(s): M. Spiteri (Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom), G. Schultz (Gainesville, United States of America)


Connecting with the community: collaborations that work

Chair(s): M. Partridge (London, United Kingdom), S. Bosnic-Anticevich (Sydney, Australia)


Environmental impacts on the respiratory health in children

Chair(s): P. Sly (West Perth, Australia), R. Pistelli (Rome, Italy)


Oncology Grand Round: an interactive session

Chair(s): J. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium)

Major Symposium

The TORCH survival study. Affecting mortality in COPD: Is the dream becoming a reality?

Chair(s): C. Jenkins (Sydney, Australia)

Evening Symposium

Quality of life in various respiratory diseases

Chair(s): J. Behr (Munich, Germany)

Oral Presentation

Interventional pulmonology in daily practice

Chair(s): G. Stratakos (Athens, Greece), A. Diacon (Tygerberg, South Africa)

Poster Discussion

Novel mechanisms in asthmatic inflammation

Chair(s): G. Joos (Ghent, Belgium), M. Cazzola (Naples, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Epidemiology, diagnosis and treatment of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB)

Chair(s): I. Solovic (Vysne Hagy, Slovakia), P. Magyar (Budapest, Hungary)

Poster Discussion

COPD – molecular pathology and genetics

Chair(s): W. MacNee (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), L. Nicod (Bern, Switzerland)

Poster Discussion

Pleural effusions

Chair(s): R. Loddenkemper (Berlin, Germany)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Pathophysiology and treatment of infections in COPD

Chair(s): G. Donaldson (London, United Kingdom), M. Tercelj-Zorman (Ljubljana, Slovenia)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Metabolic control in obstructive sleep apnoea

Chair(s): W. McNicholas (Dublin, Ireland), M. Bonsignore (Palermo, Italy)

Oral Presentation

The challenges of managing asthma in primary care

Chair(s): M. Fletcher (Warwick, United Kingdom), N. Chavannes (Rotterdam, Netherlands)

Oral Presentation

Pro/Con: asthma is (not) an inflammatory disease

Chair(s): R. Djukanovic (Southampton, United Kingdom), P. J. Sterk (Leiden, The Netherlands)


Novel pathogenic aspects of acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)

Chair(s): M. Takata (London, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Bronchiolo-alveolar carcinoma

Chair(s): E. Quoix (Strasbourg, France), P. Van Schil (Edegem, Belgium)


Farming – a worldwide problem

Chair(s): K. Radon (Muenchen, Germany), O. Omland (Aalborg, Denmark)

Oral Presentation

Clinical Grand Round: an interactive session

Chair(s): C. Bolliger (Basel, Switzerland), V. Cottin (Lyon, France)

Major Symposium

Improving end-of-life care

Chair(s): M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom), G. Baum (Tel Aviv, Israel)


Genes, environment and the lung

Chair(s): I. Hall (Nottingham, United Kingdom), D. S. Postma (Groningen, The Netherlands)


Influenza: from avian flu to pandemia?

Chair(s): F. Blasi (Milan, Italy), S. L. Johnston (London, United Kingdom)

Hot topics

Airway epithelial cells in inflammation

Chair(s): R. Bals (Marburg, Germany), C. Greene (Dublin, Ireland)

Oral Presentation

Usefulness of broncoalveolar lavage (BAL) in interstitial lung diseases

Chair(s): V. Poletti (Forli, Italy), C. Cordeiro (Coimbra, Portugal)

Oral Presentation

Matrix remodelling at the interface of lung fibrosis and emphysema

Chair(s): R. Chambers (London, United Kingdom), P. Bonniaud (Dijon, France)

Oral Presentation

Pulmonary rehabilitation and skeletal muscles, COPD and non-COPD

Chair(s): R. Garrod (London, United Kingdom), M. Emtner (Uppsala, Sweden)

Poster Discussion

Implications of progressive airway obstruction

Chair(s): A. Chuchalin (Moscow, Russian Federation), M. Maniscalco (Napoli, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Pathophysiology of respiratory muscles

Chair(s): E. F. M. Wouters (Maastricht, The Netherlands), N. Hopkinson (London, United Kingdom)

Poster Discussion

Inflammatory markers and experimental studies in occupational and environmental diseases

Chair(s): A. Blomberg (Umea, Sweden), H. Hoffmann (Aarhus, Denmark)

Poster Discussion

Respiratory diseases in primary care

Chair(s): M. Levy (Middlesex, United Kingdom), S. Walker (Warwick, United Kingdom)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Applied bronchoscopy and thoracoscopy

Chair(s): P. Chhajed (Basel, Switzerland), F. Rodriguez Panadero (Tomares (Sevilla), Spain)

Electronic Poster Discussion

New modalities and application in imaging of the chest

Chair(s): F. Herth (Heidelberg, Germany), W. De Wever (Leuven, Belgium)

Oral Presentation

Physiological responses to rehabilitation

Chair(s): N. Ambrosino (Pisa, Italy), C. Prefaut (Montpellier, France)

Oral Presentation

Clinical epidemiology of tuberculosis

Chair(s): G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy), M. Danilovits (Tartu, Estonia)

Oral Presentation

Towards understanding the pathogenesis of asthma

Chair(s): N. Barnes (London, United Kingdom), G. D'Amato (Naples, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Surgery for chronic benign disease and management of complications

Chair(s): D. Subotic (Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro)

Oral Presentation

Epigenetics and respiratory disease

Chair(s): I. M. Adcock (London, United Kingdom), K. Ito (London, United Kingdom)

Hot topics

Infections and chronic obstructive lung diseases

Chair(s): S. L. Johnston (London, United Kingdom), A. Papi (Ferrara, Italy)


Drug-induced lung injury – new aspects

Chair(s): M. Drent (Maastricht, The Netherlands), P. Camus (Dijon, France)


Paediatric Grand Round: an interactive session

Chair(s): M. Zach (Graz, Austria), A. Barbato (Padova, Italy)

Major Symposium

Lung cancer staging and miscellaneous

Chair(s): J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium), P. E. Postmus (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Oral Presentation

Therapy in childhood asthma II

Chair(s): J. Wildhaber (Zurich, Switzerland), I. Amirav (Kibutz Kfar Hanasi, Israel)

Thematic Poster Session

Inorganic dusts

Chair(s): A. Cimrin (Alsancak-Izmir, Turkey), P. De Vuyst (Brussels, Belgium)

Thematic Poster Session

Indoor air

Chair(s): J. Cox-Ganser (Morgantown West Virginia, United States of America), D. Norback (Uppsala, Sweden)

Thematic Poster Session

Epidemiology of tobacco smoking and tobacco related dieases

Chair(s): B. Dautzenberg (Paris, France), P. Bartsch (Liege, Belgium)

Thematic Poster Session

Diagnostic paediatric lung function: technical and clinical aspects

Chair(s): G. Schmalisch (Berlin, Germany), P. Aurora (London, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Therapy in childhood asthma I

Chair(s): P. Mondejar (El Palmar Murcia, Spain)

Thematic Poster Session

Lung transplantation: clinical issues

Chair(s): J. Lordan (Northumberland, United Kingdom), J. Behr (Munich, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Asthma management, severity and quality of life

Chair(s): J. Crane (Wellington, New Zealand), J. Soriano (Bunyola, Mallorca Illes Balear, Spain)

Thematic Poster Session

From genes to outcome: a long distance

Chair(s): C. De Boeck (Boortmeerbeek, Belgium), L. Dracea (Brasov, Romania)

Thematic Poster Session

Lung cancer and other malignancies

Chair(s): D. Lardinois (Zurich, Switzerland), A. Akopov (Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation)

Thematic Poster Session

Miscellaneous situations with benign disease

Chair(s): D. Waller (Leicester, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Assessing the lungs in obstruction: technological advances in lung function testing

Chair(s): I. Steenbruggen (Zwolle, Netherlands), M. Flezar (Golnik, Slovenia)

Thematic Poster Session

Assessments of impairment in adults and children, and airway clearance techniques

Chair(s): L. Lannefors (Lund, Sweden), R. Britto (Belo Horizonte, Brazil)

Thematic Poster Session

Occupational respiratory disease

Chair(s): X. Baur (Hamburg, Germany), P. S. Burge (Birmingham, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Clinical physiology

Chair(s): R. Pellegrino (Cuneo, Italy), F. Petak (Szeged, Hungary)

Thematic Poster Session

Methods in epidemiology and miscellaneous

Chair(s): C. Janson (Uppsala, Sweden), L. Carrozzi (Pisa, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

Mechanisms of respiratory diseases

Chair(s): W. Zin (Rio De Janeiro, Brazil), O. Pedersen (Aarhus, Denmark)

Thematic Poster Session

Diagnosis of allergy, asthma and allergic rhinitis

Chair(s): L. Bjermer (Lund, Sweden), G. Schultze-Werninghaus (Bochum, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Respiratory failure, pulmonary embolism and case reports

Chair(s): M. Pfeifer (Donaustauf, Germany), P. Yang (Taipei, Taiwan, Province of China)

Thematic Poster Session

Common and differing aspects of acute and chronic lung injury

Chair(s): S. Said (Stony Brook, United States of America), O. Eickelberg (Giessen, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session


Chair(s): S. Ward (Leeds, United Kingdom), R. Casaburi (Rancho Palos Verdes, United States of America)

Thematic Poster Session

Pathogenesis of obstructive sleep apnoea

Chair(s): M. Morrell (London, United Kingdom), H. Becker (Marburg, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Clinical aspects of obstructive sleep apnoea II

Chair(s): R. Van Steenwijk (Almere, Netherlands), T. Penzel (Marburg, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Hypoxic and inflammatory insults to the pulmonary circulation.

Chair(s): J. Barbera (Barcelona, Spain), R. Schermuly (Giessen, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Recent advances in the treatment of COPD and acute lung injury

Thematic Poster Session

Recent advances in the treatment of asthma and allergic rhinitis

Chair(s): M. Walker (Vancouver, Canada)

Thematic Poster Session

Pathophysiology of lung disease

Chair(s): E. Nizankowska (Krakow, Poland), D. Spina (London, United Kingdom)

Thematic Poster Session

Airway regulation, provocation and monitoring - III

Chair(s): P. Chanez (Montpellier, France), P. Carratu (Bari, Italy)

Thematic Poster Session

New findings in the immunology of COPD and interstitial lung diseases

Chair(s): J. Ficker (Nuremberg, Germany), J. Muller-Quernheim (Freiburg, Germany)

Thematic Poster Session

Pathophysiology and other related issues of interstitial lung disease

Chair(s): S. Harari (Milan, Italy), S. Constantopoulos (Ioannina, Greece)

Electronic Poster Session

Primary care management of respiratory disease

Chair(s): C. Griffiths (London, United Kingdom), A. Ostrem (Oslo, Norway)

Electronic Poster Session

Miscellaneous respiratory infections I

Chair(s): A. Hill (Edinburgh, United Kingdom), A. Bossink (Utrecht, Netherlands)

Electronic Poster Session

Airway cell biology I

Chair(s): R. Wiewrodt (Mainz, Germany), P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands)

Electronic Poster Session

Treatment and complications of treatment of lung cancer and malignant pleural effusions

Chair(s): J. Sculier (Brussels, Belgium), P. E. Postmus (Amsterdam, The Netherlands)

Electronic Poster Session

COPD therapy

Chair(s): M. Levy (Middlesex, United Kingdom), J. Wedzicha (London, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Methodological issues in airway monitoring

Chair(s): L. Spicuzza (Catania, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Hospital-acquired pneumonia: from inflammation to treatment

Chair(s): T. Bauer (Berlin, Germany), P. Sliwinski (Warsaw, Poland)

Poster Discussion

Lung transplantation: infection, rejection, animal models and more

Chair(s): D. Van Raemdonck (Leuven, Belgium), S. Harari (Milan, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Lung perfusion and lung cancer: imaging, diagnosis and treatment

Electronic Poster Discussion

Biological features, lung function and treatment of lung cancer

Chair(s): J. Domagala-Kulawik (Warsaw, Poland), H. Popper (Graz, Austria)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Outcomes in pulmonary rehabilitation

Chair(s): H. Worth (Cadolzburg, Germany), F. De Blasio (Arco Felice, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Pulmonary fibrosis: pathophysiology and therapeutic approaches

Chair(s): G. Raghu (Seattle, United States of America), M. Ebina (Sendai, Japan)

Oral Presentation

Epidemiology, clinical features, malignant pleural diseases, treatment

Chair(s): B. Mennecier (Strasbourg, France), R. Rami Porta (Barcelona, Spain)

Poster Discussion

Contemporary issues in thoracic surgical oncology

Chair(s): E. Canalis (Barcelona, Spain)

Oral Presentation

Upper airway imaging

Chair(s): P. Levy (Grenoble, France), P. M. A. Calverley (Liverpool, United Kingdom)


Interventions and outcome in chronic respiratory failure - new aspects and deeper insights

Chair(s): B. Schonhofer (Hannover, Germany), J. Janssens (Geneva, Switzerland)

Oral Presentation

Paediatric year in review

Chair(s): F. De Benedictis (Ancona, Italy), P. Helms (Aberdeen, United Kingdom)

Hot topics

Can environmental exposures prevent allergic disease, what are the mechanisms and how important is timing of exposure?

Chair(s): H. M. Boezen (Groningen, The Netherlands), J. Douwes (Wellington, New Zealand)


The management of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDRTB) on an individual and national level

Chair(s): R. Loddenkemper (Berlin, Germany), G. B. Migliori (Tradate, Italy)


Taormina 4th ERS Lung Science Conference "hypoxia in lung biology and disease"

Chair(s): M. Spiteri (Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom), A. Dinh-Xuan (Paris, France)

Hot topics

Cellular mechanisms of airway disease

Chair(s): R. Lucas (Krems, Austria), M. Tamm (Basel, Switzerland)

Oral Presentation

Bronchiolitis in infancy, treatment and outcome

Chair(s): M. Korppi (Kuopio, Finland), M. Canciani (Udine, Italy)

Oral Presentation

Basic mechanisms of allergic airways inflammation

Chair(s): L. Nielsen (Aarhus, Denmark), I. M. Adcock (London, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Immunology of tuberculosis and diagnosis of tuberculosis infection

Chair(s): C. Saltini (Rome, Italy), P. D. O. Davies (Liverpool, United Kingdom)

Oral Presentation

Interstial lung diseases

Chair(s): A. Wells (London, United Kingdom), J. Grutters (Nieuwegein, The Netherlands)

Poster Discussion

In vivo and in vitro aspects of lung injury

Chair(s): H. Wirtz (Leipzig, Germany), A. Ishizaka (Tokyo, Japan)

Poster Discussion

Noninvasive mechanical ventilation in acute respiratory failure - impact of technical developments, location and indication

Chair(s): M. W. Elliott (Leeds, United Kingdom), J. Winck (Vila Nova De Gaia, Portugal)

Poster Discussion

Cardiovascular consequences of obstructive sleep apnoea

Chair(s): J. A. Hedner (Gothenburg, Sweden)

Poster Discussion

COPD - assessment and prognosis

Chair(s): P. Jones (London, United Kingdom), G. Sybrecht (Homburg/Saar, Germany)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Inflammation markers in community-acquired pneumonia

Chair(s): W. Boersma (Alkmaar, The Netherlands), G. Dimopoulos (Athens, Greece)

Oral Presentation

Pulmonary circulation: inflammation and remodelling

Chair(s): R. Rodriguez-Roisin (Barcelona, Spain)

Oral Presentation

Genetics in lung cancer

Chair(s): G. Zissel (Freiburg, Germany)

Electronic Poster Discussion

Tobacco smoking risks which are poorly known

Chair(s): C. Jimenez Ruiz (Madrid, Spain), P. Tonnesen (Gentofte, Denmark)

Oral Presentation

Physiological year in review

Chair(s): P. Levy (Grenoble, France), P. Palange (Rome, Italy)

Hot topics

New investigational approaches to smoking and smoking cessation

Chair(s): D. S. Postma (Groningen, The Netherlands), R. Polosa (S. Gregorio (Ct), Italy)

Oral Presentation

Childhood asthma therapy: where we are now and where we need to go

Chair(s): W. Van Aalderen (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), B. Noyes (Missouri, United States of America)


Exacerbation of COPD

Chair(s): M. Levy (Middlesex, United Kingdom), C. Hernandez (Barcelona, Spain)


Occupational Grand Round: an interactive session

Chair(s): T. Sigsgaard (Aarhus, Denmark), P. De Vuyst (Brussels, Belgium)

Major Symposium

Integrative approaches for stage III non-small cell lung cancer

Chair(s): J. Vansteenkiste (Leuven, Belgium), L. Petruzelka (Prague, Czech Republic)

Hot topics

How to assess upper and lower airway problems

Chair(s): L. Freitag (Hemer, Germany), C. Bolliger (Basel, Switzerland)

Oral Presentation

Stents and stunts : what's new in airway desobstruction?

Chair(s): H. Dutau (Marseille, France), F. Herth (Heidelberg, Germany)

Oral Presentation

Cell biology of asthma and COPD

Chair(s): P. Hiemstra (Leiden, The Netherlands)

Oral Presentation

Effective strategies for chronic respiratory patient management

Chair(s): E. Austegard (Oslo, Norway), J. Hiser (Northeast, United States of America)

Oral Presentation

Epidemiology and clinical aspects of tuberculosis

Chair(s): F. Fiorentini (Castrocaro Terme, Italy)

Poster Discussion

Airway cell biology

Chair(s): R. Lutter (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), F. Pavicic (Zagreb, Croatia)

Poster Discussion